Stream converters convert Akka Stream Source
s, Flow
s and Sink
s to FS2 Stream
s, Pipe
s and Sink
s, respectively, and vice versa. They are provided by the
resolvers += Resolver.bintrayRepo("krasserm", "maven")
libraryDependencies += "com.github.krasserm" %% "streamz-converter" % "0.11-RC1"
artifact and can be imported with:
import streamz.converter._
They require the following implicit
s in scope:
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
implicit val system: ActorSystem = ActorSystem("example")
implicit val executionContext: ExecutionContext = system.dispatcher
implicit val materializer: Materializer = Materializer.createMaterializer(system)
From | With | To |
Graph[SourceShape[A], NotUsed] |
toStream[F] |
Stream[F, A] |
Graph[SourceShape[A], M] |
toStreamMat[F] |
F[(Stream[F, A], M)] |
Graph[SinkShape[A], NotUsed] |
toSink[F] |
Sink[F, A] |
Graph[SinkShape[A], M] |
toSinkMat[F] |
F[(Sink[F, A], M)] |
Graph[FlowShape[A, B], NotUsed] |
toPipe[F] |
Pipe[F, A, B] |
Graph[FlowShape[A, B], M] |
toPipeMat[F] |
F[(Pipe[F, A, B], M)] |
Graph[FlowShape[A, B], Future[M]] |
toPipeMatWithResult[F] |
F[Pipe[F, A, Either[Throwable, M]]] |
Examples (source code):
import{ Flow => AkkaFlow, Sink => AkkaSink, Source => AkkaSource }
import akka.{ Done, NotUsed }
import cats.effect.IO
import fs2.{ Pipe, Stream }
import scala.collection.immutable.Seq
import scala.concurrent.Future
val numbers: Seq[Int] = 1 to 10
def f(i: Int) = List(s"$i-1", s"$i-2")
val aSink1: AkkaSink[Int, Future[Done]] = AkkaSink.foreach[Int](println)
val fSink1: Pipe[IO, Int, Unit] = aSink1.toPipe[IO]
val aSource1: AkkaSource[Int, NotUsed] = AkkaSource(numbers)
val fStream1: Stream[IO, Int] = aSource1.toStream[IO]
val aFlow1: AkkaFlow[Int, String, NotUsed] = AkkaFlow[Int].mapConcat(f)
val fPipe1: Pipe[IO, Int, String] = aFlow1.toPipe[IO] // prints numbers
assert(fStream1.compile.toVector.unsafeRunSync() == numbers)
assert(fStream1.through(fPipe1).compile.toVector.unsafeRunSync() == numbers.flatMap(f))
, aSource1
and aFlow1
are materialized when the IO
s of the FS2 streams that compose fSink1
, fStream1
and fPipe1
are run. Their materialized value can be obtained via the onMaterialization
callback that is a parameter of toStream(onMaterialization: M => Unit)
, toSink(onMaterialization: M => Unit)
and toPipe(onMaterialization: M => Unit)
(not shown in the examples).
From | With | To |
Stream[F[_], A] |
toSource() |
Graph[SourceShape[A], NotUsed] |
Sink[F[_], A] |
toSink() |
Graph[SinkShape[A], Future[Done]] |
Pipe[F[_], A, B] |
toFlow() |
Graph[FlowShape[A, B], NotUsed] |
Examples (source code):
import{ Flow => AkkaFlow, Sink => AkkaSink, Source => AkkaSource, Keep }
import akka.{ Done, NotUsed }
import fs2._
import scala.collection.immutable.Seq
import scala.concurrent.{ Await, Future }
import scala.concurrent.duration._
val numbers: Seq[Int] = 1 to 10
def g(i: Int) = i + 10
val fSink2: Pipe[IO, Int, Unit] = s => => IO(println(i)))
val aSink2: AkkaSink[Int, Future[Done]] = AkkaSink.fromGraph(fSink2.toSink)
val fStream2: Stream[IO, Int] = Stream.emits(numbers).covary[IO]
val aSource2: AkkaSource[Int, NotUsed] = AkkaSource.fromGraph(fStream2.toSource)
val fpipe2: Pipe[IO, Int, Int] = s => s.evalTap(i => IO(println(i)))
val aFlow2: AkkaFlow[Int, Int, NotUsed] = AkkaFlow.fromGraph(fpipe2.toFlow)
aSource2.toMat(aSink2)(Keep.right).run() // prints numbers
assert(Await.result(aSource2.toMat(AkkaSink.seq)(Keep.right).run(), 5.seconds) == numbers)
assert(Await.result(aSource2.via(aFlow2).toMat(AkkaSink.seq)(Keep.right).run(), 5.seconds) ==
, fStream2
and fPipe2
are run when the Akka Streams that compose aSink2
, aSource2
and aFlow2
are materialized.
Downstream demand and cancellation as well as upstream completion and error signals are properly mediated between Akka Stream and FS2 (see also ConverterSpec).