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504 lines (328 loc) · 26.3 KB

File metadata and controls

504 lines (328 loc) · 26.3 KB



v1.0.0-19.0.1 - 2024-04-17


  • Fixed the paging number.

v1.0.0-19.0.0 - 2024-02-21


  • Node.js v20 compatibility.
  • Mongoose v8 compatibility.
  • MongoDB v7 compatibility.

v1.0.0-18.9.3 - 2022-03-15


  • Fixed document array errors when viewing model versions.

v1.0.0-18.9.2 - 2022-01-24


  • Added the ability to change the location of certain scripts and styles.

v1.0.0-18.9.1 - 2021-10-14


  • Navigation items are now sorted alphabetically.

v1.0.0-18.9.0 - 2021-06-09


  • Fixed the nav sidebar from preventing scrolling in some instances.

v1.0.0-18.8.1 - 2020-10-13


  • Fixed default exports not appearing in the selected order.

v1.0.0-18.8.0 - 2020-06-09


  • Added the ability to customise the linz authentication strategy through successful and failed properties. These should be functions that accept the following properties err, failureFlash, failureRedirect, info, next, req, res,successFlash, successRedirect and user.


  • Fixed missing dataAttributes causing pages to error.

v1.0.0-18.7.5 - 2019-12-09


  • Fixed exports with a space in the name.


  • Added prettier.


  • Replaced readthedocs with Docusaurus.

v1.0.0-18.7.4 - 2019-10-23


  • Fixed binddata not recording date picker changes.
  • Fixed opening a documentArray with a datepicker resetting other date pickers on the main page to the current date.
  • Fixed multiple linzTimezoneOffset attributes.
  • Fixed incorrect datepicker dates across multiple timezones.
  • Fixed ckeditor double escaping values.
  • Fixed a XSS vulnerability with the checkboxesWithAddition widget.

v1.0.0-18.7.3 - 2019-10-16


  • Added the ability to define a custom admin forgot password path.


  • Fixed UI bug preventing export buttons from showing up on smaller devices.


  • Fixed an export issue when using filters.


  • Added protection to help mitigate XSS attacks.
  • Added protection to help mitigate mass assignment attacks.
  • Added an API to escape data before rendering.
  • Updated formist to the latest version.

v1.0.0-18.6.0 (29 July 2019)

  • Updated export to support new inclusions property.
  • Deprecated the export exclusions property in favour of the inclusions property.
  • Improved development environment.

v1.0.0-18.5.2 (26 July 2019)

  • Improved client side CSRF code.

v1.0.0-18.5.1 (4 July 2019)

  • Fixed a validation issue when a form has a remote validator.

v1.0.0-18.5.0 (27 June 2019)

  • Added a new api linz.api.formtools.list.getFilters(req) to get the current list view filters from a post request.

v1.0.0-18.4.4 (20 June 2019)

  • Fixed a bug preventing invalid date fields from being validated.

v1.0.0-18.4.3 (3 June 2019)

  • Fixed group actions on the list view.

v1.0.0-18.4.2 (31 May 2019)

  • Added support for modal form to custom exports.

v1.0.0-18.4.1 (29 May 2019)

  • Stopped empty date fields getting today's date automatically applied.

v1.0.0-18.4.0 (27 May 2019)

  • Added the ability to split object fields over multiple columns in the default export.
  • Made the export api more generic so you can pass in any stream instead of a query.
  • Fixed the transform function to pass the correct parameters.
  • Fixed listQuery not being applied in the exports.
  • Fixed single field and record exports not showing up correctly.

v1.0.0-18.3.1 (18 April 2019)

  • Fixed concurrency plugin.

v1.0.0-18.3.0 (15 April 2019)

  • Added session options default object passed to express-session middleware.
  • Added cookie options default object passed to cookie-parser and express-session middleware.
  • The linzReturnUrl cookie is now signed by default.
  • Through the above, updated Linz's default cookie settings to be more inline with OWASP recommendations.
  • The example app demonstrates how to extend the default session options.
  • Removed the X-Powered-By header.
  • Added the X-XSS-Protection header.

v1.0.0-18.2.0 (12 April 2019)

  • Linz's error handling middleware will now add the error to req.
  • Linz's error handling middleware can now return errors via JSON.
  • Updated error handling for JSON errors.
  • Added linz.api.error functions.
  • Added routes to the example app to generate errors for testing purposes.
  • Updated documentation.

v1.0.0-18.1.0 (13 March 2019)

  • Made the modal selector more generic so it also works with custom modals.
  • Made it much harder to post a form before the CSRF token is added.
  • Added new dataAttributes, nomodule, nonce, and referrerpolicy properties to scripts.
  • Added new dataAttributes to styles.
  • Development app now starts using start instead of dev.

v1.0.0-18.0.0 (6 March 2019)


  • The default record delete button now uses a post request.


