diff --git a/codeception.dist.yml b/codeception.dist.yml
index 2b6e96a12..300f80631 100644
--- a/codeception.dist.yml
+++ b/codeception.dist.yml
@@ -23,3 +23,4 @@ extensions:
- "lucatume\\WPBrowser\\Command\\RunOriginal"
- "lucatume\\WPBrowser\\Command\\RunAll"
- "lucatume\\WPBrowser\\Command\\GenerateWPUnit"
+ - "lucatume\\WPBrowser\\Command\\ChromedriverUpdate"
diff --git a/composer.json b/composer.json
index 66c9ba16e..2a4029410 100644
--- a/composer.json
+++ b/composer.json
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
"ext-fileinfo": "*",
"ext-json": "*",
"ext-curl": "*",
+ "ext-zip": "*",
"composer-runtime-api": "^2.2",
"codeception/codeception": "^5.0",
"codeception/module-asserts": "^2.0 || ^3.0",
diff --git a/config/containers/php/Dockerfile b/config/containers/php/Dockerfile
index e244727a1..e1adc0662 100644
--- a/config/containers/php/Dockerfile
+++ b/config/containers/php/Dockerfile
@@ -46,3 +46,11 @@ RUN chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/xdebug-on && chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/xdebug-off
# Ensure the gropup and user exist.
RUN getent group ${USER_GID} || groupadd -g ${USER_GID} ${USER_NAME}
RUN getent passwd ${USER_UID} || useradd -u ${USER_UID} -g ${USER_GID} -m -s /bin/bash ${USER_NAME}
+# Create a Chrome mock where expected.
+RUN if [ "${TARGET}" = "codeception" ]; then \
+ mkdir -p /usr/bin && \
+ echo '#!/bin/bash' > /usr/bin/google-chrome && \
+ echo 'echo 'Google Chrome 116.0.5845.96'' >> /usr/bin/google-chrome && \
+ chmod a+x /usr/bin/google-chrome; \
+ fi
diff --git a/src/Command/ChromedriverUpdate.php b/src/Command/ChromedriverUpdate.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..06b328cf9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Command/ChromedriverUpdate.php
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+setDescription('Updates the Chromedriver binary.')
+ ->addArgument(
+ 'version',
+ InputArgument::OPTIONAL,
+ 'The version of Chrome to install chromedriver for.',
+ ''
+ )->addOption(
+ 'platform',
+ '',
+ InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED,
+ 'The platform to install Chromedriver for.',
+ ''
+ )->addOption(
+ 'binary',
+ '',
+ InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED,
+ 'The path to the Chrome binary to download Chromedriver for.',
+ false
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * @throws JsonException
+ */
+ public function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int
+ {
+ $platform = $input->getOption('platform') ?: null;
+ if ($platform && !is_string($platform)) {
+ throw new InvalidArgumentException('The platform option must be a string.');
+ }
+ $version = $input->getArgument('version') ?: null;
+ if ($version && !is_string($version)) {
+ throw new InvalidArgumentException('The version argument must be a string.');
+ }
+ $binary = $input->getOption('binary') ?: null;
+ if ($binary && !is_string($binary)) {
+ throw new InvalidArgumentException('The binary option must be a string.');
+ }
+ $chromedriverInstaller = new ChromedriverInstaller($version, $platform, $binary, $output);
+ $chromedriverInstaller->install();
+ return 0;
+ }
diff --git a/src/Project/ContentProject.php b/src/Project/ContentProject.php
index f5c80ade3..b87c84925 100644
--- a/src/Project/ContentProject.php
+++ b/src/Project/ContentProject.php
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
use Closure;
use Codeception\InitTemplate;
+use lucatume\WPBrowser\Command\ChromedriverUpdate;
use lucatume\WPBrowser\Command\DevInfo;
use lucatume\WPBrowser\Command\DevRestart;
use lucatume\WPBrowser\Command\DevStart;
@@ -11,6 +12,7 @@
use lucatume\WPBrowser\Exceptions\RuntimeException;
use lucatume\WPBrowser\Extension\BuiltInServerController;
use lucatume\WPBrowser\Extension\ChromeDriverController;
+use lucatume\WPBrowser\Utils\ChromedriverInstaller;
use lucatume\WPBrowser\Utils\Filesystem as FS;
use lucatume\WPBrowser\Utils\Random;
use lucatume\WPBrowser\WordPress\Database\SQLiteDatabase;
@@ -20,8 +22,6 @@
abstract class ContentProject extends InitTemplate implements ProjectInterface
- use SetupTemplateTrait;
protected TestEnvironment $testEnvironment;
abstract protected function getProjectType(): string;
@@ -123,7 +123,9 @@ public function setup(): void
$this->sayInfo('Created database dump in tests/Support/Data/dump.sql.');
- $this->addChromedriverDevDependency();
+ $this->sayInfo('Installing Chromedriver ...');
+ $chromedriverPath = (new ChromedriverInstaller())->install();
+ $this->sayInfo("Chromedriver installed in $chromedriverPath");
$chromedriverPort = Random::openLocalhostPort();
$this->testEnvironment->testTablePrefix = 'test_';
$this->testEnvironment->wpTablePrefix = 'wp_';
@@ -157,6 +159,7 @@ public function setup(): void
$this->testEnvironment->customCommands[] = DevStop::class;
$this->testEnvironment->customCommands[] = DevInfo::class;
$this->testEnvironment->customCommands[] = DevRestart::class;
+ $this->testEnvironment->customCommands[] = ChromedriverUpdate::class;
$this->testEnvironment->wpRootDir = FS::relativePath($this->workDir, $wpRootDir);
$this->testEnvironment->dbUrl = 'sqlite://%codecept_root_dir%/tests/_wordpress/data/db.sqlite';
diff --git a/src/Project/SetupTemplateTrait.php b/src/Project/SetupTemplateTrait.php
deleted file mode 100644
index a8ddee4fc..000000000
--- a/src/Project/SetupTemplateTrait.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-sayInfo('Adding Chromedriver binary as a development dependency ...');
- $composer = new Composer($this->workDir . '/composer.json');
- $composer->requireDev(['webdriver-binary/binary-chromedriver' => '*']);
- $composer->allowPluginsFromPackage('webdriver-binary/binary-chromedriver');
- $composer->update('webdriver-binary/binary-chromedriver');
- }
diff --git a/src/Project/SiteProject.php b/src/Project/SiteProject.php
index 29929da41..2cca7985d 100644
--- a/src/Project/SiteProject.php
+++ b/src/Project/SiteProject.php
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
namespace lucatume\WPBrowser\Project;
use Codeception\InitTemplate;
+use lucatume\WPBrowser\Command\ChromedriverUpdate;
use lucatume\WPBrowser\Command\DevInfo;
use lucatume\WPBrowser\Command\DevRestart;
use lucatume\WPBrowser\Command\DevStart;
@@ -10,6 +11,7 @@
use lucatume\WPBrowser\Exceptions\RuntimeException;
use lucatume\WPBrowser\Extension\BuiltInServerController;
use lucatume\WPBrowser\Extension\ChromeDriverController;
+use lucatume\WPBrowser\Utils\ChromedriverInstaller;
use lucatume\WPBrowser\Utils\Filesystem as FS;
use lucatume\WPBrowser\Utils\Random;
use lucatume\WPBrowser\WordPress\Database\SQLiteDatabase;
@@ -22,8 +24,6 @@
class SiteProject extends InitTemplate implements ProjectInterface
- use SetupTemplateTrait;
private Installation $installation;
private TestEnvironment $testEnvironment;
@@ -117,7 +117,9 @@ public function setup(): void
$this->sayInfo('Created database dump in tests/Support/Data/dump.sql.');
- $this->addChromedriverDevDependency();
+ $this->sayInfo('Installing Chromedriver ...');
+ $chromedriverPath = (new ChromedriverInstaller())->install();
+ $this->sayInfo("Chromedriver installed in $chromedriverPath");
$chromedriverPort = Random::openLocalhostPort();
$this->testEnvironment->testTablePrefix = 'test_';
$this->testEnvironment->wpTablePrefix = 'wp_';
@@ -152,6 +154,7 @@ public function setup(): void
$this->testEnvironment->customCommands[] = DevStop::class;
$this->testEnvironment->customCommands[] = DevInfo::class;
$this->testEnvironment->customCommands[] = DevRestart::class;
+ $this->testEnvironment->customCommands[] = ChromedriverUpdate::class;
$this->testEnvironment->wpRootDir = '.';
$this->testEnvironment->dbUrl = 'sqlite://%codecept_root_dir%/tests/Support/Data/db.sqlite';
diff --git a/src/Utils/ChromedriverInstaller.php b/src/Utils/ChromedriverInstaller.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ec3e07170
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Utils/ChromedriverInstaller.php
@@ -0,0 +1,323 @@
+output = $output ?? new NullOutput();
+ $platform = $platform ?? $this->detectPlatform();
+ $this->platform = $this->checkPlatform($platform);
+ $this->output->writeln("Platform: $platform");
+ $binary = $binary ?? $this->detectBinary();
+ $this->binary = $this->checkBinary($binary);
+ $this->output->writeln("Binary: $binary");
+ $version = $version ?? $this->detectVersion();
+ $this->version = $this->checkVersion($version);
+ $this->output->writeln("Version: $version");
+ }
+ /**
+ * @throws JsonException
+ */
+ public function install(string $dir = null): string
+ {
+ if ($dir === null) {
+ global $_composer_bin_dir;
+ $dir = $_composer_bin_dir;
+ $composerEnvBinDir = getenv('COMPOSER_BIN_DIR');
+ if ($composerEnvBinDir && is_string($composerEnvBinDir) && is_dir($composerEnvBinDir)) {
+ $dir = $composerEnvBinDir;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!is_dir($dir)) {
+ throw new InvalidArgumentException(
+ "The directory $dir does not exist.",
+ );
+ }
+ $this->output->writeln("Fetching Chromedriver version URL ...");
+ $downloadUrl = $this->fetchChromedriverVersionUrl();
+ $zipFilePathname = rtrim(sys_get_temp_dir(), '\\/') . '/' . basename($downloadUrl);
+ if (is_file($zipFilePathname) && !unlink($zipFilePathname)) {
+ throw new RuntimeException(
+ "Could not remove existing zip file $zipFilePathname",
+ );
+ }
+ $zipFilePathname = Download::fileFromUrl($downloadUrl, $zipFilePathname);
+ $this->output->writeln('Downloaded Chromedriver to ' . $zipFilePathname);
+ $executableFileName = $dir . '/' . $this->getExecutableFileName();
+ if (is_file($executableFileName) && !unlink($executableFileName)) {
+ throw new RuntimeException(
+ "Could not remove existing executable file $executableFileName",
+ );
+ }
+ $extractedPath = Zip::extractTo($zipFilePathname, sys_get_temp_dir());
+ if (!rename(
+ "$extractedPath/chromedriver-$this->platform/" . $this->getExecutableFileName(),
+ $executableFileName
+ )) {
+ throw new RuntimeException(
+ "Could not move Chromedriver to $executableFileName",
+ );
+ }
+ if (chmod($executableFileName, 0755) === false) {
+ throw new RuntimeException(
+ "Could not make Chromedriver executable",
+ );
+ }
+ $this->output->writeln("Installed Chromedriver to $executableFileName");
+ return $executableFileName;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @throws RuntimeException
+ */
+ private function detectVersion(): string
+ {
+ $chromeVersion = exec($this->binary . ' --version');
+ if (!($chromeVersion && is_string($chromeVersion))) {
+ throw new RuntimeException(
+ "Could not detect Chrome version from $this->binary",
+ );
+ }
+ return $chromeVersion;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @throws RuntimeException
+ */
+ private function detectPlatform(): string
+ {
+ // Return one of `linux64`, `mac-arm64`,`mac-x64`, `win32`, `win64`.
