0.2.4 (2022-04-20)
- errors: reading appendChild 8f789ae - Terry Moore
0.2.3 (2022-04-07)
- className: trying to set className to null element 1a0f0c3 - Terry Moore
0.2.2 (2021-11-30)
- css: className of null 2afeef9 - Terry Moore
0.2.1 (2021-06-02)
- publish package with updates 6184c9f - Terry Moore
- Merge pull request #1 from logdna/tm/prepare-for-republish 48b8bfb - GitHub, closes: #1
- Merge pull request #220 from rstacruz/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/jquery-3.5.0 e1a8b7f - GitHub, closes: #220
- Bump jquery from 2.2.4 to 3.5.0 f236a2f - GitHub
- Merge pull request #217 from anyclub/master 9864fc6 - GitHub, closes: #217
- set dom c533489 - anyc
- Remove codesponsor.io badge a0ab16c - GitHub
- Merge pull request #190 from LukasDrgon/patch-1 4fe140d - GitHub, closes: #190
- Add jsDelivr hits badge 2987cbc - GitHub
- add codesponsor.io badge 6bcf12a - GitHub
- add pjax instructions 4d1745b - Rico Sta. Cruz
- fix gitter link b9c6eee - Rico Sta. Cruz
- follow common formats more closely debf0cf - Rico Sta. Cruz
- lessen references to bower and spm fe912b9 - Rico Sta. Cruz
- update appearance a bit 9fa8822 - GitHub
- update code badge appearance d01d50f - GitHub
- Merge pull request #148 from statmuse/smoother-trickle 5b86b18 - GitHub, closes: #148
- Update Turbolinks 5+ instructions d68df8d - GitHub
- better defaults for smoother trickle 2a078a2 - Tyler Brown
- smoother decelerating trickle 8845ea0 - Tyler Brown
- Merge pull request #136 from ChrisCinelli/master 6de3a45 - Rico Sta. Cruz, closes: #136
- Smoother decelerating increments (with optimal defaults) bba86d6 - Chris Cinelli
- Add guard on classList function if element does not exist anymore 1cc3d28 - Chris Cinelli
- Track script errors in mocha html 33878ab - Rico Sta. Cruz
- Update History.md f094b7c - Rico Sta. Cruz
- Fix History.md annotations 299d661 - Rico Sta. Cruz