  • Added csrf protection across all routes. For custom forms, the user will need to add csrfToken: req.csrfToken() to the options when using linz.api.model.generateFormString().
  • Csrf protection can be customised by setting the linz option csrf options. This takes an object with the same options listed here
  • Fixed not being able to return html in an overview section.
  • Export fields are no longer required to be in the formDSL.

v1.0.0-17.1.1 (1 February 2019)

  • app now has it's own package.json with linz as a file-based dependency.
  • app dependencies have now been removed from Linz's package.json devDependencies.
  • A dev-only Dockerfile ( has now been created for development purposes.
  • Dockerfile is now purely focused on building Linz, not running an app using Linz.
  • You can now run yarn dev and yarn test at the same time.

v1.0.0-17.1.0 (31 January 2019)

Rereleased v1.0.0-17.1.0 as v1.0.0-17.1.1.

  • Added the ability to transform individual export values. form[field].transpose.export => (val) => Promise.resolve(val). This function must return a promise.
  • Deprecated the transpose function in favour of the context one. transpose: (val) => ... should now be transpose: { form: (val) => ... }.
  • Updated the modelExport route to transpose fields if a transpose or transpose.export function is provided in the formDSL. This allows you to completely customise exported fields before displaying them in the exported file.
  • Custom export routes can now take advantage of linz.api.util.generateExport() to fully customise what kind of file is generated. For example you can generate .xls and .csv files and customise the content.
  • Added the ability to provide a custom default renderer for the versions plugin.

v1.0.0-17.0.0 (21 January 2019)


  • Replaced linz.publicMiddleware.namespace with linz.api.middleware.setLinzNamespace().
  • Moved all public middleware to the linz.api.middleware namespace.
  • Removed the datetime and datetimelocal field types, the date type should be used instead.


  • Added the ability to create a custom form based on the model schema via linz.api.model.generateForm() and linz.api.model.generateFormString().
  • Added the ability to define custom fields in the form DSL. When specifying a custom field you should add a type property if you want an input other than text.
  • Add the ability to edit public and views files without restarting the node process.
  • Added persistent storage to the local development environment.
  • Added new formtool apis namespaceForm, namespaceList, namespaceOverview, parseForm.
  • Added new middleware apis setLinzNamespace, setModelForm, setRecord.
  • Added the ability to provide custom scripts and styles to linz.api.views.render using data.scripts and data.styles.
  • Added the ability to manually set a timezone offset using data-utc-offset in the date widget. This must be in the ISO offset format and begin with a plus (+) or minus (-) symbol with the hours and minutes having a leading 0 eg +00:00
  • Added the ability to provide helpText to a document array field.
  • Turned off autocomplete for some widgets.


  • Fixed the datepicker in documentarray modals.
  • Fixed the datetimepicker on documentarray fields.
  • Fixed model version compare forms being undefined.

v1.0.0-16.2.1 (18 December 2018)

  • Added support for primary record actions with a modal on the model index.

v1.0.0-16.2.0 (5 December 2018)

  • Added a new default routes, which allows you to define middleware to be executed during the processing of a Linz route.

v1.0.0-16.1.0 (9 August 2018)

  • Updated the reference renderer to link to the record overview.
  • Added a new Linz.initModels method to allow initialising manually set models via Linz.set('models', {}).

v1.0.0-16.0.1 (7 August 2018)

  • Linz will now default labels for all schema fields, using sentence case.

v1.0.0-16.0.0 (6 August 2018)

Breaking changes

  • Removed response-time middleware that was causing issues with the builds.


