Tic Tac Toe
This application is a fun and simple Tic Tac Toe game and allows the user to play with someone next to them. It is my first full application that is part of a Software Engineering program I attend. It is a work in progress that contiunes to allow me to be creative and work on my skills as an aspiring software developer.
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Planning Story:
The first steps I took towards development was to set some wireframes on how I would like the game to visually look, pictured below. The orginal disgins we're based on moble and laptop play. Next I aquired all the parameters and documentation needed for the game to make a timeframe schedule. I started with all the elements I was comfortable with in html and css to build the gameboard. From there I started working on all the ligic that the game was going to require and login/sign up info. Once I had everything organized I was ready to start developing.
User Stories:
As a user I want to sign in/up. As a user I want to Create a new game. As a user I want to play multiple games. As a user I want to be able to pick only availble spaces on the board. As a user I want to see the number of games played. As a user I want to see who has won the game.
Technologies Used:
- Sass
- Javascript
- jQuery
- Bootstrap
Unsolved Problems:
Still need to make the game a bit more interactive and give it some more styling, like drop down menus and mutilple pages to view. Would like to eventually make the it be able to play agianst a simple AI.