diff --git a/changelog.txt b/changelog.txt index d25efb46..047b3e75 100644 --- a/changelog.txt +++ b/changelog.txt @@ -1,244 +1,351 @@ -## Change log - -### 1.4.1 - (in dev) -* Fix - Adding in the 'lsx_to_get_tour_itinerary_ids' to fix the order of the map IDS -* Fix - Fixing the departure day not using the tours featured image. -* Dev - Added in a filter 'lsx_to_maps_tour_connections' to allow 3rd party filters of the tour itinerary map connections. -* Dev - Sanitizing widget fields. -* Fix - Fix output escaping issues. -* Fix - Fixed issue `PHP Deprecated: dbx_post_advanced is deprecated since version 3.7.0! Use add_meta_boxes instead`. - -### 1.4.0 - 19 December 2019 -* Dev - Added in a parameter to lsx_to_enquire_modal() to allow a form_id to be specified -* Dev - Allowing the modal to be disabled in lsx_to_enquire_modal via a parameter -* Dev - Adding in an $args parameter to lsx_to_gallery(), allowing you to specify what 'gallery_ids' to use to build the gallery. -* Dev - Styles for single team page if banner is disabled. -* Dev - Set the region archive map to a zoom level of 10 -* Dev - Enabled the sorting of Gallery images -* Dev - Added in a sticky order field to destinations to allow sticky posts functionality -* Dev - Added in a "lsx_to_post_type_widget_query_args" to allow 3rd Party plugins to alter the queries. -* Dev - Added in an "orderby" parameter to the "lsx_to_connected_panel_query" helper function. -* Dev - Added in a 'lsx_to_js_params' filters which allows you to alter the JS params of the slick slider JS. -* Add - Added a filter `lsx_to_map_placeholder_enabled` for the maps placeholder to enable 3rd parties to change the toggle. -* Add - Added in a filter to `lsx_to_has_map()` to allow 3rd party functions to disable the map `lsx_to_disable_map` -* Add - Added in a filter to allow the disabling of the map JS `lsx_to_disable_map_js` -* Fix - Added in a function to clear the term cache when ordering, so the order reflects immediately. -* Fix - Fixing the returning variables of the destinations template tags. -* Fix - Fixed the Tour Itinerary not using the featured image for the departure day. -* Fix - Fixed the map JS file url. -* Fix - Restricted the map JS enqueue to only TO allowed pages. -* Fix - Removing the "wp-editor" dependency from the TO Block register function. -* Fix - Removing the flag-icons vendor CSS and Images. -* Fix - Fix for 'Content wider than screen' Google Console issue. -* Fix - Fixed the undefined notice when using and array of post types with WP_Query -* Fix - Moving the description text on main Archive pages above the filters. -* Dev - Adding hierarchy for the Destination sitemap section. -* Dev - Changing the Destination Region to show the connected accommodation in the map instead of just a pin. - -### 1.3.0 - 2 October 2019 -* Fix - Fixed the Post Type enquiry dropdown. -* Dev - Added in a view more disable for the post type widget -* Dev - Adding the .gitattributes file to remove unnecessary files from the WordPress version. -* Dev - Added in a 'lsx_to_maps_args' to allow plugins to alter the map arguments before output. -* Dev - Added in a 'lsx_to_has_maps_location' to allow plugins to alter the map arguments before output. -* Dev - Added lazyloading for the TO Slick sliders. -* Dev - Added in a 'lsx_to_map_override' to allow 3rd party plugins to overrider the map before it generates. -* Dev - Changing the single template width. -* Dev - Added the possibility to call the form set on the options of each post type if the archive page requires it. -* Dev - Updated the compatible version notice -* Dev - Added in the Schema for accommodation / destinations / tours, using the Yoast API. -* Fix - Fix for the reviews thumbnails. -* Fix - Making 'Best Time' show only if it has content. -* Fix - Updating the gallery thumbnail image size. -* Fix - Fixing PHP issue 'Invalid argument supplied for foreach()'. -* Fix - Changing the priority of the enqueued assets. - -### 1.2.0 - 6 August 2019 -* Fix - Hiding the banner title on regions when the map is set to output there. -* Dev - Made sure the regions also move the map to the banner when the setting is activated. -* Dev - PHP Class updates. -* Dev - Removing old templates. -* Dev - Integrated the TO Maps plugin into TO Core. -* Dev - Added in an option to disable the maps. -* Dev - Added in a desktop and mobile map placeholder setting. -* Dev - Added in the bot blocker function for google maps requests. -* Dev - Integrated the TO Videos plugin into TO Core. -* Fix - Fixed the Room Section not collapsing on mobile. -* Fix - Fixed the collapse section title colour on mobile. -* Dev - Added in the region taxonomy for housing the Continent Sub Regions. - -### 1.1.5 - 3th July 2019 -* Dev - Updated the help page. -* Dev - Updated the Add-Ons page. - -### 1.1.4 - 14th June 2019 -* Fix - Adding the list of Envira Gallery tags to the wp_kses_post allowed filter method. -* Dev - Added in WPForms Lite as a list of forms to choose for your enquiry. -* Fix - Fixed tours and destinations collapsible tabs on mobile issue. -* Dev - Added in the destinations to the Accommodation and Tour breadcrumbs -* Dev - Changed the widgets and shortcodes images sizes from 'lsx-thumbnail-single' to 'lsx-thumbnail-wide' -* Dev - Added in a filter to allow the extending of fields via 3rd party plugins and themes - 'lsx_to_tours_itinerary_fields' -* Dev - Converted the Shortcode in to a block -* Dev - Updated default text for block and fixing travis issues -* Dev - Changed the attributes from Numbers to strings. -* Dev - Added the taxonomy block and updates - -### 1.1.3 -* Fix - Cleaning code to meet more Wordpress Standards - -### 1.1.2 -* Fix - Changing the "id" to avoid cached sites pulling through the same gallery for each destination -* Dev - Added in an option to disable the collapse function on single posts -* Dev - Updated "Tested up to" WordPress version -* Dev - Fixed archive excerpt display when there is not post content -* Dev - Renamed the Object abstract class to Frame -* Fix - Upgraded the mb_strtolower to strtolower for newer PHP versions. - -### 1.1.1 -* Fix - Removed the "prepare" statement from the destinations "filter_countries" function. -* Fix - Fixed extra spacing on Included and Not-Included items list -* Fix - Crop huge excerpts o archive and widget items. -* Fix - Fixed Post Type Widget specific IDs front-end -* Fix - TO Maps undefined function removed -* Dev - Added compatibility with LSX Videos -* Fix - Fixed PHP notice related to call is_singular() function - - -### 1.1.0 -* New totally awesome version! The visual was fully redesigned -* Added compatibility with LSX 2.0 -* Dev - New project structure -* Dev - UIX updated + Fixed issue with sub tabs click (settings) -* Dev - Added in a filter to call the Tours Featured image for the Departure Day. -* Dev - Added the accommodations room images to the pool of possible itinerary day images. -* Dev - Allowing the to_country_regions() to be ordered by the menu order or any other valid WP_Query order -* Fix - Fixed scripts/styles loading order -* Fix - Fixed many small issues - -### 1.0.8 -* Fix - LSX tabs working integrated with TO tabs (dashboard settings) -* Fix - Fixed admin styles (help and add-on pages) -* Fix - UIX framework saving all tabs - -### 1.0.7 -* Dev - Added .editorconfig file to help developers to maintain consistent coding styles between different editors and IDEs -* Fix - Removed "read more" from regions excerpt widgets on destination archive page -* Fix - Small fix on TO custom post type (single template - CSS) for small breakpoints -* Dev - LSX Customizer SASS selector extented to new FacetWP selectors -* Dev - Make the team image displays square -* Dev - Enable BS sliders on all small breakpoints -* Dev - New slider code for: Widgets, Regions (destination archive), and Related items section -* Dev - CMB updated (copied from LSX Banners) -* Dev - Changing the archives and widgets to show only the countries -* Dev - Added in a filters for the itinerary image so 3rd party plugins and themes can overwrite it if they want to -* Dev - Added in a filter for the destinations facets, so they only display the countries -* Dev - Add .editorconfig file to help developers to maintain consistent coding styles between different editors and IDEs -* Dev - Add RTL styles