+ $system = php_uname('s');
+ $arch = php_uname('m');
+ if ($system === 'Darwin') {
+ if ($arch === 'arm64') {
+ return 'mac-arm64';
+ }
+ return 'mac-x64';
+ }
+ if ($system === 'Linux') {
+ return 'linux64';
+ }
+ if ($system === 'Windows NT') {
+ if ($arch === 'x86_64') {
+ return 'win64';
+ }
+ return 'win32';
+ }
+ throw new RuntimeException('Failed to detect platform.', self::ERR_DETECT_PLATFORM);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return 'linux64'|'mac-x64'|'mac-arm64'|'win32'|'win64'
+ *
+ * @throws RuntimeException
+ */
+ private function checkPlatform(mixed $platform): string
+ {
+ if (!(is_string($platform) && in_array($platform, [
+ 'linux64',
+ 'mac-arm64',
+ 'mac-x64',
+ 'win32',
+ 'win64'
+ ]))) {
+ throw new RuntimeException(
+ 'Invalid platform, supported platforms are: linux64, mac-arm64, mac-x64, win32, win64.',
+ );
+ }
+ /** @var 'linux64'|'mac-x64'|'mac-arm64'|'win32'|'win64' $platform */
+ return $platform;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @throws RuntimeException
+ */
+ private function detectBinary(): string
+ {
+ return match ($this->platform) {
+ 'linux64' => '/usr/bin/google-chrome',
+ 'mac-x64', 'mac-arm64' => '/Applications/Google\ Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google\ Chrome',
+ 'win32', 'win64' => 'C:\\\\Program Files (x86)\\\\Google\\\\Chrome\\\\Application\\\\chrome.exe'
+ };
+ }
+ private function checkBinary(mixed $binary): string
+ {
+ // Replace escaped spaces with spaces to check the binary.
+ if (!(is_string($binary) && is_executable(str_replace('\ ', ' ', $binary)))) {
+ throw new RuntimeException(
+ "Invalid Chrome binary: not executable or not existing.",
+ );
+ }
+ return $binary;
+ }
+ private function checkVersion(mixed $version): string
+ {
+ $matches = [];
+ if (!(is_string($version) && preg_match('/^.*?(?\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)$/', $version, $matches))) {
+ throw new RuntimeException(
+ "Invalid Chrome version: must be in the form X.Y.Z.W.",
+ );
+ }
+ return $matches['version'];
+ }
+ /**
+ * @throws JsonException
+ */
+ private function fetchChromedriverVersionUrl(): string
+ {
+ $knownGoodVersionsWithDownloads = file_get_contents(
+ 'https://googlechromelabs.github.io/chrome-for-testing/known-good-versions-with-downloads.json'
+ );
+ if ($knownGoodVersionsWithDownloads === false) {
+ throw new RuntimeException(
+ 'Failed to fetch known good Chrome and Chromedriver versions with downloads.',
+ );
+ }
+ $decoded = json_decode($knownGoodVersionsWithDownloads, true, 512, JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR);
+ if (!(
+ is_array($decoded)
+ && isset($decoded['versions'])
+ && is_array($decoded['versions'])
+ )) {
+ throw new RuntimeException(
+ 'Failed to decode known good Chrome and Chromedriver versions with downloads.',
+ );
+ }
+ foreach ($decoded['versions'] as $versionData) {
+ if (!(
+ is_array($versionData)
+ && isset($versionData['version'], $versionData['downloads'])
+ && $versionData['version'] === $this->version
+ && is_array($versionData['downloads'])
+ && isset($versionData['downloads']['chromedriver'])
+ && is_array($versionData['downloads']['chromedriver'])
+ )) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ foreach ($versionData['downloads']['chromedriver'] as $chromedriverDownload) {
+ if (!(
+ is_array($chromedriverDownload)
+ && isset($chromedriverDownload['platform'], $chromedriverDownload['url'])
+ && $chromedriverDownload['platform'] === $this->platform
+ && is_string($chromedriverDownload['url'])
+ )
+ ) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ return $chromedriverDownload['url'];
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ throw new RuntimeException(
+ 'Failed to find a download URL for Chromedriver version ' . $this->version,
+ );
+ }
+ private function getExecutableFileName(): string
+ {
+ return match ($this->platform) {
+ 'linux64', 'mac-x64', 'mac-arm64' => 'chromedriver',
+ 'win32', 'win64' => 'chromedriver.exe'
+ };
+ }
+ public function getVersion(): string
+ {
+ return $this->version;
+ }
+ public function getBinary(): string
+ {
+ return $this->binary;
+ }
+ public function getPlatform(): string
+ {
+ return $this->platform;
+ }
diff --git a/tests/_data/bins/chrome-mock b/tests/_data/bins/chrome-mock
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..7c7d413c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/_data/bins/chrome-mock
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env sh
+echo 'Google Chrome 116.0.5845.96'
+exit 0
diff --git a/tests/_data/bins/chrome-version-not-string b/tests/_data/bins/chrome-version-not-string
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..10af03b01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/_data/bins/chrome-version-not-string
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env sh
+exit 0
diff --git a/tests/_data/bins/chrome-version-wrong-format b/tests/_data/bins/chrome-version-wrong-format
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..2d5741aa7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/_data/bins/chrome-version-wrong-format
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env sh
+echo 'Google Chrome 116.lorem.5845.96'
+exit 0
diff --git a/tests/_support/_generated/UnitTesterActions.php b/tests/_support/_generated/UnitTesterActions.php
index 031a3919f..79ffd76da 100644
--- a/tests/_support/_generated/UnitTesterActions.php
+++ b/tests/_support/_generated/UnitTesterActions.php
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
- [
'plugin.php' => " $composerFileCode
+ 'composer.json' => $composerFileCode,
+ 'vendor' => [
+ 'bin' => [
+ ]
+ ],
@@ -83,7 +87,7 @@ public function should_scaffold_for_plugin_with_plugin_php_file(): void
'--path=' . $projectDir . '/plugin_89'
- $process = new Process($command);
+ $process = new Process($command, null, ['COMPOSER_BIN_DIR' => $projectDir . '/plugin_89/vendor/bin']);
"yes\n" // Yes, use recommended setup.
@@ -95,14 +99,12 @@ public function should_scaffold_for_plugin_with_plugin_php_file(): void
FS::rrmdir($projectDir . '/plugin_89/tests/Support/_generated');
$this->assertFileExists($projectDir . '/plugin_89/vendor/bin/chromedriver');
- $this->assertFileExists($projectDir . '/plugin_89/composer.lock');
$this->assertFileExists($projectDir . '/plugin_89/tests/_wordpress/wp-config.php');
$this->assertFileExists($projectDir . '/plugin_89/tests/Support/Data/dump.sql');
// Remove generated or downloaded files that are not needed for the snapshot.