  • Added support for customising the login and logout paths. login path and logout path defaults must be set when admin path has been customised.
  • Merged in the Linz minitwitter basic repo to simplify testing.
  • Fixed a rare case where an empty database with configs would cause an Unable to write config file %s to database. E11000 duplicate key error error.
  • Fixed an issue where Linz would try to .toString() null values while exporting.

v1.0.0-15.2.1 (3 August 2018)

  • Re-release of v1.0.0-15.2.0 to include updated changelog.

v1.0.0-15.2.0 (27 April 2018)


  • You can now supply a defaultOrder for sortBy property of the List DSL.
  • Ascending/descending options are directly listed in the sorting dropdown for each field in the sortBy array.
  • When the model index can't find any records for the current query, the model index now shows the words "No records found", and removes sorting and paging controls.
  • Fix handlebars vulnerability.
  • Added codecov support.
  • Fixed filtering using date ranges.

v1.0.0-15.1.0 (22 March 2018)


  • Added missing namespaceForm middleware to certain routes.
  • Better handling of errors in modelSave middleware.
  • Rewrote modelSave route removing usage of Async.


  • Added support for a content property when supplying scripts and styles defaults. Supplying content for a script will ensure the content is placed within two script tags (i.e. <script>{{{content}}}</script>). Supplying content for a style will ensure the content is placed within two style tags (as opposed to using a link tag) (i.e. <style>{{{content}}}</style>).
  • Added the renderer to render an email in an a with the mailto: protocol.
  • Added the renderer to render a telephone number in an a with the tel: protocol.
  • Cleaned up the print preview styles.
  • Fixed the linz.addLoadEvent method so the onload process doesn't get overridden.
  • Added a new linz.api.session.getTimezone(req) function that allows you to get the timezone offset of the current user.
  • Added the ability to transform date fields in the Linz export through useLocalTime which converts the time to the local browser time.
  • Added a dateFormat option which adds the ability to export the date in a different format (Uses moment datetime formats).
  • Upgraded to Mongoose v4.13.12.
  • Migrated unit tests from Mocha to Jest.

v1.0.0-15.0.0 (24 November 2017)


  • The and linz.formtools.widgets.dateRange are functions which must be executed. Previously you could simply reference them. However, you can pass in a date format which will be used to customise the display of the date in the UI.


  • Added the ability to set some help text which will appear in a Bootstrap popover, on a model list view.
  • Fixed a race condition where req.linz.model.linz.formtools.form would be undefined.
  • Fixed Linz not being able to find labels for embedded documents.
  • Fixed ckeditor for non /admin admin paths.
  • Fixed scoping of the multiselect within a documentarray.
  • Update the default for the linz.formtools.widgets.documents widget create button to be Create, and made it configurable by passing in buttonLabel: 'New label' to the widget.
  • Reworked some Linz internals to allow code using linz.api.views.render to take advantage of Linz's Notifications API. Also moved the render notifications functionality into the linz.api.views namespace and updated all code that rendered notifications to use this API function.
  • Moved Linz's namespace middleware into middleware-public so that it can be accessed in other applications using linz.middleware.namespace.
  • Moved Linz's notifications middleware into middleware-public so that it can be accessed in other applications using linz.middleware.notifications.
  • Add a 404 page for all Linz record routes. You can customise this page by setting the linz option 404 to a function that returns a Promise. This function will be passed the req object.
  • Everything that uses now uses the Bootstrap DateTime Picker UI client-side.
  • Everything that uses or linz.formtools.filters.dateRange now uses the Bootstrap DateTime Picker UI client-side.
  • Widgets can supply a transform function, on the returned widget function, which will be executed when saving data. This provides the ability for a widget to transform values in the form, before saving to the database.

v1.0.0-14.0.0 (14 November 2017)


  • When rendering the overview, Linz will no longer infer the cell renderer type from the Form DSL type data. If Linz isn't rendering the overview cell with the correct cell renderer, you should supply the renderer (i.e. { label: 'x', renderer: linz.formtools.cellRenderers.text }).
  • When supplying a function for the config form, model list, form and overview DSLs, you no longer get passed user, but instead req (which obviously has user at req.user).


  • Fixes #169, an issue in which the actions column wouldn't render when permissions weren't explicitly set.
  • Improved the Express param for model. It no longer process list, overview or form DSL. These are now only processed when required. Improving the efficiency of any route that used :model.
  • When supplying functions for config form, model list, form and overview DSLs, you now get req rather than just user. This provides much more flexibility in what you return, as now it can be based on the record being rendered, not just the user making the request.

v1.0.0-13.0.2 (9 November 2017)


  • Fixes issues on the model list in IE, due to use of the template tag.

v1.0.0-13.0.1 (7 November 2017)


  • Fixed a problem with model lists, showing the wrong number of records. This could occur when a listQuery static was employed and have an impact on the number of results being returned.
  • Improves usage of the .reponsive-table class. Still not perfect, but definitely useable.
  • You can now add type='primary' to a record action to have it rendered inline (i.e. not within the dropdown) with the edit and delete buttons on a model list.
  • You can now add type=primary to an overview action to have it rendered inline (i.e. not within the actions dropdown).

v1.0.0-13.0.0 (3 November 2017)


  • linz.api.views.render now requires data, req, res. callback is optional.
  • The listQuery static is now passed req, query, callback (additional parameter is req).
  • When using modal actions, your HTML now has to supply the <div class="modal-dialog"><div class="modal-content"></div></div> tags.