option -* Dev - New folder structure for CSS files -* Dev - New folder structure for JS files -* Dev - Update all NPM packages and re-structure Gulp’s tasks -* Dev - Adds the FontAwesome fonts if the theme is not LSX Theme or if it isn’t loaded by another plugin/theme -* Dev - Adding in the LSX sharing support -* Dev - Added in the ability to queue your imports -* Dev - Restructure metabox -* Dev - Adding in support for the TO reviews section -* Dev - Added compatibility (styles) with different column order on single team extension -* Dev - Removed from accommodation archive the brands slider -* Fix - Added in a filter to fix the API tab not showing when certain LSX Extensions are enabled -* Fix - Removed "read more" from regions excerpt widgets on destination archive page -* Fix - Small fix on TO custom post type (single template - CSS) for small breakpoints -* Fix - Removed the locations taxonomy -* Fix - Restricting the amount of accommodation allowed to be attached to an itinerary to 1 -* Fix - Allowing the itineraries to display other images from and accommodations gallery -* Fix - Fixed the selecting of the general enquiry form -* Fix - Ordering the destinations by the title, allowing all of the destinations to be pulled through to the destination archive -* Fix - Fixed settings page header -* Fix - Fixed settings page tabs -* Fix - Trigger was triggered before defining the hook -* Fix - Make save a real button and add saved indicator -* Fix - Refactor loading -* Fix - Globalize initilizer for backwards compatilility -* Fix - Wrapper reference for tour_operator() -* Fix - Tidy inline docs and add missing property declarations -* Fix - Inline docs cleanup WIP -* Fix - Architecture: Overhaul organization of plugin -* Fix - Architecture: Class files should not have functions -* Fix - Fixed up the style for the save changes button -* Fix - Fixed the display of the metaboxes with other plugins active -* Fix - Correct cols count for price to fix tabs -* Fix - Fixed the selecting of the enquiry forms -* Fix - Adding in a test to the settings page -* Fix - Getting the API key inline with the rest of the extensions -* Fix - Fixed the General Tab display -* Fix - Fixed the API key settings tab -* Fix - Removing the enqueue for the metabox js and css -* Fix - Fixed the cropping options -* Fix - Declaring the $tour_operator variable for the archive destinations work properly -* Fix - Fixed lsx thumbnails parameter for single image size -* Fix - Help page updated with the current plugin version and WordPress requirement -* Fix - Travis CI file - -### 1.0.6 -* Fix - Load correctly the translations/language files -* Fix - Fixed the read more when you click it removes the formatting -* Fix - Fixed the display of the destination galleries -* Dev - Added en_US language file -* Dev - Changed the "Insert into Post" button text from media modal to "Select featured image" -* Dev - Added in the Day inclusions fields along with the styling -* Dev - Added in "full" as an option to be replaced -* Dev - Removing the destinations, accommodation and the tour dependancies on the TO Galleries -* Dev - Standardized the Gallery fields across the post types. Allowing the TO Videos to always inject after. - -### 1.0.5 -* Added TO Search as subtab on LSX TO settings page -* Styles from TO Search addon moved to it -* Fixed menu navigation improved -* Made the function lsx_to_archive_entry_top function test all active post types, not only the three core post types -* Fixed (back-end) checkbox to display map on destination archive -* Replaced body and post (TO post type) classes by same classes using prefix "lsx-to-POST_TYPE" -* Fixed global variable (LSX TO) to enable/disable slider on mobile -* Added swiper JS library for sliders -* Added extra class to all sliders (lsx-to-slider) -* Dev - Metadata: calendar info moved to the next line -* Dev - Metadata: term "price" change to "price from" -* Dev - Metadata: term “duration” added to duration meta -* Fix - Fixed the default pagination from LSX -* Fix - Facilities without child items can't display -* Fix - Fixed styles from post meta details on banner -* Fix - Fixed fideos 16x9 -* Fix - Mysterious Man PNG image -* Fix - Internal banner on small devices -* Fix - Small fixes on front-end fields -* Fix - Made Google Maps works on back-end -* Fix - Fixed content_part filter for plugin and add-ons -* Fix - Removed general contact fields from post types -* Dev - New fields from Wetu Importer - -### 1.0.4 -* Removed the last of the LSX_TO_POSTEXPIRATOR_TYPES constants -* Fixed an issue with empty post meta (depart from, end point) -* Removed Certain Travis CI code sniffers -* Added generic business contact details for enquire call to action -* Best time to visit added to destination (copied from tour) -* Enabled compatibility with LSX Blog Customiser (categories carousel) - -### 1.0.3 -* Added in a compatability check for all versions below PHP 7 -* Fixed PHP errors when activating the plugin with a non LSX theme -* Hid the "Contact Details" custom field panel from Accommodation, these fields don't output to the frontend yet -* Updated the readme.txt content - -### 1.0.2 -* Fixed a conflict with some plugins using https://github.com/humanmade/Custom-Meta-Boxes -* Added a test to avoid the plugin activate with older versions from PHP than 5.6 -* Added a warning for users that have the plugin activated in older versions from PHP than 5.6 - -### 1.0.1 -* Allowing the placeholder to overwrite any empty image on all post types -* Fixed PHP warning notice, removed the constant LSX_TO_POSTEXPIRATOR_TYPES -* Fixed the PHP warning with the post order class -* Fixed the selecting of the global default placeholders -* Fixed PHP compatibility errors - -### 1.0.0 -* First Version +# Change log + + +## [Unreleased] - Minor version 1.4.1 + +### Added +- Added in a filter `lsx_to_maps_tour_connections` to allow 3rd party filters of the tour itinerary map connections. +- Adding in the `lsx_to_get_tour_itinerary_ids` to fix the order of the map IDS. +- Updating the `lsx_to_to_widget_item_size()` function to be more specific. + +### Fixed +- Fixed a few typos. +- Making sure the if conditions for the maps are strict. +- Fixing the departure day not using the tours featured image. +- Fix output escaping issues. +- Fixed issue `PHP Deprecated: dbx_post_advanced is deprecated since version 3.7.0! Use add_meta_boxes instead`. +- Fixed Slick slider bug. + +### Security +- Sanitizing widget fields. +- Updating dependencies to prevent vulnerabilities. +- General testing to ensure compatibility with latest WordPress version (5.4). +- General testing to ensure compatibility with latest LSX Theme version (2.7). + + +## [[1.4.0]](https://github.com/lightspeeddevelopment/tour-operator/releases/tag/1.4) - 2019-12-19 + +### Added +- Added in a parameter to lsx_to_enquire_modal() to allow a form_id to be specified. +- Allowing the modal to be disabled in lsx_to_enquire_modal via a parameter. +- Adding in an $args parameter to lsx_to_gallery(), allowing you to specify what 'gallery_ids' to use to build the gallery. +- Styles for single team page if banner is disabled. +- Set the region archive map to a zoom level of 10. +- Enabled the sorting of Gallery images. +- Added in a sticky order field to destinations to allow sticky posts functionality. +- Added in a "lsx_to_post_type_widget_query_args" to allow 3rd Party plugins to alter the queries. +- Added in an "orderby" parameter to the "lsx_to_connected_panel_query" helper function. +- Added in a 'lsx_to_js_params' filters which allows you to alter the JS params of the slick slider JS. +- Added a filter `lsx_to_map_placeholder_enabled` for the maps placeholder to enable 3rd parties to change the toggle. +- Added in a filter to `lsx_to_has_map()` to allow 3rd party functions to disable the map `lsx_to_disable_map` +- Added in a filter to allow the disabling of the map JS `lsx_to_disable_map_js`. +- Adding hierarchy for the Destination sitemap section. + +### Changed +- Changing the Destination Region to show the connected accommodation in the map instead of just a pin. + +### Fixed +- Added in a function to clear the term cache when ordering, so the order reflects immediately. +- Fixing the returning variables of the destinations template tags. +- Fixed the Tour Itinerary