Releases: liftoff-app/liftoff
Releases Β· liftoff-app/liftoff
- Improvements to swipe actions (shocklateboy92)
- Improvements to media support (hal9001)
- Added MP4 and some redgif support (jjcomer)
- Added swipe gesture actions! (shocklateboy92)
- Added code of conduct and tweaks for iOS release (mykdavies)
- Redesign of home tab and themes colors (swmarks & a_minh)
- Fixed alignment of post pills/chips (mykdavies)
- Redseign of compact view to be more compact (zachatrocity)
- Added help text on account page to help guide the user (mykdavies)
- Added RU and EO languages
- Tons of bug fixes!
- Ability to adjust comment font size and post body font size
- Implemented user deeplinking
- Added separate notification counts on the inbox tabs
- Fixes for copy/paste buttons and loading indicators (swmarks)
- Added Android 13 Themed Icons (aquierick)
- Adjust share links to use for community and user
- Bring back full height preview in card view
- Fixed iOS photo orientation for uploads
- Added horizontal scroll to post title in navbar like RIF had
- Accessibility enhancement for upvote/downvote
- Small bug fixes
- Added error messages and retry buttons for instance loading errors (zachatrocity)
- Implemented comment contexts and added "Show context" and "View all comments" buttons (jcgurango, zachatrocity)
- Fixed several issues with comments not loading correctly after posting a new comment (jcgurango, zachatrocity)
- Fixed and updated ModLog Pages & API (zachatrocity)
- Added menu item to view a community in a specific instance other than the originating instance (jcgurango)
- Added shadow to bottom tab bar to visually offset it from cards underneath (swmarks)
- Added Chrome Custom Tabs / Safari View Controller to replace in app browser on Android & iOS (swmarks)
- Added deep link support for links like liftoff:// (shocklateboy92)
- Updated l10n translation hooks, and added strings (mykdavies, zachatrocity)
- Changed "You're not logged in, log in" message to dismiss after 7 seconds (christopher-conley)
- Fixed an issue causing login to fail if there is a space after the username (christopher-conley)
- Changed photo previews in post feed to have a consistent maximum height and updated opening animation (prefanatic)
- Fixed an issue preventing adding certain instances (swmarks)
- Added translate option to menu on posts and comments (mykdavies)
- Fixed locale not updating (zachatrocity)
- Fixed comment sorting and added Top 1, 6, & 12 Hr. post sort order options (zachatrocity)
- Fixed markdown parsing of lemmy links (zachatrocity)
- Fixed an issue where on-screen keyboard could cover up the comment text input field (zachatrocity)
- Fixed an issue that caused the keyboard to open when exiting a post (zachatrocity)
- Fixed an issue where selecting chat for comment sort would crash (zachatrocity)
- Changed theme for buttons throughout app to follow Primary Color (swmarks)
- Added ability to close fullscreen images with singe tap (jjcomer)
- Fixed markdown parsing of lemmy links (zachatrocity)
- Internal project & build updates (shocklateboy92 / jjcomer)
- Fixed issue with post style settings not updating (swmarks)
- Support back to iOS 12
- Custom Theming
- Implemented share and download media
- Set default comment sorting
- Added support for logging in to 0.18.1 instances
- Added 3-dot menu on home tab
- Added refresh post button on home tab 3-dot menu
- Added Back to top button on home tab
- Added open in external browser functionality (FriederHannenheim)
- Fixed comment performance in long threads leading to app crash (schocklateboy92)
- Fixed subscribe button not showing pending state
- Fixed double tap to exit to first navigate to home tab
- Fixed post avatar alignment when community is missing avatar
- Added max length on password input to match lemmy-ui
- Remove 2 of 3 default instances, default is now
- Fix issue where wrong community was reported for account posts (jcgurango)
- Increased comment indent
- Fixed issue where your comments would show twice after posting (jcgurango)
- Fixed colors on buttons and links to match theme (jcgurango)
- Fixed issue where communities would show under the wrong instances (jcgurango)
- Added clear search button on search box (iliasChymas)