FS::rrmdir($projectDir . '/plugin_89/tests/_wordpress');
FS::rrmdir($projectDir . '/plugin_89/vendor');
- unlink($projectDir . '/plugin_89/composer.lock');
unlink($projectDir . '/plugin_89/tests/Support/Data/dump.sql');
unlink($projectDir . '/plugin_89/composer');
@@ -130,7 +132,11 @@ public function should_scaffold_for_plugin_with_non_plugin_php_file(): void
$projectDir = FS::tmpDir('setup_', [
'plugin_89' => [
'main-file.php' => " $composerFileCode
+ 'composer.json' => $composerFileCode,
+ 'vendor' => [
+ 'bin' => [
+ ]
+ ],
@@ -143,7 +149,7 @@ public function should_scaffold_for_plugin_with_non_plugin_php_file(): void
'--path=' . $projectDir . '/plugin_89'
- $process = new Process($command, null);
+ $process = new Process($command, null, ['COMPOSER_BIN_DIR' => $projectDir . '/plugin_89/vendor/bin']);
"yes\n" // Yes, use recommended setup.
@@ -155,7 +161,6 @@ public function should_scaffold_for_plugin_with_non_plugin_php_file(): void
FS::rrmdir($projectDir . '/plugin_89/tests/Support/_generated');
$this->assertFileExists($projectDir . '/plugin_89/vendor/bin/chromedriver');
- $this->assertFileExists($projectDir . '/plugin_89/composer.lock');
$this->assertFileExists($projectDir . '/plugin_89/tests/_wordpress/wp-config.php');
$this->assertFileExists($projectDir . '/plugin_89/tests/Support/Data/dump.sql');
@@ -163,7 +168,6 @@ public function should_scaffold_for_plugin_with_non_plugin_php_file(): void
FS::rrmdir($projectDir . '/plugin_89/tests/_wordpress');
FS::rrmdir($projectDir . '/plugin_89/vendor');
FS::rrmdir($projectDir . '/plugin_89/var');
- unlink($projectDir . '/plugin_89/composer.lock');
unlink($projectDir . '/plugin_89/tests/Support/Data/dump.sql');
unlink($projectDir . '/plugin_89/composer');
@@ -191,7 +195,11 @@ public function should_scaffold_for_plugin_with_plugin_php_file_custom(): void
$projectDir = FS::tmpDir('setup_', [
'plugin_89' => [
'plugin.php' => " $composerFileCode
+ 'composer.json' => $composerFileCode,
+ 'vendor' => [
+ 'bin' => [
+ ]
+ ],
@@ -202,7 +210,7 @@ public function should_scaffold_for_plugin_with_plugin_php_file_custom(): void
'--path=' . $projectDir . '/plugin_89'
- $process = new Process($command);
+ $process = new Process($command, null, ['COMPOSER_BIN_DIR' => $projectDir . '/plugin_89/vendor/bin']);
"no\n" // No, do not use recommended setup.
@@ -237,7 +245,11 @@ public function should_scaffold_for_plugin_with_non_plugin_php_file_custom(): vo
$projectDir = FS::tmpDir('setup_', [
'plugin_89' => [
'main.php' => " $composerFileCode
+ 'composer.json' => $composerFileCode,
+ 'vendor' => [
+ 'bin' => [
+ ]
+ ],
@@ -248,7 +260,7 @@ public function should_scaffold_for_plugin_with_non_plugin_php_file_custom(): vo
'--path=' . $projectDir . '/plugin_89'
- $process = new Process($command);
+ $process = new Process($command, null, ['COMPOSER_BIN_DIR' => $projectDir . '/plugin_89/vendor/bin']);
"no\n" // No, do not use recommended setup.
@@ -283,7 +295,11 @@ public function should_scaffold_for_theme_correctly(): void
$projectDir = FS::tmpDir('setup_', [
'theme_23' => [
'style.css' => "/*\nTheme Name: Theme 23\n*/",
- 'composer.json' => $composerFileCode
+ 'composer.json' => $composerFileCode,
+ 'vendor' => [
+ 'bin' => [
+ ]
+ ],
@@ -296,7 +312,7 @@ public function should_scaffold_for_theme_correctly(): void
'--path=' . $projectDir . '/theme_23'
- $process = new Process($command);
+ $process = new Process($command, null, ['COMPOSER_BIN_DIR' => $projectDir . '/theme_23/vendor/bin']);
"yes\n" // Yes, use recommended setup.
@@ -308,14 +324,12 @@ public function should_scaffold_for_theme_correctly(): void
FS::rrmdir($projectDir . '/theme_23/tests/Support/_generated');
$this->assertFileExists($projectDir . '/theme_23/vendor/bin/chromedriver');
- $this->assertFileExists($projectDir . '/theme_23/composer.lock');
$this->assertFileExists($projectDir . '/theme_23/tests/_wordpress/wp-config.php');
$this->assertFileExists($projectDir . '/theme_23/tests/Support/Data/dump.sql');
// Remove generated or downloaded files that are not needed for the snapshot.
FS::rrmdir($projectDir . '/theme_23/tests/_wordpress');
FS::rrmdir($projectDir . '/theme_23/vendor');
- unlink($projectDir . '/theme_23/composer.lock');
unlink($projectDir . '/theme_23/tests/Support/Data/dump.sql');
unlink($projectDir . '/theme_23/composer');
@@ -348,7 +362,11 @@ public function should_scaffold_for_child_theme_correctly(): void
Template: twentytwenty
- 'composer.json' => $composerFileCode
+ 'composer.json' => $composerFileCode,
+ 'vendor' => [
+ 'bin' => [
+ ]
+ ],
@@ -361,7 +379,7 @@ public function should_scaffold_for_child_theme_correctly(): void
'--path=' . $projectDir . '/theme_23'
- $process = new Process($command);
+ $process = new Process($command, null, ['COMPOSER_BIN_DIR' => $projectDir . '/theme_23/vendor/bin']);
"yes\n" // Yes, use recommended setup.
@@ -373,14 +391,12 @@ public function should_scaffold_for_child_theme_correctly(): void
FS::rrmdir($projectDir . '/theme_23/tests/Support/_generated');
$this->assertFileExists($projectDir . '/theme_23/vendor/bin/chromedriver');
- $this->assertFileExists($projectDir . '/theme_23/composer.lock');
$this->assertFileExists($projectDir . '/theme_23/tests/_wordpress/wp-config.php');
$this->assertFileExists($projectDir . '/theme_23/tests/Support/Data/dump.sql');
// Remove generated or downloaded files that are not needed for the snapshot.
FS::rrmdir($projectDir . '/theme_23/tests/_wordpress');
FS::rrmdir($projectDir . '/theme_23/vendor');
- unlink($projectDir . '/theme_23/composer.lock');
unlink($projectDir . '/theme_23/tests/Support/Data/dump.sql');
unlink($projectDir . '/theme_23/composer');
@@ -412,7 +428,11 @@ public function should_scaffold_for_theme_custom_correctly(): void
Theme Name: Theme 23
- 'composer.json' => $composerFileCode
+ 'composer.json' => $composerFileCode,
+ 'vendor' => [
+ 'bin' => [
+ ]
+ ],
@@ -425,7 +445,7 @@ public function should_scaffold_for_theme_custom_correctly(): void
'--path=' . $projectDir . '/theme_23'
- $process = new Process($command);
+ $process = new Process($command, null, ['COMPOSER_BIN_DIR' => $projectDir . '/theme_23/vendor/bin']);
"no\n" // No, do not use recommended setup.
@@ -459,7 +479,11 @@ public function should_scaffold_for_single_site_correctly(): void
$projectDir = FS::tmpDir('setup_', [
'site' => [
- 'composer.json' => $composerFileCode
+ 'composer.json' => $composerFileCode,
+ 'vendor' => [
+ 'bin' => [
+ ]
+ ],
$dbName = Random::dbName();
@@ -486,7 +510,7 @@ public function should_scaffold_for_single_site_correctly(): void
'--path=' . $projectDir . '/site'
- $process = new Process($command);
+ $process = new Process($command, null, ['COMPOSER_BIN_DIR' => $projectDir . '/site/vendor/bin']);
"yes\n" // Yes, use recommended setup.
@@ -534,7 +558,11 @@ public function should_scaffold_for_multi_site_correctly(): void
$projectDir = FS::tmpDir('setup_', [
'site' => [
- 'composer.json' => $composerFileCode
+ 'composer.json' => $composerFileCode,
+ 'vendor' => [
+ 'bin' => [
+ ]
+ ],
$dbName = Random::dbName();
@@ -561,7 +589,7 @@ public function should_scaffold_for_multi_site_correctly(): void
'--path=' . $projectDir . '/site'
- $process = new Process($command);
+ $process = new Process($command, null, ['COMPOSER_BIN_DIR' => $projectDir . '/site/vendor/bin']);
"yes\n" // Yes, use recommended setup.
@@ -632,8 +660,11 @@ public function should_scaffold_correctly_on_site_with_non_default_structure():
+ // Remove some hashed files.
+ FS::rrmdir($projectDir . '/tests/Support/_generated');
// Random ports will change: visit the data to replace the random ports with a placeholder.