not using the featured image for the departure day. +- Fixed the map JS file url. +- Restricted the map JS enqueue to only TO allowed pages. +- Removing the "wp-editor" dependency from the TO Block register function. +- Removing the flag-icons vendor CSS and Images. +- Fix for 'Content wider than screen' Google Console issue. +- Fixed the undefined notice when using and array of post types with WP_Query +- Moving the description text on main Archive pages above the filters. + + +## [[1.3.0]](https://github.com/lightspeeddevelopment/tour-operator/releases/tag/1.3.0) - 2019-10-02 + +### Added +- Added in a view more disable for the post type widget. +- Adding the .gitattributes file to remove unnecessary files from the WordPress version. +- Added in a 'lsx_to_maps_args' to allow plugins to alter the map arguments before output. +- Added in a 'lsx_to_has_maps_location' to allow plugins to alter the map arguments before output. +- Added lazyloading for the TO Slick sliders. +- Added in a 'lsx_to_map_override' to allow 3rd party plugins to overrider the map before it generates. +- Added the possibility to call the form set on the options of each post type if the archive page requires it. +- Updated the compatible version notice. +- Added in the Schema for accommodation / destinations / tours, using the Yoast API. + +### Changed +- Changing the single template width. + +### Fixed +- Fixed the Post Type enquiry dropdown. +- Fix for the reviews thumbnails. +- Making 'Best Time' show only if it has content. +- Updating the gallery thumbnail image size. +- Fixing PHP issue 'Invalid argument supplied for foreach()'. +- Changing the priority of the enqueued assets. + + +## [[1.2.0]](https://github.com/lightspeeddevelopment/tour-operator/releases/tag/1.2.0) - 2019-08-06 + +### Added +- Made sure the regions also move the map to the banner when the setting is activated. +- PHP Class updates. +- Removing old templates. +- Integrated the TO Maps plugin into TO Core. +- Added in an option to disable the maps. +- Added in a desktop and mobile map placeholder setting. +- Added in the bot blocker function for google maps requests. +- Integrated the TO Videos plugin into TO Core. +- Added in the region taxonomy for housing the Continent Sub Regions. + +### Fixed +- Hiding the banner title on regions when the map is set to output there. +- Fixed the Room Section not collapsing on mobile. +- Fixed the collapse section title colour on mobile. + + +## [[1.1.5]](https://github.com/lightspeeddevelopment/tour-operator/releases/tag/1.1.5) - 2019-07-03 + +### Changed +- Updated the help page. +- Updated the Add-Ons page. + + +## [[1.1.4]](https://github.com/lightspeeddevelopment/tour-operator/releases/tag/1.1.4) - 2019-06-14 + +### Added +- Added in WPForms Lite as a list of forms to choose for your enquiry. +- Added in the destinations to the Accommodation and Tour breadcrumbs. +- Changed the widgets and shortcodes images sizes from 'lsx-thumbnail-single' to 'lsx-thumbnail-wide'. +- Added in a filter to allow the extending of fields via 3rd party plugins and themes - 'lsx_to_tours_itinerary_fields'. +- Converted the Shortcode in to a block. +- Updated default text for block and fixing travis issues. +- Changed the attributes from Numbers to strings. +- Added the taxonomy block and updates. + +### Fixed +- Fixed tours and destinations collapsible tabs on mobile issue. +- Adding the list of Envira Gallery tags to the wp_kses_post allowed filter method. + + +## [[1.1.3]]() + +### Security +- Cleaning code to meet more Wordpress Standards + + +## [[1.1.2]]() + +### Added +- Added in an option to disable the collapse function on single posts. + +### Changed +- Updated "Tested up to" WordPress version. +- Renamed the Object abstract class to Frame. + +### Fixed +- Fixed archive excerpt display when there is not post content. +- Changing the "id" to avoid cached sites pulling through the same gallery for each destination. +- Upgraded the `mb_strtolower` to `strtolower` for newer PHP versions. + + +## [[1.1.1]](https://github.com/lightspeeddevelopment/tour-operator/releases/tag/v1.1.1) - 2017-11-07 + +### Added +- Added compatibility with