% Reflections on Prismatic Constructions % Marc Coiffier
The Calculus of Prismatic Constructions, upon which this platform is based, is an extension of the standard CoC with a mechanism for discriminating inductive constructors.
It is already very well-described elsewhere, so I won't try to provide a full and correct history of the CoC. Suffice to say that it is a logically consistent programming language, that can prove properties within the framework of intuitionistic logic.
At its simplest, it provides five basic constructions :
universes, of the form
$Set_n$ , are the "types of types".$Set_{n+1}$ is the type of$Set_{n}$ -
products, noted
$\forall (x:X), Y,x$ -- or$X\ \rightarrow\ Y$ when$Y$ doesn't depend on x -- are the "types of functions".$\mathbb{N}\ \rightarrow\ \mathbb{R}$ , for instance is the type of functions from the natural numbers to the real numbers. -
functions or lambdas, noted
$\lambda (x:X), Y,x$ , are the "proofs of products". A valid lambda can be interpreted as the proof of a property, quantified over its variable. -
hypotheses, or variables, are the symbols introduced by surrounding quantifiers (
$\lambda$ and$\forall$ ). In their context, they are valid proofs of their type.For example, the identity function can be written
$\lambda (A:Set_{0}), \lambda (a:A), a$ , and it is a valid proof of$\forall (A:Set_{0}), \forall (a:A), A$ , since$a$ is a valid proof of$A$ in its context. -
Applications, of the form
$f,x$ , where$f : \forall (x:X), Y,x$ and$x : X$ , signify the specialization of a quantified property over an object$x$ .For instance, given a proof
$f$ of$\forall (x:\mathbb{N}), \exists (y:\mathbb{N}), y = x+1$ , we can prove that$\exists (y:\mathbb{N}), y=10+1$ , by applying$f$ to$10$ (aka.$f,10$ ).
Given these axioms, we can build many theorems and their proofs, in a
verifiable manner (i.e. there exists an algorithm to automatically
check whether a claim like
However, it's been known for a while that the CoC by itself is not capable of handling a large class of the proofs that modern mathematicians (and even ancient ones) take for granted.
To illustrate the kind of reasoning that can't be carried out with raw intuitionistic logic, let's take an obvious statement : a boolean is either equal to true or to false.
We'd like to prove this statement using only the tools given by the
CoC. For this, we have to define a few concepts, namely our Booleans,
In order for two things to be considered the same, they must at least
belong to the same family. In this case, it means that
Given a Boolean
With all that in mind, here is the definition I propose the
That is, a Boolean is a way to produce any
There are, intuitively, only two distinct ways to construct a closed Boolean term, given the above definition :
$true \equiv \lambda (P:Prop) (ptrue:P) (pfalse:P). ptrue$ $false \equiv \lambda (P:Prop) (ptrue:P) (pfalse:P). pfalse$
Our goal in the following sections will be to try and confirm this intuition, by proving it in the CoC.
Two values
We can easily prove some intuitive properties for the
reflexivity :
$(x\ =\ x)$ , as proven by$\lambda (P:A\ \rightarrow\ Set_{n}) (p:P x). p$ -
symmetry :
$(x\ =\ y) \rightarrow (y\ =\ x)$ , proven by$\lambda (e:x\ =\ y) (P:A\ \rightarrow\ Set_{n}) (py:P y), e ,(\lambda (a:A). P,a \rightarrow P,x),(\lambda (px:P,x). px),py$ -
transitivity : $(x\ =\ y)\ \rightarrow\ (y\ =\ z)
\rightarrow\ (x\ =\ z)$, as proven by $\lambda (e_1:x\ =
y) (e_2:y\ =\ z) (P:A\ \rightarrow\ Set_{n}) (px:P x). e_2,P, (e_1,P,px)$
We now have everything we need to prove that every Boolean is either
Inductive types can be described as enumerations of constructors. In Coq (and similarly in other proof assistants), an inductive type must be declared along with its constructors, using a syntax like :
Inductive T : forall A..., Type :=
| t0 : forall x0..., T (f0... x0...)
| tn : forall xn..., T (fn... xn...)
Here, we declare the inductive type
As a more concrete example, here is how the type of Booleans can be defined inductively :
Inductive Boolean : Type := true : Boolean | false : Boolean.
The above definition is essentially a formal statement of the
following description of Booleans : a Boolean can have one of two
This means that, if we want to prove a property
This exact information is summed up in what we call the induction
principle for Booleans. In Coq, it will be given the name
, for instance, and have the type $\forall
(P:Boolean,\rightarrow,Type),\ P,true\ \rightarrow\ P,false
\rightarrow\ \forall (b:Boolean),\ P,b$.