  • Now that the listQuery static is passed req, you have more information (such as req.user) which can be used to alter the query that Linz will execute.
  • Fixes a long term (development only) issue TypeError: filteredNavigation.forEach is not a function.
  • utils.js has been move back into the head. Client-side scripts can now make use of linz.loadScript and linz.addLoadEvent once again.
  • Added a new default mongoose options which can be used to control the options passed to Mongoose when making a connection. Provides support for Mongoose 4.11.x in which the default connection logic has been removed.
  • By allowing the results of record/overview actions to return the .modal-dialog div, you have more flexibility on the size of the modal (i.e. <div class="modal-dialog modal-lg"> renders a large modal).
  • Removed .modal-dialog .modal-content from the modal divs in layout.pug. They should now be included in the HTML returned from any record/overview actions that specify the use of a modal.
  • You can now use req.flash('linz-notification', linz.api.views.notification({ text: 'Hi' })) to have Linz show a notification for you on redirect.
  • You can now use req.linz.notifications.push(linz.api.views.notification({ text: 'Hi' })) to have Linz show a notification for you.
  • Notifications are now shown in models list, model create, model list, record edit and record overview pages.

v1.0.0-12.0.0 (1 November 2017)


  • All filters must now return HTML from the renderer function, wrapped in <template> tags.
  • All models must either have a title field, or supply model.title with the value of the schema field that should be used as the title.
  • The title virtual, when creating, will no longer use label, name or this.toString() to return a label. It will only ever use toLabel method if provided, or the value of the title property.


  • Add data-linz-view to Model create and list, and record edit and overview pages. This gives CSS hooks to target CSS to certain views.
  • Added a new search button on the model list that always lives next to the Add filter button. This replaces the Filter now button that used to only be exposed when there were filters.
  • The Add filter and Search buttons are now disabled once the form has been submitted.
  • The new defaults to ['title'] and will always be on unless you set to false.
  • A models title field, is always in the standard list query.
  • A model is now sorted by dateModifed in descending order by default.

v1.0.0-11.0.0 (27 October 2017)


  • All canDelete and canEdit functions now pass through the request object and call the callback canDelete(req, callback). This allows you to disable records on the index view based on the current logged in user.


  • Add the ability to set an alwaysOn property for filters. This should be a boolean and will hide the close button and automatically show the filter.
  • Add the ability to provide a default value for alwaysOn filters.
  • Add the ability to remove the filter from the dropdown and hide the close button using once: true.
  • Fixed the multi-select filter, when using numbers as the value.
  • Integrated the static getQuery into the model export process.
  • Pagination is now always present.
  • Fixed buttons that show content in a modal, on slower connections.
  • Fixed typo in password placeholder text.
  • Updated the model export, field selection cookie, to be user specific.
  • Fixed issues with datePicker code on the client-side.
  • Fixed embedded document overview cell renderer.

v1.0.0-10.0.0 (9 August 2017)


  • Deprecated adminJSFile and adminCSSFile defaults. Please use scripts and styles instead.


  • Add navigationTransform property to the Linz initialisation options. This is a function that accepts a navigation and data object parameter (nav, { user }) and allows customisation of the main navigation menu with additional contexts not available at initialisation.
  • Add customAttributes property to the Linz initialisation options. This is a function that accepts a req object that has gone through all the Linz middleware. i.e. the user is available at this point.
  • Allow custom scripts and styles through the scripts and styles Linz options. These should be functions that take req and res objects and return a promise that resolves with an array of scripts and styles. The array should contain objects with the same properties as the HTML equivalents.
  • Now passing form and user to transform function.
  • Now passing record to transpose function.
  • Expose linz.api.views.getScripts and linz.api.views.getStyles api.
  • Added ability to provide Linz with custom navigation via setting linz.set('navigation', navigation);.
  • Added ability to display icons (html) in custom navigations by adding an icon property icon: '<i class="fa fa-home" aria-hidden="true"></i>'.