LSX Videos + +### Fixed +- Removed the "prepare" statement from the destinations "filter_countries" function. +- Fixed extra spacing on Included and Not-Included items list. +- Crop huge excerpts o archive and widget items. +- Fixed Post Type Widget specific IDs front-end. +- TO Maps undefined function removed. +- Fixed PHP notice related to call is_singular() function. + + +## [[1.1.0]](https://github.com/lightspeeddevelopment/tour-operator/releases/tag/v1.1.0) - 2017-10-07 + +### Added +- New totally awesome version! The visual was fully redesigned. +- Added compatibility with LSX 2.0. +- New project structure. +- UIX updated + Fixed issue with sub tabs click (settings). +- Added in a filter to call the Tours Featured image for the Departure Day. +- Added the accommodations room images to the pool of possible itinerary day images. +- Allowing the to_country_regions() to be ordered by the menu order or any other valid WP_Query order. + +### Fixed +- Fixed scripts/styles loading order +- Fixed many small issues + + +## [[1.0.8]](https://github.com/lightspeeddevelopment/tour-operator/releases/tag/v1.0.8) - 2017-06-14 + +### Fixed +- LSX tabs working integrated with TO tabs (dashboard settings). +- Fixed admin styles (help and add-on pages). +- UIX framework saving all tabs. + + +## [[1.0.7]](https://github.com/lightspeeddevelopment/tour-operator/releases/tag/v1.0.7) - 2017-06-08 + +### Added +- Added .editorconfig file to help developers to maintain consistent coding styles between different editors and IDEs. +- LSX Customizer SASS selector extended to new FacetWP selectors. +- Make the team image displays square. +- Enable BS sliders on all small breakpoints. +- New slider code for: Widgets, Regions (destination archive), and Related items section. +- CMB updated (copied from LSX Banners). +- Changing the archives and widgets to show only the countries. +- Added in a filters for the itinerary image so 3rd party plugins and themes can overwrite it if they want to. +- Added in a filter for the destinations facets, so they only display the countries. +- Add .editorconfig file to help developers to maintain consistent coding styles between different editors and IDEs. +- Add RTL styles option. +- New folder structure for CSS files. +- New folder structure for JS files. +- Adds the FontAwesome fonts if the theme is not LSX Theme or if it isn’t loaded by another plugin/theme. +- Adding in the LSX sharing support. +- Added in the ability to queue your imports. +- Adding in support for the TO reviews section. +- Added compatibility (styles) with different column order on single team extension. + +### Changed +- Restructure metabox. +- Update all NPM packages and re-structure Gulp’s tasks. + +### Deprecated +- Removed from accommodation archive the brands slider. + +### Fixed +- Removed "read more" from regions excerpt widgets on destination archive page. +- Small fix on TO custom post type (single template - CSS) for small breakpoints. +- Added in a filter to fix the API tab not showing when certain LSX Extensions are enabled. +- Removed "read more" from regions excerpt widgets on destination archive page. +- Small fix on TO custom post type (single template - CSS) for small breakpoints. +- Removed the locations taxonomy. +- Restricting the amount of accommodation allowed to be attached to an itinerary to 1. +- Allowing the itineraries to display other images from and accommodations gallery. +- Fixed the selecting of the general enquiry form. +- Ordering the destinations by the title, allowing all of the destinations to be pulled through to the destination archive. +- Fixed settings page header. +- Fixed settings page tabs. +- Trigger was triggered before defining the hook. +- Make save a real button and add saved indicator. +- Refactor loading. +- Globalize initializer for backwards compatibility. +- Wrapper reference for tour_operator(). +- Tidy inline docs and add missing property declarations. +- Inline docs cleanup WIP. +- Architecture: Overhaul organization of plugin. +- Architecture: Class files should not have functions. +- Fixed up the style for the save changes button. +- Fixed the display of the metaboxes