Releases: ls1intum/Artemis
Releases · ls1intum/Artemis
- General: Allow instructors to define structured grading criteria and tutors to drag and drop them into UML elements (modeling) or feedback entries (text / file upload)
- General: Add markdown editor to question and answer feature
- General: Improve user experience and styling of markdown editor
- General: Improved text assessments for complaint reviews by tutors
- General: Show success message after team imports between exercises
- General: Improve local setup documentation
- General: Improve Jenkins and Gitlab documentation
- Modeling/Text/File upload exercises: Improve submission pages using a common dark blue header
- Programming exercises: Simplify testing in a local setup without version control and continuous integration by simulating exercise creation, submissions and results
- General: Fix a problem with the display of exercise categories
- General: Fix color selector usability for courses management and markdown editor
- General: Sync roles when changing user rights
- General: Fix multiple small issues for notifications
- Modeling/Text/File upload exercises: Fix navigation when creating / editing exercises
- Programming exercises: Fix exercise import for Jenkins / Gitlab configuration
- General: Easier course creation for different use cases (local development and production)
- General: Activate team exercises (beta)
- General: Allow instructors to import teams from existing exercises
- General: Show active team members in submission page in team exercises
- Programming exercises: Improve Jenkins documentation
- Text exercises: Add new text assessment user interface (currently hidden, will be activated in a subsequent release)
- Quiz exercises: Fix an issue in the creation of drag and drop modeling quizzes
- General: Fix small issues in question and answer functionality
- General: Fix translation issues
- General: Show correct count for complaints/more feedback requests about your assessments
- General: Update Artemis development environment to JDK 14 and Node 13
- Programming exercises: Use Java 14 as default version in pom.xml when generating new programming exercises
- Programming exercises: Use Docker Builds on Bamboo due to improved security and flexibility
- Programming exercises: Provide a custom Java Maven Docker template which already contains the most important dependencies to maintain the same build performance (10-15s)
- Programming exercises: Update Bamboo version to 7.0.2
- Programming exercises: Improve Java template project
- General: Improve performance and startup time of the web application by using more lazy modules in Angular
- General: Allow admins to search for users in user management
- General: Improve Gitlab / Jenkins documentation, add customization option for Jenkins
- General: Allow instructors to manage participants of course groups
- General: Participate in team-based exercises
- General: Add meta information to teams
- General: Improve customizability with logo and favicon
- Modeling: Make it easier to add assocations
- General: Fix rare orientation issue in guided tutorials
- General: Allow longer passwords for internal users
- General: Fix an issue in edit course
- Modeling: Fix an issue with reconnecting associations in Safari
- General: User management and group management for courses are now easier and more consistent
- General: Client URLs are now more consistent (Note: bookmarks may not work any more)
- General: Cleaned up client structure to make the development easier
- General: Tutor assessment guided tutorial
- General: Upgrade to Angular 9
- General: Improved compatibility with the Orion plugin for IntelliJ
- General: Add health indicator for external user management
- General: Improve loading of exercise details
- General: Add support for team exercises (only available for admins at the moment)
- General: Add support for structured grading criteria (only available for admins at the moment)
- General: Allow instructors to enable / disable complaints and configure the maximum number of complaints and how long students can complain about results
- General: Allow instructors to enable / disable student questions
- General: Add option to setup an internal admin account in the config files
- Programming exercises: Update to Juni 4.13 in the Java template
- Modeling exercises: Improved server REST call structure
- General: Fix submission date display in participation submission page
- General: Errors messages in client login are now independent of JIRA when no external user management is used
- General: Fix missing authorization checks for student questions
- General: Fix problem in "hide full score" filter
- Programming exercises: Fix submission overview and wrongly formatted date
- Programming exercises: Fix different problems and exceptions in the Gitlab / Jenkins environment
- Text exercises: Escape HTML in Submission Text for Text Assessment
- Programming exercises: Show number of submissions in participations page and allow to filter participations without submissions
- Modeling exercises: Simplify the connection of model elements (Apollon)
- General: Improve audit log when deleting participations
- General: consistently use name instead of only firstName in all places
- Programming exercises: Hide build plan link/button if the build plan was already cleaned up
- Programming exercises: Only allow students to resume an exercise if it was not locked before
- File upload exercises: Validate file pattern when creating / editing exercises
- Programming exercises: Show correct numbers in tutor dashboard
- Programming exercises: Allow instructors to override results
- General: Allow instructors to add results for external submissions
- General: Improve the consistency of submission / result display in course overview, exercise details and submission pages
- General: Improve internal user management for admins (allow to edit groups)
- General: Show number of open complaints for exercises in tutor course dashboard
- General: Only show lectures tab if there are actually lectures in the course
- General: Display active system notifications for unauthenticated users
- General: Improve course scores export to csv
- General: Allow to customize logo, privacy statement, contact email and imprint link
- General: Warn instructors if the start assessing before the exercise due date
- General: Improve logic when overriding results is allowed
- General: Allow to restart guided tutorials which include an exercise participation
- Programming exercises: Fix setup when no tutor group is defined in a course
- Programming exercises: Fix an issue when forking repos does not work the first time
- Programming exercises: Hide resume exercise button when this is not allowed after the exercise
- Programming exercises: Dynamically create build plan links on the client
- Text exercises: Fix deletion of submissions and exercises with text blocks
- General: Fix overlay issue in exercise details
- General: Fix issues for the orientation of popups during guided tutorials
Improvements and Bugfixes:
- Programming exercises: Integration of Jenkins as 2nd possible CI service and GitLab as 2nd possible VC service
- Programming exercises: Add instructor view to Orion to setup programming exercises much easier in IntelliJ (see
- Text exercises: Fix an issue when creating/updating example submissions
- General: Allow instructors to cancel assessments
- General: Unify how complaints are accepted for text, modeling and file upload exercises
- General: Fix display of tutor participation graph on tutor course dashboard
- General: Fix display of upcoming exercise in course exercise overview
- General: Correct highlighting of selected tour element in guided tutorials
- General: Fix the deletion of exercises and unify the source code for it
- General: Add important delete operations to audit log
- General: Fix small display issues on exercise overview and detail pages
- General: Allow to filter submissions by locked assessments
- Development: Improve many REST calls in CourseResource and ExerciseResource
- Development: Improve test coverage and test execution for server integration tests