- $this->assertMatchesDirectorySnapshot($projectDir. '/tests',
+ $this->assertMatchesDirectorySnapshot($projectDir . '/tests',
fn() => $this->replaceRandomPorts(...func_get_args()));
diff --git a/tests/unit/Codeception/Template/__snapshots__/WpbrowserTest__should_scaffold_correctly_on_site_with_non_default_structure__0.snapshot b/tests/unit/Codeception/Template/__snapshots__/WpbrowserTest__should_scaffold_correctly_on_site_with_non_default_structure__0.snapshot
index 4419b2bb0..1c0a7c29f 100644
--- a/tests/unit/Codeception/Template/__snapshots__/WpbrowserTest__should_scaffold_correctly_on_site_with_non_default_structure__0.snapshot
+++ b/tests/unit/Codeception/Template/__snapshots__/WpbrowserTest__should_scaffold_correctly_on_site_with_non_default_structure__0.snapshot
@@ -198,9874 +198,6 @@ class IntegrationTester extends \Codeception\Actor
<<< /Support/IntegrationTester.php <<<
->>> /Support/_generated/EndToEndTesterActions.php >>>
- * $I->amOnAdminPage('/');
- * $I->see('Dashboard');
- * ```
- *
- * @param int $timeout The max time, in seconds, to try to login.
- * @param int $maxAttempts The max number of attempts to try to login.
- *
- *
- * @throws ModuleException If all the attempts of obtaining the cookie fail.
- * @see \lucatume\WPBrowser\Module\WPWebDriver::loginAsAdmin()
- */
- public function loginAsAdmin(int $timeout = 10, int $maxAttempts = 5): void {
- $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\Action('loginAsAdmin', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * Login as the specified user.
- *
- * The method will **not** follow redirection, after the login, to any page.
- * Depending on the driven browser the login might be "too fast" and the server might have not
- * replied with valid cookies yet; in that case the method will re-attempt the login to obtain
- * the cookies.
- *
- * @example
- * ```php
- * $I->loginAs('user', 'password');
- * $I->amOnAdminPage('/');
- * $I->see('Dashboard');
- * ```
- *
- * @param string $username The user login name.
- * @param string $password The user password in plain text.
- * @param int $timeout The max time, in seconds, to try to login.
- * @param int $maxAttempts The max number of attempts to try to login.
- *
- * @throws ModuleException If all the attempts of obtaining the cookie fail.
- *
- * @see \lucatume\WPBrowser\Module\WPWebDriver::loginAs()
- */
- public function loginAs(string $username, string $password, int $timeout = 10, int $maxAttempts = 5): void {
- $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\Action('loginAs', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * Returns all the cookies whose name matches a regex pattern.
- *
- * @example
- * ```php
- * $I->loginAs('customer','password');
- * $I->amOnPage('/shop');
- * $cartCookies = $I->grabCookiesWithPattern("#^shop_cart\\.*#");
- * ```
- *
- * @param string $cookiePattern The regular expression pattern to use for the matching.
- *
- * @return array|null An array of cookies matching the pattern.
- * @see \lucatume\WPBrowser\Module\WPWebDriver::grabCookiesWithPattern()
- */
- public function grabCookiesWithPattern(string $cookiePattern): ?array {
- return $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\Action('grabCookiesWithPattern', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * Waits for any jQuery triggered AJAX request to be resolved.
- *
- * @example
- * ```php
- * $I->amOnPage('/triggering-ajax-requests');
- * $I->waitForJqueryAjax();
- * $I->see('From AJAX');
- * ```
- *
- * @param int $time The max time to wait for AJAX requests to complete.
- * @see \lucatume\WPBrowser\Module\WPWebDriver::waitForJqueryAjax()
- */
- public function waitForJqueryAjax(int $time = 10): void {
- $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\Action('waitForJqueryAjax', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * Grabs the current page full URL including the query vars.
- *
- * @example
- * ```php
- * $today = date('Y-m-d');
- * $I->amOnPage('/concerts?date=' . $today);
- * $I->assertRegExp('#\\/concerts$#', $I->grabFullUrl());
- * ```
- *
- * @return string The full page URL.
- * @throws ModuleException
- * @see \lucatume\WPBrowser\Module\WPWebDriver::grabFullUrl()
- */
- public function grabFullUrl(): string {
- return $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\Action('grabFullUrl', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * In the plugin administration screen deactivate a plugin clicking the "Deactivate" link.
- *
- * The method will **not** handle authentication and navigation to the plugins administration page.
- *
- * @example
- * ```php
- * // Deactivate one plugin.
- * $I->loginAsAdmin();
- * $I->amOnPluginsPage();
- * $I->deactivatePlugin('hello-dolly');
- * // Deactivate a list of plugins.
- * $I->loginAsAdmin();
- * $I->amOnPluginsPage();
- * $I->deactivatePlugin(['hello-dolly', 'my-plugin']);
- * ```
- *
- * @param string|array $pluginSlug The plugin slug, like "hello-dolly", or a list of plugin slugs.
- *
- *
- * @throws JsonException If there's an issue encoding the debug message.
- * @see \lucatume\WPBrowser\Module\WPWebDriver::deactivatePlugin()
- */
- public function deactivatePlugin(array|string $pluginSlug): void {
- $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\Action('deactivatePlugin', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * In the plugin administration screen activates one or more plugins clicking the "Activate" link.
- *
- * The method will **not** handle authentication and navigation to the plugins administration page.
- *
- * @example
- * ```php
- * // Activate a plugin.
- * $I->loginAsAdmin();
- * $I->amOnPluginsPage();
- * $I->activatePlugin('hello-dolly');
- * // Activate a list of plugins.
- * $I->loginAsAdmin();
- * $I->amOnPluginsPage();
- * $I->activatePlugin(['hello-dolly','another-plugin']);
- * ```
- *
- * @param string|array $pluginSlug The plugin slug, like "hello-dolly" or a list of plugin slugs.
- *
- *
- * @throws JsonException If there's an issue encoding the debug message.
- * @see \lucatume\WPBrowser\Module\WPWebDriver::activatePlugin()
- */
- public function activatePlugin(array|string $pluginSlug): void {
- $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\Action('activatePlugin', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * Print out latest Selenium Logs in debug mode
- * @see \Codeception\Module\WebDriver::debugWebDriverLogs()
- */
- public function debugWebDriverLogs(?\Codeception\TestInterface $test = NULL): void {
- $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\Action('debugWebDriverLogs', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * Changes the subdomain for the 'url' configuration parameter.
- * Does not open a page; use `amOnPage` for that.
- *
- * ``` php
- * amOnSubdomain('user');
- * $I->amOnPage('/');
- * // moves to https://user.mysite.com/
- * ```
- *
- * @see \Codeception\Module\WebDriver::amOnSubdomain()
- */
- public function amOnSubdomain(string $subdomain): void {
- $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\Condition('amOnSubdomain', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * Takes a screenshot of the current window and saves it to `tests/_output/debug`.
- *
- * ``` php
- * amOnPage('/user/edit');
- * $I->makeScreenshot('edit_page');
- * // saved to: tests/_output/debug/edit_page.png
- * $I->makeScreenshot();
- * // saved to: tests/_output/debug/2017-05-26_14-24-11_4b3403665fea6.png
- * ```
- * @see \Codeception\Module\WebDriver::makeScreenshot()
- */
- public function makeScreenshot(?string $name = NULL): void {
- $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\Action('makeScreenshot', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * Takes a screenshot of an element of the current window and saves it to `tests/_output/debug`.
- *
- * ``` php
- * amOnPage('/user/edit');
- * $I->makeElementScreenshot('#dialog', 'edit_page');
- * // saved to: tests/_output/debug/edit_page.png
- * $I->makeElementScreenshot('#dialog');
- * // saved to: tests/_output/debug/2017-05-26_14-24-11_4b3403665fea6.png
- * ```
- *
- * @param WebDriverBy|array $selector
- * @see \Codeception\Module\WebDriver::makeElementScreenshot()
- */
- public function makeElementScreenshot($selector, ?string $name = NULL): void {
- $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\Action('makeElementScreenshot', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * Use this method within an [interactive pause](https://codeception.com/docs/02-GettingStarted#Interactive-Pause) to save the HTML source code of the current page.
- *
- * ```php
- * makeHtmlSnapshot('edit_page');
- * // saved to: tests/_output/debug/edit_page.html
- * $I->makeHtmlSnapshot();
- * // saved to: tests/_output/debug/2017-05-26_14-24-11_4b3403665fea6.html
- * ```
- * @see \Codeception\Module\WebDriver::makeHtmlSnapshot()
- */
- public function makeHtmlSnapshot(?string $name = NULL): void {
- $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\Action('makeHtmlSnapshot', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * Resize the current window.
- *
- * ``` php
- * resizeWindow(800, 600);
- *
- * ```
- * @see \Codeception\Module\WebDriver::resizeWindow()
- */
- public function resizeWindow(int $width, int $height): void {
- $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\Action('resizeWindow', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * Checks that a cookie with the given name is set.
- * You can set additional cookie params like `domain`, `path` as array passed in last argument.
- *
- * ``` php
- * seeCookie('PHPSESSID');
- * ```
- *
- * @return mixed|void
- * @see \Codeception\Module\WebDriver::seeCookie()
- */
- public function seeCookie($cookie, array $params = [], bool $showDebug = true): void {
- $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\Assertion('seeCookie', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * [!] Conditional Assertion: Test won't be stopped on fail
- * Checks that a cookie with the given name is set.
