- Update .gitignore, CI workflow, and release script
- deps: update pyoxidizer.bzl and nox_actions/release.py
- Refactor release script for better readability
- Update dependencies and modify release script
- update pyoxidizer.bzl module modification
- Update Rez version from 3.1.1 to 3.2.0 in pyoxidizer.bzl
- refactor changelog
- Fix path
- Upload multiple artifacts to release.
- Upload multiple artifacts to release.
- Upload artifacts to release.
- Update use new zip name
- fix zip name
- Add download process.
- fix typo
- update use actions/upload-artifact@v4
- fix build exe
- split upload process
- fix build exe
- Update ci to support Mac and Linux
- deploy new version
- deploy new version
- lint codes
- Add new setup use CI auto build portable version
- Update ci config