Project for the Data Structures and Algorithms course at UniBo 2022-2023, involving the creation of a player for generalised Connect Four able to pick each move within a time limit. L0 and L1 are pre-made players provided by the professor; L0 randomly selects a move each turn, L1 does the same unless it's able to win or block the opponent's win with a certain move.
Command-line compile. In the connectx/ directory run::
javac -cp ".." *.java */*.java
CXGame application:
Human vs Computer. In the connectx/ directory run:
java -cp ".." connectx.CXGame 6 7 4 connectx.Telos.Telos
Computer vs Computer. In the connectx/ directory run:
java -cp ".." connectx.CXGame 6 7 4 connectx.Telos.Telos connectx.L1.L1
CXPlayerTester application:
Output score only:
java -cp ".." connectx.CXPlayerTester 6 7 4 connectx.Telos.Telos connectx.L1.L1
Verbose output
java -cp ".." connectx.CXPlayerTester 6 7 4 connectx.Telos.Telos connectx.L1.L1 -v
Verbose output and customized timeout (1 sec) and number of game repetitions (10 rounds)
java -cp ".." connectx.CXPlayerTester 6 7 4 connectx.Telos.Telos connectx.L1.L1 -v -t 1 -r 10