with other plugins active. +- Correct cols count for price to fix tabs. +- Fixed the selecting of the enquiry forms. +- Adding in a test to the settings page. +- Getting the API key inline with the rest of the extensions. +- Fixed the General Tab display. +- Fixed the API key settings tab. +- Removing the enqueue for the metabox js and css. +- Fixed the cropping options. +- Declaring the $tour_operator variable for the archive destinations work properly. +- Fixed lsx thumbnails parameter for single image size. +- Help page updated with the current plugin version and WordPress requirement. +- Travis CI file. + + +## [[1.0.6]]() + +### Added +- Added en_US language file. +- Changed the "Insert into Post" button text from media modal to "Select featured image". +- Added in the Day inclusions fields along with the styling. +- Added in "full" as an option to be replaced. +- Removing the destinations, accommodation and the tour dependencies on the TO Galleries. +- Standardized the Gallery fields across the post types. Allowing the TO Videos to always inject after. + +### Fixed +- Load correctly the translations/language files. +- Fixed the read more when you click it removes the formatting. +- Fixed the display of the destination galleries. + + +## [[1.0.5]]() + +### Added +- Added TO Search as subtab on LSX TO settings page. +- Styles from TO Search addon moved to it. +- Made the function lsx_to_archive_entry_top function test all active post types, not only the three core post types. +- Replaced body and post (TO post type) classes by same classes using prefix "lsx-to-POST_TYPE". +- Added swiper JS library for sliders. +- Added extra class to all sliders (lsx-to-slider). +- Metadata: calendar info moved to the next line. +- Metadata: term "price" change to "price from". +- Metadata: term “duration” added to duration meta. +- New fields from Wetu Importer. + +### Fixed +- Fixed global variable (LSX TO) to enable/disable slider on mobile. +- Fixed (back-end) checkbox to display map on destination archive. +- Fixed menu navigation improved. +- Fixed the default pagination from LSX. +- Facilities without child items can't display. +- Fixed styles from post meta details on banner. +- Fixed fideos 16x9. +- Mysterious Man PNG image. +- Internal banner on small devices. +- Small fixes on front-end fields. +- Made Google Maps works on back-end. +- Fixed content_part filter for plugin and add-ons. +- Removed general contact fields from post types. + + +## [[1.0.4]]() + +### Added +- Removed the last of the LSX_TO_POSTEXPIRATOR_TYPES constants. +- Added generic business contact details for enquire call to action. +- Best time to visit added to destination (copied from tour). +- Enabled compatibility with LSX Blog Customizer (categories carousel). + +### Fixed +- Fixed an issue with empty post meta (depart from, end point). + +### Deprecated +- Removed Certain Travis CI code sniffers. + + +## [[1.0.3]]() + +### Added +- Added in a compatability check for all versions below PHP 7. +- Hid the "Contact Details" custom field panel from Accommodation, these fields don't output to the frontend yet. +- Updated the readme.txt content. + +### Fixed +- Fixed PHP errors when activating the plugin with a non LSX theme. + + +## [[1.0.2]]() + +### Added +- Added a test to avoid the plugin activate with older versions from PHP than 5.6. +- Added a warning for users that have the plugin activated in older versions from PHP than 5.6. + +### Fixed +- Fixed a conflict with some plugins using https://github.com/humanmade/Custom-Meta-Boxes. + + +## [[1.0.1]]() + +### Added +- Allowing the placeholder to overwrite any empty image on all post types. + +### Fixed +- Fixed PHP warning notice, removed the constant LSX_TO_POSTEXPIRATOR_TYPES. +- Fixed the PHP warning with the post order class. +- Fixed the selecting of the global default placeholders. +- Fixed PHP compatibility errors. + + +## [[1.0.1]]() + +### Added +- First Version diff --git a/includes/functions.php b/includes/functions.php index b8e4b7ad..042cb89b 100644 --- a/includes/functions.php +++ b/includes/functions.php @@ -588,7 +588,7 @@ function lsx_to_accommodation_units() {