v1.0.0-9.0.3 (28 June 2017)

  • Add .linz class to the Linz navbar.

v1.0.0-9.0.2 (28 June 2017)

  • Fixes an issue with the grid renderer not showing default record actions (edit and delete).

v1.0.0-9.0.1 (14 June 2017)

  • Fixes an issue with the pre-save middleware (when req doesn't exist).

v1.0.0-9.0.0 (13 June 2017)

  • Fixed a bug when trying to wrap the list DSL with a (user, callback) function.
  • Fixed the List DSL to support renderers that return HTML.
  • Created record action renderers, which can be used in conjunction with a custom List renderer.
  • All modal containers now contain the div.modal-dialog > div.modal-content structure.
  • Record actions now support modal: true to have the URL content displayed within a modal.
  • Fixed issue in which action URLs are sometimes updated twice and then no longer function correctly.
  • Rather than supplying Mongoose, Express, Passport and an options object as arguments to Linz's init function (in any order), Linz now expects an object. The object can have mongoose, express, passport and options keys as required.
  • Added ability to customise the homepage route by setting admin home in the options object or using linz.set('admin home', '/new/path').
  • Added the ability to render a view in the context of Linz.
  • The list.showSummary boolean now excludes record count and sorting if set to false.
  • The list render data now contains the query parameters.
  • Linz filters that render will no longer get stuck.
  • Linz can now show alerts (model list view) to the user by pushing objects (formatted via linz.api.views.notification) into the req.linz.notifications array. Uses the Noty library.

v1.0.0-8.0.0 (27 March 2017)


  • Search and replaced Grid with List. You will need to update all your models to use list rather than grid now.
  • Search and replaced Columns with Fields. You will need to update all your models to use fields rather than columns now.
  • Inline with the above, rename any gridQuery statics to listQuery.


  • The List DSL now includes a renderer property. currently available renderers include linz.formtools.listRenderers.default (alias for grid), linz.formtools.listRenderers.grid, and linz.formtools.listRenderers.list.
  • If a listRenderer has not been set, the default linz.formtools.listRenderers.grid will be used.

v1.0.0-7.0.0 (3 March 2017)


  • When Linz retrieves data for the list view, it no longer retrieves all fields from the database. It retrieves only fields found in grid.columns. This means, your toLabel and other Mongoose related functionality may not get a complete model record. You can create a static called gridQuery which Linz will execute if found, to customise the query that will be executed by Linz.

  • The findForReference static that Linz will execute if found, must now accept either one id or an array of ids. This is to support ref field optimisations.


Focus on this release was optimization of the list view. Making it much more performant.

  • Model counts are now using model.count rather than the results of a model.find.
  • Record counts are now using model.count rather than the results of a model.find.
  • Cell renderers for ref fields are now provided the value of the reference, not just the ObjectID. This is to reduce the number of necessary requests to the database. Cell renderers for ref fields should no longer need to do this now, because the data is provided to them.
  • Previously Linz only supported the type linz.mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId for ref fields. It now supports linz.mongoose.Schema.Types.Mixed and can successfully handle ObjectIds, strings and undefined values.
  • Linz is now automatically indexing fields which are used in grid.sortBy and grid.filters to ensure a basic level of indexing support. It also indexes dateModified and dateCreated by default.
  • Field names included in model.find are now sorted alphabetically for the list view query to make it easier to formulate compound index strategies. You can be guaranteed field names will always appear in alphabetical order.
  • You can create a static called gridQuery which if found, will be executed by Linz. Linz will provide the function the query it is about to run for the list view, so that you have an opportunity to customise it as required.
  • Only fields found in grid.column are included in the model.find for the list view query.

v0.6.0.1 (18 January 2017)


  • Updated lib.api.url.getAdminPasswordResetLink to accept an id and hash. If included, it will add those to the URL it returns.

v0.6.0.0 (11 January 2017)


  • Linz's Mongoose document plugin no longer recognises the fields property (and nested usePublishingDate and usePublishingStatus properties) from the options object.
  • A publishingDate property is no longer added to your models.
  • A status property is no longer added to your models.


  • Linz's Mongoose document plugin will now automatically update the labels property from the options object with a label for the mandatory properties dateCreated and dateModified, unless otherwise provided.