Skal follows the Semantic Versioning standard, although not for development before version 1. Read more at
Released on January 22nd 2013
- Package restructuring
Released on January 21st 2013
- Print error output in a clearer way
Released on November 8nd 2012
- Fixes a bug where ImportErrors in modules are captured as a Skal error
Released on October 2nd 2012
- Added ability to send global args with the constructor
Released on September 21th 2012
- Fixes a bug when importing non existing modules
Released on September 21th 2012
- Fixes a bug when modules inside of modules are used
Released on September 19th 2012
- Fixes a bug where long command help was incorrectly formated
- Change argument passing to commands to use unpacking
- Change to the order in which version and description is set
- Fix a bug where no doc on a sub class method crashes the app
Released on September 18th 2012
- Correctly skip and add modules
Released on September 18th 2012
- Generate correct name for commands from modules inside packages
- Catch NameError and not only SyntaxError on module import
Released on September 18th 2012
- Duplicate commands from different modules are now ignored and warned for
- Better output of missing documentation and syntax error in commands
Released on September 14th 2012
- Fixed bug when no documentation was defined for a function
- Code is now completely PEP8 comliant
Released on September 7th 2012
- Changed the class init to accept command modules AND subcommand modules
- Added override for description and version in SkalApp constructor
Released on September 5th 2012
- Removed returning of exit codes
- Removed catching of KeyboardInterrupt
- Chenged to use distribute (setuptools)
- Added elaborate test cases for testing class, module and package versions
- Added better handling of version flag
- Moved output capture for testing to a separate utility class
- Added module introspection for functions and global args
Released on July 3rd 2012
- First major release of Skal
- Updated setup to use a cfg file, this is also used for tests
Released on July 1st 2012
- Added command arguments
- Updated readme with new syntax
Released on June 29th 2012
- Added global arguments
- Added class documentation
Released on June 28th 2012
- Added this changelog
- Added test cases
- Module can't be run on it's own anymore
Released on June 27th 2012
- First release
- Basic functionality with a subclass of SkalApp
- Decorator to mark commands to add to command line