- * You can set additional cookie params like `domain`, `path` as array passed in last argument.
- *
- * ``` php
- * seeCookie('PHPSESSID');
- * ```
- *
- * @return mixed|void
- * @see \Codeception\Module\WebDriver::seeCookie()
- */
- public function canSeeCookie($cookie, array $params = [], bool $showDebug = true): void {
- $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\ConditionalAssertion('seeCookie', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * Checks that there isn't a cookie with the given name.
- * You can set additional cookie params like `domain`, `path` as array passed in last argument.
- *
- * @return mixed|void
- * @see \Codeception\Module\WebDriver::dontSeeCookie()
- */
- public function dontSeeCookie($cookie, array $params = [], bool $showDebug = true): void {
- $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\Action('dontSeeCookie', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * [!] Conditional Assertion: Test won't be stopped on fail
- * Checks that there isn't a cookie with the given name.
- * You can set additional cookie params like `domain`, `path` as array passed in last argument.
- *
- * @return mixed|void
- * @see \Codeception\Module\WebDriver::dontSeeCookie()
- */
- public function cantSeeCookie($cookie, array $params = [], bool $showDebug = true): void {
- $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\ConditionalAssertion('dontSeeCookie', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * Sets a cookie with the given name and value.
- * You can set additional cookie params like `domain`, `path`, `expires`, `secure` in array passed as last argument.
- *
- * ``` php
- * setCookie('PHPSESSID', 'el4ukv0kqbvoirg7nkp4dncpk3');
- * ```
- *
- * @return mixed|void
- * @see \Codeception\Module\WebDriver::setCookie()
- */
- public function setCookie($name, $value, array $params = [], $showDebug = true): void {
- $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\Action('setCookie', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * Unsets cookie with the given name.
- * You can set additional cookie params like `domain`, `path` in array passed as last argument.
- *
- * @return mixed|void
- * @see \Codeception\Module\WebDriver::resetCookie()
- */
- public function resetCookie($cookie, array $params = [], bool $showDebug = true): void {
- $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\Action('resetCookie', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * Grabs a cookie value.
- * You can set additional cookie params like `domain`, `path` in array passed as last argument.
- * If the cookie is set by an ajax request (XMLHttpRequest), there might be some delay caused by the browser, so try `$I->wait(0.1)`.
- * @see \Codeception\Module\WebDriver::grabCookie()
- */
- public function grabCookie($cookie, array $params = []): mixed {
- return $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\Action('grabCookie', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * Grabs current page source code.
- *
- * @throws ModuleException if no page was opened.
- * @return string Current page source code.
- * @see \Codeception\Module\WebDriver::grabPageSource()
- */
- public function grabPageSource(): string {
- return $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\Action('grabPageSource', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * Open web page at the given absolute URL and sets its hostname as the base host.
- *
- * ``` php
- * amOnUrl('https://codeception.com');
- * $I->amOnPage('/quickstart'); // moves to https://codeception.com/quickstart
- * ```
- * @see \Codeception\Module\WebDriver::amOnUrl()
- */
- public function amOnUrl($url): void {
- $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\Condition('amOnUrl', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * Opens the page for the given relative URI.
- *
- * ``` php
- * amOnPage('/');
- * // opens /register page
- * $I->amOnPage('/register');
- * ```
- * @see \Codeception\Module\WebDriver::amOnPage()
- */
- public function amOnPage($page): void {
- $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\Condition('amOnPage', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * Checks that the current page contains the given string (case insensitive).
- *
- * You can specify a specific HTML element (via CSS or XPath) as the second
- * parameter to only search within that element.
- *
- * ``` php
- * see('Logout'); // I can suppose user is logged in
- * $I->see('Sign Up', 'h1'); // I can suppose it's a signup page
- * $I->see('Sign Up', '//body/h1'); // with XPath
- * $I->see('Sign Up', ['css' => 'body h1']); // with strict CSS locator
- * ```
- *
- * Note that the search is done after stripping all HTML tags from the body,
- * so `$I->see('strong')` will return true for strings like:
- *
- * - `
I am Stronger than thou
- * - ``
- *
- * But will *not* be true for strings like:
- *
- * - `Home`
- * - `
- * - ``
- *
- * For checking the raw source code, use `seeInSource()`.
- *
- * @param array|string $selector optional
- * @see \Codeception\Module\WebDriver::see()
- */
- public function see($text, $selector = NULL): void {
- $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\Assertion('see', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * [!] Conditional Assertion: Test won't be stopped on fail
- * Checks that the current page contains the given string (case insensitive).
- *
- * You can specify a specific HTML element (via CSS or XPath) as the second
- * parameter to only search within that element.
- *
- * ``` php
- * see('Logout'); // I can suppose user is logged in
- * $I->see('Sign Up', 'h1'); // I can suppose it's a signup page
- * $I->see('Sign Up', '//body/h1'); // with XPath
- * $I->see('Sign Up', ['css' => 'body h1']); // with strict CSS locator
- * ```
- *
- * Note that the search is done after stripping all HTML tags from the body,
- * so `$I->see('strong')` will return true for strings like:
- *
- * - `
I am Stronger than thou
- * - ``
- *
- * But will *not* be true for strings like:
- *
- * - `Home`
- * - `
- * - ``
- *
- * For checking the raw source code, use `seeInSource()`.
- *
- * @param array|string $selector optional
- * @see \Codeception\Module\WebDriver::see()
- */
- public function canSee($text, $selector = NULL): void {
- $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\ConditionalAssertion('see', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * Checks that the current page doesn't contain the text specified (case insensitive).
- * Give a locator as the second parameter to match a specific region.
- *
- * ```php
- * dontSee('Login'); // I can suppose user is already logged in
- * $I->dontSee('Sign Up','h1'); // I can suppose it's not a signup page
- * $I->dontSee('Sign Up','//body/h1'); // with XPath
- * $I->dontSee('Sign Up', ['css' => 'body h1']); // with strict CSS locator
- * ```
- *
- * Note that the search is done after stripping all HTML tags from the body,
- * so `$I->dontSee('strong')` will fail on strings like:
- *
- * - `
- * - ``
- *
- * For checking the raw source code, use `seeInSource()`.
- *
- * @param array|string $selector optional
- * @see \Codeception\Module\WebDriver::dontSee()
- */
- public function dontSee($text, $selector = NULL): void {
- $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\Action('dontSee', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * [!] Conditional Assertion: Test won't be stopped on fail
- * Checks that the current page doesn't contain the text specified (case insensitive).
- * Give a locator as the second parameter to match a specific region.
- *
- * ```php
- * dontSee('Login'); // I can suppose user is already logged in
- * $I->dontSee('Sign Up','h1'); // I can suppose it's not a signup page
- * $I->dontSee('Sign Up','//body/h1'); // with XPath
- * $I->dontSee('Sign Up', ['css' => 'body h1']); // with strict CSS locator
- * ```
- *
- * Note that the search is done after stripping all HTML tags from the body,
- * so `$I->dontSee('strong')` will fail on strings like:
- *
- * - `
- * - ``
- *
- * For checking the raw source code, use `seeInSource()`.
- *
- * @param array|string $selector optional
- * @see \Codeception\Module\WebDriver::dontSee()
- */
- public function cantSee($text, $selector = NULL): void {
- $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\ConditionalAssertion('dontSee', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * Checks that the current page contains the given string in its
- * raw source code.
- *
- * ``` php
- * seeInSource('
Green eggs & ham
- * ```
- * @see \Codeception\Module\WebDriver::seeInSource()
- */
- public function seeInSource($raw): void {
- $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\Assertion('seeInSource', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * [!] Conditional Assertion: Test won't be stopped on fail
- * Checks that the current page contains the given string in its
- * raw source code.
- *
- * ``` php
- * seeInSource('
Green eggs & ham
- * ```
- * @see \Codeception\Module\WebDriver::seeInSource()
- */
- public function canSeeInSource($raw): void {
- $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\ConditionalAssertion('seeInSource', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * Checks that the current page contains the given string in its
- * raw source code.
- *
- * ```php
- * dontSeeInSource('
Green eggs & ham
- * ```
- * @see \Codeception\Module\WebDriver::dontSeeInSource()
- */
- public function dontSeeInSource($raw): void {
- $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\Action('dontSeeInSource', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * [!] Conditional Assertion: Test won't be stopped on fail
- * Checks that the current page contains the given string in its
- * raw source code.
- *
- * ```php
- * dontSeeInSource('
Green eggs & ham
- * ```
- * @see \Codeception\Module\WebDriver::dontSeeInSource()
- */
- public function cantSeeInSource($raw): void {
- $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\ConditionalAssertion('dontSeeInSource', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * Checks that the page source contains the given string.
- *
- * ```php
- * seeInPageSource('getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\Assertion('seeInPageSource', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * [!] Conditional Assertion: Test won't be stopped on fail
- * Checks that the page source contains the given string.
- *
- * ```php
- * seeInPageSource('getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\ConditionalAssertion('seeInPageSource', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * Checks that the page source doesn't contain the given string.
- * @see \Codeception\Module\WebDriver::dontSeeInPageSource()
- */
- public function dontSeeInPageSource(string $text): void {
- $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\Action('dontSeeInPageSource', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * [!] Conditional Assertion: Test won't be stopped on fail
- * Checks that the page source doesn't contain the given string.
