The purpose of this lab is to leverage F5 Distributed Cloud WAF & BotDefense to further secure an AWS hosted Web application within EC2 and EKS from web-based threats and advanced AI-driven Bot attacks. Lab attendees lab will utilize the F5 Distribted Cloud Platform and Global Network to engage WAF and then extend those protections with AI-enhanced Bot migitation strategies using BotDefense. Attendees will configure BotDefense along with exploring the F5 Distributed Cloud Console and its features.
- Gain a deeper understanding of key F5 Distributed Cloud security functions and controls
- Gain an understanding WAAP Policies, Service Policies and BotDefense configuration.
- All Lab requirements will be noted in the tasks that follow
- Estimated completion time: 2 Labs approximately 15-20 minutes each
.. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :numbered: :caption: Labs: :glob: intro* lab* close*