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Machine Learning Specialization

Due to historical reasons, this repository contains materials from two courses: 'Machine Learning' offered by Stanford University and the 'Machine Learning Specialization' offered by DeepLearning.AI. While the original link to the 'Machine Learning' course offered by Stanford in 2015 is no longer available, all relevant materials have been preserved within this repository.


Machine Learning Specialization

Linear regression is one of the most widely used algorithms for predicting a wide range of phenomena in fields like economics, social sciences, and engineering. It achieves this by providing continuous predictions. This section provides everything we need to know to implement a linear regression algorithm from the ground up. It presents how to select an appropriate regression model, define a cost function, and build a batch gradient descent approach to optimize a regression model.

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Linear regression fits samples with one feature.

Although linear regression is good at predicting continuous values, it's not the ideal choice for tasks that require discrete outcomes, like classification problems. In such cases, we turn to logistic regression, an algorithm that's better suited to handling discrete predictions. In this section, it shows how to build a logistic regression model from scratch and address the issue of overfitting by introducing a regularization term into the logistic cost function, ensuring the accuracy of models during inference.

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Logistic regression is employed to establish a decision boundary for two-feature samples by introducing polynomial terms as augmented features derived from the original two features.

In the first week of Course 2, it introduced the essential theoretical concepts and implementation details required for building a multiple layer perceptron (MLP) network from scratch. As a practical exercise, I constructed a simple three-layer MLP for classifying handwritten digits '0' and '1.' Essentially, this MLP behaves similarly to logistic regression, producing a single scalar output of either '0' or '1,' differentiating between exactly two classes. While the model's performance was nearly perfect, it did encounter a specific challenge in correctly classifying a '0' with a narrow middle section.

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Left: A three-layer MLP distinguishes between handwritten '0' and '1' images with high accuracy. Right: The model encounters difficulty in correctly classifying a narrow '0', mistakenly identifying it as '1'.

This week introduced additional activation functions and multi-class and multi-label classification, including the softmax function to handle multiple classes' outputs. I extended the concept by implementing a three-layer MLP capable of recognizing handwritten digits spanning from '0' to '9.' Although the model's overall performance remained nearly perfect, it encountered a specific challenge when classifying '3,' which exhibited a slight skew.

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Left: A three-layer MLP distinguishes between handwritten '0' to '9' images with high accuracy. Right: The model encounters difficulty in correctly classifying a skewed '3', mistakenly identifying it as '5'.

This week, Andrew introduces techniques that enhance the performance of machine learning algorithms through optimization. These techniques include evaluating and adjusting algorithms to address bias and variance issues using regularization. Additionally, he explores training procedures, setting performance benchmarks, and adopting an iterative development approach. Furthermore, he introduces error analysis, data augmentation and synthesis, and the utilization of transfer learning for rapid development. Finally, he emphasizes the importance of fairness and ethics in machine learning models and introduces precision-recall measures and the F1 score for effective evaluation.

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The first image illustrates that a complex neural network tends to overfit the training data, resulting in poor performance on the validation data. However, this issue can be mitigated by introducing regularization into the training process (cost function), as demonstrated in the second image.

This week, Andrew took a detour from discussing neural networks and dived into the theory and practical details of building a decision tree from scratch. Essentially, decision trees split data using an entropy function to measure data purity. These trees not only handle binary features but also accommodate multiple categories and even continuous valued features. Additionally, the session introduced a regression tree capable of predicting continuous values, similar to linear regression. However, recognizing the limitations of a single decision tree, tree ensembles were introduced. The discussion expanded to cover bagged decision trees, the random forest algorithm, and XGBoost. Finally, the session briefly explores the scenarios for using neural networks versus decision trees.

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A simple decision tree is used to classify whether a mushroom is edible or poisonous.

Course 1 and 2 show the fundamentals of supervised learning. In course 3, we will explore unsupervised learning, where data lacks labels, and our aim is to extract hidden insights within this unlabeled data. In this segment, Andres provides a comprehensive introduction to the K-means algorithm, which I then implement from scratch. One application of K-means is image compression, demonstrated in the left image below, where an image is compressed using only 16 colors (clusters). The right image illustrates the distribution of RGB pixels in a 3D space, with the red crosses marking the centers of these 16 clusters.

Left: 16 colors (clusters) are used to compress a bird image. Right: Pixels distribution in RGB 3D space with red crosses marking the 16 clusters' centroids.

In supervised learning, neural networks or logistic regressions are commonly employed to discern the decision boundary between positive and negative examples. However, what if our training dataset contains only a limited number of positive examples, representing abnormal data? In such cases, where positive examples are sparse in the training dataset, a viable approach is to construct a generative model focused on the negative examples. This generative model calculates the probability of a new example $x_\text{text}$, denoted as $p(x_\text{text})$, being classified as negative. Consequently, the generative model can be used to detect anomaly in a system. For instance, when presented with a new example $x_\text{text}$, if the computed probability $p(x_\text{text})$ exceeds a predefined threshold, we can confidently categorize the example as belonging to the negative class. Conversely, if $p(x_\text{text})$ falls below the threshold, it signifies that $x_\text{text}$ deviates from the negative examples, indicating an anomaly.