- * @see \Codeception\Module\WebDriver::dontSeeInPageSource()
- */
- public function cantSeeInPageSource(string $text): void {
- $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\ConditionalAssertion('dontSeeInPageSource', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * Perform a click on a link or a button, given by a locator.
- * If a fuzzy locator is given, the page will be searched for a button, link, or image matching the locator string.
- * For buttons, the "value" attribute, "name" attribute, and inner text are searched.
- * For links, the link text is searched.
- * For images, the "alt" attribute and inner text of any parent links are searched.
- *
- * The second parameter is a context (CSS or XPath locator) to narrow the search.
- *
- * Note that if the locator matches a button of type `submit`, the form will be submitted.
- *
- * ``` php
- * click('Logout');
- * // button of form
- * $I->click('Submit');
- * // CSS button
- * $I->click('#form input[type=submit]');
- * // XPath
- * $I->click('//form/*[@type="submit"]');
- * // link in context
- * $I->click('Logout', '#nav');
- * // using strict locator
- * $I->click(['link' => 'Login']);
- * ```
- * @param string|array $link
- * @see \Codeception\Module\WebDriver::click()
- */
- public function click($link, $context = NULL): void {
- $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\Action('click', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * Checks that there's a link with the specified text.
- * Give a full URL as the second parameter to match links with that exact URL.
- *
- * ``` php
- * seeLink('Logout'); // matches Logout
- * $I->seeLink('Logout','/logout'); // matches Logout
- * ```
- * @see \Codeception\Module\WebDriver::seeLink()
- */
- public function seeLink(string $text, ?string $url = NULL): void {
- $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\Assertion('seeLink', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * [!] Conditional Assertion: Test won't be stopped on fail
- * Checks that there's a link with the specified text.
- * Give a full URL as the second parameter to match links with that exact URL.
- *
- * ``` php
- * seeLink('Logout'); // matches Logout
- * $I->seeLink('Logout','/logout'); // matches Logout
- * ```
- * @see \Codeception\Module\WebDriver::seeLink()
- */
- public function canSeeLink(string $text, ?string $url = NULL): void {
- $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\ConditionalAssertion('seeLink', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * Checks that the page doesn't contain a link with the given string.
- * If the second parameter is given, only links with a matching "href" attribute will be checked.
- *
- * ``` php
- * dontSeeLink('Logout'); // I suppose user is not logged in
- * $I->dontSeeLink('Checkout now', '/store/cart.php');
- * ```
- * @see \Codeception\Module\WebDriver::dontSeeLink()
- */
- public function dontSeeLink(string $text, string $url = ""): void {
- $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\Action('dontSeeLink', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * [!] Conditional Assertion: Test won't be stopped on fail
- * Checks that the page doesn't contain a link with the given string.
- * If the second parameter is given, only links with a matching "href" attribute will be checked.
- *
- * ``` php
- * dontSeeLink('Logout'); // I suppose user is not logged in
- * $I->dontSeeLink('Checkout now', '/store/cart.php');
- * ```
- * @see \Codeception\Module\WebDriver::dontSeeLink()
- */
- public function cantSeeLink(string $text, string $url = ""): void {
- $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\ConditionalAssertion('dontSeeLink', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * Checks that current URI contains the given string.
- *
- * ``` php
- * seeInCurrentUrl('home');
- * // to match: /users/1
- * $I->seeInCurrentUrl('/users/');
- * ```
- * @see \Codeception\Module\WebDriver::seeInCurrentUrl()
- */
- public function seeInCurrentUrl(string $uri): void {
- $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\Assertion('seeInCurrentUrl', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * [!] Conditional Assertion: Test won't be stopped on fail
- * Checks that current URI contains the given string.
- *
- * ``` php
- * seeInCurrentUrl('home');
- * // to match: /users/1
- * $I->seeInCurrentUrl('/users/');
- * ```
- * @see \Codeception\Module\WebDriver::seeInCurrentUrl()
- */
- public function canSeeInCurrentUrl(string $uri): void {
- $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\ConditionalAssertion('seeInCurrentUrl', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * Checks that the current URL is equal to the given string.
- * Unlike `seeInCurrentUrl`, this only matches the full URL.
- *
- * ``` php
- * seeCurrentUrlEquals('/');
- * ```
- * @see \Codeception\Module\WebDriver::seeCurrentUrlEquals()
- */
- public function seeCurrentUrlEquals(string $uri): void {
- $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\Assertion('seeCurrentUrlEquals', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * [!] Conditional Assertion: Test won't be stopped on fail
- * Checks that the current URL is equal to the given string.
- * Unlike `seeInCurrentUrl`, this only matches the full URL.
- *
- * ``` php
- * seeCurrentUrlEquals('/');
- * ```
- * @see \Codeception\Module\WebDriver::seeCurrentUrlEquals()
- */
- public function canSeeCurrentUrlEquals(string $uri): void {
- $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\ConditionalAssertion('seeCurrentUrlEquals', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * Checks that the current URL matches the given regular expression.
- *
- * ``` php
- * seeCurrentUrlMatches('~^/users/(\d+)~');
- * ```
- * @see \Codeception\Module\WebDriver::seeCurrentUrlMatches()
- */
- public function seeCurrentUrlMatches(string $uri): void {
- $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\Assertion('seeCurrentUrlMatches', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * [!] Conditional Assertion: Test won't be stopped on fail
- * Checks that the current URL matches the given regular expression.
- *
- * ``` php
- * seeCurrentUrlMatches('~^/users/(\d+)~');
- * ```
- * @see \Codeception\Module\WebDriver::seeCurrentUrlMatches()
- */
- public function canSeeCurrentUrlMatches(string $uri): void {
- $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\ConditionalAssertion('seeCurrentUrlMatches', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * Checks that the current URI doesn't contain the given string.
- *
- * ``` php
- * dontSeeInCurrentUrl('/users/');
- * ```
- * @see \Codeception\Module\WebDriver::dontSeeInCurrentUrl()
- */
- public function dontSeeInCurrentUrl(string $uri): void {
- $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\Action('dontSeeInCurrentUrl', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * [!] Conditional Assertion: Test won't be stopped on fail
- * Checks that the current URI doesn't contain the given string.
- *
- * ``` php
- * dontSeeInCurrentUrl('/users/');
- * ```
- * @see \Codeception\Module\WebDriver::dontSeeInCurrentUrl()
- */
- public function cantSeeInCurrentUrl(string $uri): void {
- $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\ConditionalAssertion('dontSeeInCurrentUrl', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * Checks that the current URL doesn't equal the given string.
- * Unlike `dontSeeInCurrentUrl`, this only matches the full URL.
- *
- * ``` php
- * dontSeeCurrentUrlEquals('/');
- * ```
- * @see \Codeception\Module\WebDriver::dontSeeCurrentUrlEquals()
- */
- public function dontSeeCurrentUrlEquals(string $uri): void {
- $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\Action('dontSeeCurrentUrlEquals', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * [!] Conditional Assertion: Test won't be stopped on fail
- * Checks that the current URL doesn't equal the given string.
- * Unlike `dontSeeInCurrentUrl`, this only matches the full URL.
- *
- * ``` php
- * dontSeeCurrentUrlEquals('/');
- * ```
- * @see \Codeception\Module\WebDriver::dontSeeCurrentUrlEquals()
- */
- public function cantSeeCurrentUrlEquals(string $uri): void {
- $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\ConditionalAssertion('dontSeeCurrentUrlEquals', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * Checks that current url doesn't match the given regular expression.
- *
- * ``` php
- * dontSeeCurrentUrlMatches('~^/users/(\d+)~');
- * ```
- * @see \Codeception\Module\WebDriver::dontSeeCurrentUrlMatches()
- */
- public function dontSeeCurrentUrlMatches(string $uri): void {
- $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\Action('dontSeeCurrentUrlMatches', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * [!] Conditional Assertion: Test won't be stopped on fail
- * Checks that current url doesn't match the given regular expression.
- *
- * ``` php
- * dontSeeCurrentUrlMatches('~^/users/(\d+)~');
- * ```
- * @see \Codeception\Module\WebDriver::dontSeeCurrentUrlMatches()
- */
- public function cantSeeCurrentUrlMatches(string $uri): void {
- $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\ConditionalAssertion('dontSeeCurrentUrlMatches', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * Executes the given regular expression against the current URI and returns the first capturing group.
- * If no parameters are provided, the full URI is returned.
- *
- * ``` php
- * grabFromCurrentUrl('~^/user/(\d+)/~');
- * $uri = $I->grabFromCurrentUrl();
- * ```
- * @see \Codeception\Module\WebDriver::grabFromCurrentUrl()
- */
- public function grabFromCurrentUrl($uri = NULL): mixed {
- return $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\Action('grabFromCurrentUrl', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * Checks that the specified checkbox is checked.
- *
- * ``` php
- * seeCheckboxIsChecked('#agree'); // I suppose user agreed to terms
- * $I->seeCheckboxIsChecked('#signup_form input[type=checkbox]'); // I suppose user agreed to terms, If there is only one checkbox in form.
- * $I->seeCheckboxIsChecked('//form/input[@type=checkbox and @name=agree]');
- * ```
- * @see \Codeception\Module\WebDriver::seeCheckboxIsChecked()
- */
- public function seeCheckboxIsChecked($checkbox): void {
- $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\Assertion('seeCheckboxIsChecked', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * [!] Conditional Assertion: Test won't be stopped on fail
- * Checks that the specified checkbox is checked.
