diff --git a/404.html b/404.html index 9a6a96567..d4530192b 100644 --- a/404.html +++ b/404.html @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ - +
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for your build and a tag (default tag is latest).
Choose Docker
and fill in the repo URL for the blue
repo created in the previous lab.
Choose Docker
and fill in the repo URL for the blue
repo created in the previous lab: https://gitea.<your-domain>/<gitea-username>/blue
Click Submit
Create a new repo called nodejs-helloworld
Create a new repo called nodejs-helloworld
in Gitea.
Set the Default Branch to master
Enable Trigger
Click Next
Select the Digest
strategy for the Auto image updater
As a team member, you can create and manage your own repositories.
Team members first have to sign in to Gitea (using OpenID), after which they are automatically added to the correct team.
The otomi-admin
account is unable to login with OpenID, this account needs to login with the user/password login form.
In the labs we'll be using a Team called labs
and a user called labs-user
In the labs we'll be using a Team called labs
and a user called labs-user@example.com
Gitea only supports HTTPS for Git authentication. To connect to Git using HTTPS you'll first need to add a password to your account in Gitea:
Now go to Gitea and check the otomi/values repository. You will see that under values/env/teams/sealedsecrets.<team-name>.yaml
the secret is stored in yaml, but the values are encrypted.
The only way to see the values of the secret is to decrypt the secret. The secret values are stored as base64 encoded values. Open a Shell and run the following command:
+The only way to see the values of the secret is to decrypt the secret. The secret values are stored as base64 encoded values. In the left menu click on Shell and run the following command:
kubectl get secret secret-credentials -o yaml -n team-labs
This wil return the secret in yaml format. The values are stored as base64 encoded values.
apiVersion: v1
password: aGVsbG93b3JsZA==
username: bGFicy11c2Vy
kind: Secret
creationTimestamp: "2024-09-12T06:11:55Z"
name: secret-credentials
namespace: team-labs
- apiVersion: bitnami.com/v1alpha1
controller: true
kind: SealedSecret
name: secret-credentials
uid: b9dc5d5c-9699-4efb-86a8-7bd1dd869318
resourceVersion: "357105"
uid: 84dd34e1-2313-482d-b7de-e5d848675fb7
type: kubernetes.io/opaque
service of the Workload we created in the previous lab:blue
service of the workload created in the previous lab. The blue service will become available once the ArgoCD application is ready:Platform Applications that are required for the following labs are enabled:
Lab | App |
Build images | Harbor |
Trigger builds | Harbor |
Push images to harbor | Harbor |
Scan running containers for vulnerabilities | Prometheus, Grafana, Trivy Operator |
View container logs | Loki, Grafana |
View container metrics | Prometheus |
Using custom metrics | Prometheus |
Monitoring availability of Workloads | Prometheus |
Tracing with Open Telemetry | Loki, Otel, Tempo |
Create a RabbitMQ cluster | RabbitMQ |
Lab | App |
Build images | Harbor |
Trigger builds | Harbor |
Push images to harbor | Harbor |
Scan running containers for vulnerabilities | Prometheus, Grafana, Trivy Operator |
View container logs | Loki, Grafana |
View container metrics | Prometheus |
Monitor services | Alertmanager |
Using custom metrics | Prometheus |
Tracing with Open Telemetry | Loki, Otel, Tempo |
Create a RabbitMQ cluster | RabbitMQ |
For the Tracing with Open Telemetry Lab, tracing needs to be configured in the Istio
and Nginx Ingress
A team called labs
is created with Alertmanager
A team called labs
is created with Alertmanager
activated. See how you can create teams on: Platform - Teams.
A user account is created and added to the labs
Team. In the labs we'll be using the user labs-user
A user account is created and added to the labs
Team. In the labs we'll be using the user labs-user@example.com
. See how you can create users on: Platform - User Management.
Sign in with the created user account (or when OIDC is configured, use your existing corporate AD account)
After sign in, you will see this page:
+After sign in, you will see this page (with grafana enabled):