It's crucial to highlight that the Gaussian distribution is used for modeling the data in this section. Thus, it is desirable for the input features to exhibit a more or less Gaussian distribution. In cases where the input features deviate from Gaussian distribution, it is necessary to apply specific operations for transformation. For instance, a logarithmic transformation can be applied to the input features to transform non-Gaussian features into more or less Gaussian distributed. However, it's worth considering alternative distributions that may better capture the characteristics of the features. For example, if the input feature involves quaternion data, opting for the von Mises-Fisher distribution might be more appropriate than adhering strictly to the Gaussian distribution.

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The anomalous data, depicted as blue crosses encircled by red circles, are identified based on their probabilities falling below a predetermined threshold.

Recommender systems play a crucial role in the commercial world, evident in platforms such as Amazon. For instance, when purchasing books on Amazon, the system automatically suggests books that I am likely to buy based on my previous purchases. The intriguing question here is: How does Amazon discern my preferences when it lacks explicit information about the features of each book (such as genre - novel, romance, technology, finance) and my preferences for these features? This is where collaborative filtering comes into play. Collaborative filtering capitalizes on the collective history of multiple users rating the same book, enabling the extraction of implicit features. While we may not explicitly know which features are being extracted (e.g., whether a book is categorized as romance, action, or comedy), we do observe that certain books are grouped together based on shared features, aligning with users' preferences. Consequently, collaborative filtering emerges as an unsupervised learning method.

After training, we acquire feature vectors for each book and insights into users' preferences for each feature. During the inference stage, let's consider a scenario where Amazon aims to recommend a book to a user like me. Essentially, the system needs to identify the book with the smallest distance in the feature vector compared to the books I have previously purchased.

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Collaborative filtering trains parameters `w`, `x` and `b`, which are subsequently utilized during the inference stage.

In contrast to collaborative filtering, where recommendations rely on the ratings of users who gave similar ratings and features lack explicit meaning, content-based filtering suggests items to users based on the features of both users and items. In this context, features carry concrete meanings, such as user demographics and product information.

The image below precisely illustrates the overall structure of content-based filtering. Firstly, users' features and items' features are input into two independent neural networks for feature vector extraction. Secondly, the feature vectors from these two neural networks undergo a dot product operation, which serves as the prediction of the system. It's important to note that both neural networks are trained simultaneously.

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The user network and item network extract feature vectors from the content of users and items, respectively. Subsequently, these feature vectors are utilized for prediction.

C3W3A1: Lunar Lander

Traditional control algorithms, such as constructing dynamic and measurement models and employing PID controllers, pose challenges in development, requiring extensive knowledge of control systems from engineers. Reinforcement learning presents a novel approach to addressing control problems. The fundamental concept involves establishing a reward system that reinforces positive actions and discourages negative ones within a system. This incentivizes systems to autonomously discover optimal actions to achieve their goals. The analogy of training a dog more or less illustrates this idea. When teaching dogs to behave, we don't explicitly instruct them on specific behaviors. Instead, we reward positive actions and penalize negative ones. Ideally, dogs learn to behave appropriately. Similarly, in reinforcement learning, systems learn to make effective decisions through a reward-based framework.

The animation below shows the successful landing of the Lunar Lander during the inference phase.

Machine Learning Stanford

Getting Started

All the results in Jupyter Notebook can be reproduced by following the instructions below.


Before you start, you need to make sure you have the following dependencies installed:

  • Python-3.10: Python-3.10 is used throughout all the solutions to the problems.


  • To download this repository, run the following command:
git clone

Install Python Dependencies

  • Create and activate a Python virtual environment
python3.10 -m venv venv_machine_learning && source venv_machine_learning/bin/activate
  • Update pip and setuptools:
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip setuptools
  • Install required Python packages in requirements.txt.
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Running Jupyter Notebook

Now you are ready to go to each Jupyter Notebook and run the code. Please remember to select the kernel you just created in your virtual environment venv_machine_learning.


Any feedback, comments, and questions about this repository are welcome. However, I will politely decline all pull requests or merge requests. This repository is a record of my learning journey, and I aim to maintain its independence.



Version History

  • 2.0.0
    • Working on the course, Machine Learning Specialization, in 2023.
  • 1.0.0
    • Finish all the problems in the course of Machine Learning Stanford by 2015.


  • Please also install xvfb.
sudo apt-get install xvfb
  • Please also install graphviz if you want to plot pretty graph (optional).
sudo apt-get install graphviz
  • Disable annoying tensorflow DEBUG message. Put the following code at the start of the nodebook.
import os
os.environ['TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL'] = '3'  # or any {'0', '1', '2', '3'}. 3: NONE


Set verbose=0 to the fit method of the TensorFlow model.

  • How to extract images from a pdf file.
pdfimages -all -png C1_W1.pdf image_w1/