- *
- * ``` php
- * seeCheckboxIsChecked('#agree'); // I suppose user agreed to terms
- * $I->seeCheckboxIsChecked('#signup_form input[type=checkbox]'); // I suppose user agreed to terms, If there is only one checkbox in form.
- * $I->seeCheckboxIsChecked('//form/input[@type=checkbox and @name=agree]');
- * ```
- * @see \Codeception\Module\WebDriver::seeCheckboxIsChecked()
- */
- public function canSeeCheckboxIsChecked($checkbox): void {
- $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\ConditionalAssertion('seeCheckboxIsChecked', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * Check that the specified checkbox is unchecked.
- *
- * ``` php
- * dontSeeCheckboxIsChecked('#agree'); // I suppose user didn't agree to terms
- * $I->seeCheckboxIsChecked('#signup_form input[type=checkbox]'); // I suppose user didn't check the first checkbox in form.
- * ```
- * @see \Codeception\Module\WebDriver::dontSeeCheckboxIsChecked()
- */
- public function dontSeeCheckboxIsChecked($checkbox): void {
- $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\Action('dontSeeCheckboxIsChecked', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * [!] Conditional Assertion: Test won't be stopped on fail
- * Check that the specified checkbox is unchecked.
- *
- * ``` php
- * dontSeeCheckboxIsChecked('#agree'); // I suppose user didn't agree to terms
- * $I->seeCheckboxIsChecked('#signup_form input[type=checkbox]'); // I suppose user didn't check the first checkbox in form.
- * ```
- * @see \Codeception\Module\WebDriver::dontSeeCheckboxIsChecked()
- */
- public function cantSeeCheckboxIsChecked($checkbox): void {
- $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\ConditionalAssertion('dontSeeCheckboxIsChecked', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * Checks that the given input field or textarea *equals* (i.e. not just contains) the given value.
- * Fields are matched by label text, the "name" attribute, CSS, or XPath.
- *
- * ``` php
- * seeInField('Body','Type your comment here');
- * $I->seeInField('form textarea[name=body]','Type your comment here');
- * $I->seeInField('form input[type=hidden]','hidden_value');
- * $I->seeInField('#searchform input','Search');
- * $I->seeInField('//form/*[@name=search]','Search');
- * $I->seeInField(['name' => 'search'], 'Search');
- * ```
- *
- * @param string|array $field
- * @see \Codeception\Module\WebDriver::seeInField()
- */
- public function seeInField($field, $value): void {
- $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\Assertion('seeInField', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * [!] Conditional Assertion: Test won't be stopped on fail
- * Checks that the given input field or textarea *equals* (i.e. not just contains) the given value.
- * Fields are matched by label text, the "name" attribute, CSS, or XPath.
- *
- * ``` php
- * seeInField('Body','Type your comment here');
- * $I->seeInField('form textarea[name=body]','Type your comment here');
- * $I->seeInField('form input[type=hidden]','hidden_value');
- * $I->seeInField('#searchform input','Search');
- * $I->seeInField('//form/*[@name=search]','Search');
- * $I->seeInField(['name' => 'search'], 'Search');
- * ```
- *
- * @param string|array $field
- * @see \Codeception\Module\WebDriver::seeInField()
- */
- public function canSeeInField($field, $value): void {
- $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\ConditionalAssertion('seeInField', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * Checks that an input field or textarea doesn't contain the given value.
- * For fuzzy locators, the field is matched by label text, CSS and XPath.
- *
- * ``` php
- * dontSeeInField('Body','Type your comment here');
- * $I->dontSeeInField('form textarea[name=body]','Type your comment here');
- * $I->dontSeeInField('form input[type=hidden]','hidden_value');
- * $I->dontSeeInField('#searchform input','Search');
- * $I->dontSeeInField('//form/*[@name=search]','Search');
- * $I->dontSeeInField(['name' => 'search'], 'Search');
- * ```
- * @param string|array $field
- * @see \Codeception\Module\WebDriver::dontSeeInField()
- */
- public function dontSeeInField($field, $value): void {
- $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\Action('dontSeeInField', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * [!] Conditional Assertion: Test won't be stopped on fail
- * Checks that an input field or textarea doesn't contain the given value.
- * For fuzzy locators, the field is matched by label text, CSS and XPath.
- *
- * ``` php
- * dontSeeInField('Body','Type your comment here');
- * $I->dontSeeInField('form textarea[name=body]','Type your comment here');
- * $I->dontSeeInField('form input[type=hidden]','hidden_value');
- * $I->dontSeeInField('#searchform input','Search');
- * $I->dontSeeInField('//form/*[@name=search]','Search');
- * $I->dontSeeInField(['name' => 'search'], 'Search');
- * ```
- * @param string|array $field
- * @see \Codeception\Module\WebDriver::dontSeeInField()
- */
- public function cantSeeInField($field, $value): void {
- $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\ConditionalAssertion('dontSeeInField', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * Checks if the array of form parameters (name => value) are set on the form matched with the
- * passed selector.
- *
- * ``` php
- * seeInFormFields('form[name=myform]', [
- * 'input1' => 'value',
- * 'input2' => 'other value',
- * ]);
- * ```
- *
- * For multi-select elements, or to check values of multiple elements with the same name, an
- * array may be passed:
- *
- * ``` php
- * seeInFormFields('.form-class', [
- * 'multiselect' => [
- * 'value1',
- * 'value2',
- * ],
- * 'checkbox[]' => [
- * 'a checked value',
- * 'another checked value',
- * ],
- * ]);
- * ```
- *
- * Additionally, checkbox values can be checked with a boolean.
- *
- * ``` php
- * seeInFormFields('#form-id', [
- * 'checkbox1' => true, // passes if checked
- * 'checkbox2' => false, // passes if unchecked
- * ]);
- * ```
- *
- * Pair this with submitForm for quick testing magic.
- *
- * ``` php
- * 'value',
- * 'field2' => 'another value',
- * 'checkbox1' => true,
- * // ...
- * ];
- * $I->submitForm('//form[@id=my-form]', string $form, 'submitButton');
- * // $I->amOnPage('/path/to/form-page') may be needed
- * $I->seeInFormFields('//form[@id=my-form]', string $form);
- * ```
- * @see \Codeception\Module\WebDriver::seeInFormFields()
- */
- public function seeInFormFields($formSelector, array $params): void {
- $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\Assertion('seeInFormFields', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * [!] Conditional Assertion: Test won't be stopped on fail
- * Checks if the array of form parameters (name => value) are set on the form matched with the
- * passed selector.
- *
- * ``` php
- * seeInFormFields('form[name=myform]', [
- * 'input1' => 'value',
- * 'input2' => 'other value',
- * ]);
- * ```
- *
- * For multi-select elements, or to check values of multiple elements with the same name, an
- * array may be passed:
- *
- * ``` php
- * seeInFormFields('.form-class', [
- * 'multiselect' => [
- * 'value1',
- * 'value2',
- * ],
- * 'checkbox[]' => [
- * 'a checked value',
- * 'another checked value',
- * ],
- * ]);
- * ```
- *
- * Additionally, checkbox values can be checked with a boolean.
- *
- * ``` php
- * seeInFormFields('#form-id', [
- * 'checkbox1' => true, // passes if checked
- * 'checkbox2' => false, // passes if unchecked
- * ]);
- * ```
- *
- * Pair this with submitForm for quick testing magic.
- *
- * ``` php
- * 'value',
- * 'field2' => 'another value',
- * 'checkbox1' => true,
- * // ...
- * ];
- * $I->submitForm('//form[@id=my-form]', string $form, 'submitButton');
- * // $I->amOnPage('/path/to/form-page') may be needed
- * $I->seeInFormFields('//form[@id=my-form]', string $form);
- * ```
- * @see \Codeception\Module\WebDriver::seeInFormFields()
- */
- public function canSeeInFormFields($formSelector, array $params): void {
- $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\ConditionalAssertion('seeInFormFields', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * Checks if the array of form parameters (name => value) are not set on the form matched with
- * the passed selector.
- *
- * ``` php
- * dontSeeInFormFields('form[name=myform]', [
- * 'input1' => 'non-existent value',
- * 'input2' => 'other non-existent value',
- * ]);
- * ```
- *
- * To check that an element hasn't been assigned any one of many values, an array can be passed
- * as the value:
- *
- * ``` php
- * dontSeeInFormFields('.form-class', [
- * 'fieldName' => [
- * 'This value shouldn\'t be set',
- * 'And this value shouldn\'t be set',
- * ],
- * ]);
- * ```
- *
- * Additionally, checkbox values can be checked with a boolean.
- *
- * ``` php
- * dontSeeInFormFields('#form-id', [
- * 'checkbox1' => true, // fails if checked
- * 'checkbox2' => false, // fails if unchecked
- * ]);
- * ```
- * @see \Codeception\Module\WebDriver::dontSeeInFormFields()
- */
- public function dontSeeInFormFields($formSelector, array $params): void {
- $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\Action('dontSeeInFormFields', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * [!] Conditional Assertion: Test won't be stopped on fail
- * Checks if the array of form parameters (name => value) are not set on the form matched with
- * the passed selector.
