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177 lines (124 loc) · 6.28 KB

File metadata and controls

177 lines (124 loc) · 6.28 KB

###Preparing the machine and importing data

Scripts to prepare CNEFE data, on street names and addresses in Brasil, to be imported/integrated into Opeen Street Map

Commands bellow are to be run from a Linux Terminal

###Preparing the machine Install Postgresql and PostGIS flowing this totorial:

mkdir ~/osm_cnefe_import

###Creating Database

sudo -u postgres createuser -s $USER
createdb osm_cnefe_import
psql -d osm_cnefe_import -c 'CREATE EXTENSION hstore; CREATE EXTENSION postgis;'

###Importing CNEFE data: Still incomplete. Just some references bellow

Downloading the data:

mkdir ~/osm_cnefe_import/CNEFE
cd ~/osm_cnefe_import/CNEFE
wget -r -nd  --read-timeout=5
unzip  '*.zip'

obs: downloading will take some time, there are 10904 files totaling 926Mb

Now we can follow two strategies:

Importing with pgloader

haven't tryed yet, could not find a tutorial including pgloader in a multiple files to one table setting.

Importing with psql \copy command

This is based on this sugestion to use only psql \copy command, import as a text blob to a staging table in Postgres and parse the content of each colum in Postgres. To deal with the several files to be imported I'm using the suggestion in this StackOverflow quetion, of creating a creating an import file with one copy command perCNEFE file.

This may also be usefull (depois tirar):

Creating an import file with one copy command perCNEFE file.

(for FILE in ./*.TXT; do echo "\COPY cnefe_staging FROM '$FILE'"; done) > temp_CNEFE_import-commands.sql

Correcting Encoding: when importing the oringinal unzipped files into Postgres I encountered encoding problems ("psql:temp_CNEFE_import-commands.sql:1: ERROR: invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0xe9 0x63 0x69 CONTEXT: COPY cnefe_staging, line 452" similar for command 6, line 6538). I solved this with the 'recode' package:

sudo apt-get install recode
recode iso-8859-1..utf8 *.TXT

Importing to a table in Postgres

psql -d osm_cnefe_import  -c 'DROP TABLE cnefe_staging';
psql -d osm_cnefe_import  -c 'CREATE TABLE cnefe_staging (data text)'
psql -d osm_cnefe_import  -f temp_CNEFE_import-commands.sql

about 70 milion rows (it should have 84 milion)

Even with the above "recode" I'm still getting the the following encode errors: " psql:temp_CNEFE_import-commands.sql:8346: ERROR: invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0xc2 0x20 CONTEXT: COPY cnefe_staging, line 49070: "42 4202 5 0 1781TRAVESSA TAILANDIA ..." psql:temp_CNEFE_import-commands.sql:9189: ERROR: invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0x94 CONTEXT: COPY cnefe_staging, line 1023: "43 9100 5 0 21AVENIDA BORGES DE MEDEIROS ..." psql:temp_CNEFE_import-commands.sql:10794: ERROR: invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0x00 CONTEXT: COPY cnefe_staging, line 10418: "5215702 5 0 391RUA TREZE ..." "

Separating fields

psql -d osm_cnefe_import  -f create_cnefe_unnormalized.sql

osb: see the create_cnefe_unnormalized.sql in this gihub repo. Table is created but I get an error: "CREATE TABLE psql:create_cnefe_unnormalized.sql:84: ERROR: invalid input syntax for integer: "

nada é adicionado à tabela

next tings to do:

create the CNEFE table, separating the fields from the stagging table

add indexes

normalize the CNEFE table into the tables: roads, enumeration districts, addresses, localidades

add the geoms of the enumeration districts

###Importing polygons of Setores Censitarios (enumeration districts): Downloading the data:

mkdir ~/osm_cnefe_import/set_censitario
cd ~/osm_cnefe_import/set_censitario
wget -r -nd
unzip  '*.zip'
cp -p $(find . -name *SEE250GC_SIR.*) . 
rm -r */

Importing into Postgresql:

shp2pgsql -c -s 4674:4326 -I -W LATIN1 2010  public.shape_setor_censitario | psql -d osm_cnefe_import

obs: above, the switch -s changes spatial reference from SIRGAS2000(SRID=4674) to WGS84 (SRID=4326)

###Importing OSM Brasil data: Commands to be run from linux terminal. Make sure you have osm2pgsql installed Inspiration:

Downloading the data: I use the Brasil OSM file produced by Geofabrik

md5sum -c brazil-latest.osm.pbf.md5

Importing into PostgreSQL

osm2pgsql --create --slim -l \
    --cache 4000 --hstore \
    --style --multi-geometry \
    --host MYMACHINE--port 1234 --database MYDATABASE \

above replace the host, port and database info with the values for your setup.

(optional) Importing OSM Brasil History File:

Following this tutorial:

Importing the data:

mkdir ~/osm_cnefe_import/OSM_Brasil/Brasil_history_file
cd ~/osm_cnefe_import/OSM_Brasil/Brasil_history_file

Importing into postgres


##Data sources summary