- *
- * ``` php
- * dontSeeInFormFields('form[name=myform]', [
- * 'input1' => 'non-existent value',
- * 'input2' => 'other non-existent value',
- * ]);
- * ```
- *
- * To check that an element hasn't been assigned any one of many values, an array can be passed
- * as the value:
- *
- * ``` php
- * dontSeeInFormFields('.form-class', [
- * 'fieldName' => [
- * 'This value shouldn\'t be set',
- * 'And this value shouldn\'t be set',
- * ],
- * ]);
- * ```
- *
- * Additionally, checkbox values can be checked with a boolean.
- *
- * ``` php
- * dontSeeInFormFields('#form-id', [
- * 'checkbox1' => true, // fails if checked
- * 'checkbox2' => false, // fails if unchecked
- * ]);
- * ```
- * @see \Codeception\Module\WebDriver::dontSeeInFormFields()
- */
- public function cantSeeInFormFields($formSelector, array $params): void {
- $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\ConditionalAssertion('dontSeeInFormFields', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * Selects an option in a select tag or in radio button group.
- *
- * ``` php
- * selectOption('form select[name=account]', 'Premium');
- * $I->selectOption('form input[name=payment]', 'Monthly');
- * $I->selectOption('//form/select[@name=account]', 'Monthly');
- * ```
- *
- * Provide an array for the second argument to select multiple options:
- *
- * ``` php
- * selectOption('Which OS do you use?', array('Windows','Linux'));
- * ```
- *
- * Or provide an associative array for the second argument to specifically define which selection method should be used:
- *
- * ``` php
- * selectOption('Which OS do you use?', array('text' => 'Windows')); // Only search by text 'Windows'
- * $I->selectOption('Which OS do you use?', array('value' => 'windows')); // Only search by value 'windows'
- * ```
- * @see \Codeception\Module\WebDriver::selectOption()
- */
- public function selectOption($select, $option): void {
- $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\Action('selectOption', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * Unselect an option in the given select box.
- *
- * @param string|array|WebDriverBy $select
- * @param string|array|WebDriverBy $option
- * @see \Codeception\Module\WebDriver::unselectOption()
- */
- public function unselectOption($select, $option): void {
- $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\Action('unselectOption', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * Ticks a checkbox. For radio buttons, use the `selectOption` method instead.
- *
- * ``` php
- * checkOption('#agree');
- * ```
- * @see \Codeception\Module\WebDriver::checkOption()
- */
- public function checkOption($option): void {
- $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\Action('checkOption', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * Unticks a checkbox.
- *
- * ``` php
- * uncheckOption('#notify');
- * ```
- * @see \Codeception\Module\WebDriver::uncheckOption()
- */
- public function uncheckOption($option): void {
- $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\Action('uncheckOption', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * Fills a text field or textarea with the given string.
- *
- * ``` php
- * fillField("//input[@type='text']", "Hello World!");
- * $I->fillField(['name' => 'email'], 'jon@example.com');
- * ```
- * @see \Codeception\Module\WebDriver::fillField()
- */
- public function fillField($field, $value): void {
- $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\Action('fillField', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * Clears given field which isn't empty.
- *
- * ``` php
- * clearField('#username');
- * ```
- *
- * @param string|array|WebDriverBy $field
- * @see \Codeception\Module\WebDriver::clearField()
- */
- public function clearField($field): void {
- $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\Action('clearField', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * Type in characters on active element.
- * With a second parameter you can specify delay between key presses.
- *
- * ```php
- * click('#input');
- *
- * // type text in active element
- * $I->type('Hello world');
- *
- * // type text with a 1sec delay between chars
- * $I->type('Hello World', 1);
- * ```
- *
- * This might be useful when you an input reacts to typing and you need to slow it down to emulate human behavior.
- * For instance, this is how Credit Card fields can be filled in.
- *
- * @param int $delay [sec]
- * @see \Codeception\Module\WebDriver::type()
- */
- public function type(string $text, int $delay = 0): void {
- $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\Action('type', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * Attaches a file relative to the Codeception `_data` directory to the given file upload field.
- *
- * ``` php
- * attachFile('input[@type="file"]', 'prices.xls');
- * ```
- * @see \Codeception\Module\WebDriver::attachFile()
- */
- public function attachFile($field, string $filename): void {
- $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\Action('attachFile', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * Finds and returns the text contents of the given element.
- * If a fuzzy locator is used, the element is found using CSS, XPath,
- * and by matching the full page source by regular expression.
- *
- * ``` php
- * grabTextFrom('h1');
- * $heading = $I->grabTextFrom('descendant-or-self::h1');
- * $value = $I->grabTextFrom('~getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\Action('grabTextFrom', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * Grabs the value of the given attribute value from the given element.
- * Fails if element is not found.
- *
- * ``` php
- * grabAttributeFrom('#tooltip', 'title');
- * ```
- * @see \Codeception\Module\WebDriver::grabAttributeFrom()
- */
- public function grabAttributeFrom($cssOrXpath, $attribute): ?string {
- return $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\Action('grabAttributeFrom', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * Finds the value for the given form field.
- * If a fuzzy locator is used, the field is found by field name, CSS, and XPath.
- *
- * ``` php
- * grabValueFrom('Name');
- * $name = $I->grabValueFrom('input[name=username]');
- * $name = $I->grabValueFrom('descendant-or-self::form/descendant::input[@name = 'username']');
- * $name = $I->grabValueFrom(['name' => 'username']);
- * ```
- * @see \Codeception\Module\WebDriver::grabValueFrom()
- */
- public function grabValueFrom($field): ?string {
- return $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\Action('grabValueFrom', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * Grabs either the text content, or attribute values, of nodes
- * matched by $cssOrXpath and returns them as an array.
- *
- * ```html
- * First
- * Second
- * Third
- * ```
- *
- * ```php
- * grabMultiple('a');
- *
- * // would return ['#first', '#second', '#third']
- * $aLinks = $I->grabMultiple('a', 'href');
- * ```
- *
- * @return string[]
- * @see \Codeception\Module\WebDriver::grabMultiple()
- */
- public function grabMultiple($cssOrXpath, $attribute = NULL): array {
- return $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\Action('grabMultiple', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * Checks that the given element exists on the page and is visible.
- * You can also specify expected attributes of this element.
- * Only works if `` tag is present.
- *
- * ``` php
- * seeElement('.error');
- * $I->seeElement('//form/input[1]');
- * $I->seeElement('input', ['name' => 'login']);
- * $I->seeElement('input', ['value' => '123456']);
- *
- * // strict locator in first arg, attributes in second
- * $I->seeElement(['css' => 'form input'], ['name' => 'login']);
- * ```
- * @see \Codeception\Module\WebDriver::seeElement()
- */
- public function seeElement($selector, array $attributes = []): void {
- $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\Assertion('seeElement', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * [!] Conditional Assertion: Test won't be stopped on fail
- * Checks that the given element exists on the page and is visible.
- * You can also specify expected attributes of this element.
- * Only works if `` tag is present.
- *
- * ``` php
- * seeElement('.error');
- * $I->seeElement('//form/input[1]');
- * $I->seeElement('input', ['name' => 'login']);
- * $I->seeElement('input', ['value' => '123456']);
- *
- * // strict locator in first arg, attributes in second
- * $I->seeElement(['css' => 'form input'], ['name' => 'login']);
- * ```
- * @see \Codeception\Module\WebDriver::seeElement()
- */
- public function canSeeElement($selector, array $attributes = []): void {
- $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\ConditionalAssertion('seeElement', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * Checks that the given element is invisible or not present on the page.
- * You can also specify expected attributes of this element.
- *
- * ``` php
- * dontSeeElement('.error');
- * $I->dontSeeElement('//form/input[1]');
- * $I->dontSeeElement('input', ['name' => 'login']);
- * $I->dontSeeElement('input', ['value' => '123456']);
- * ```
- * @see \Codeception\Module\WebDriver::dontSeeElement()
- */
- public function dontSeeElement($selector, array $attributes = []): void {
- $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\Action('dontSeeElement', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * [!] Conditional Assertion: Test won't be stopped on fail
- * Checks that the given element is invisible or not present on the page.
- * You can also specify expected attributes of this element.
- *
- * ``` php
- * dontSeeElement('.error');
- * $I->dontSeeElement('//form/input[1]');
- * $I->dontSeeElement('input', ['name' => 'login']);
- * $I->dontSeeElement('input', ['value' => '123456']);
- * ```
- * @see \Codeception\Module\WebDriver::dontSeeElement()
- */
- public function cantSeeElement($selector, array $attributes = []): void {
- $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\ConditionalAssertion('dontSeeElement', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * Checks that the given element exists on the page, even it is invisible.
- *
- * ``` php
- * seeElementInDOM('//form/input[type=hidden]');
- * ```
- *
- * @param string|array|WebDriverBy $selector
- * @see \Codeception\Module\WebDriver::seeElementInDOM()
- */
- public function seeElementInDOM($selector, array $attributes = []): void {
- $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\Assertion('seeElementInDOM', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * [!] Conditional Assertion: Test won't be stopped on fail
- * Checks that the given element exists on the page, even it is invisible.
- *
- * ``` php
- * seeElementInDOM('//form/input[type=hidden]');
- * ```
- *
- * @param string|array|WebDriverBy $selector
- * @see \Codeception\Module\WebDriver::seeElementInDOM()
- */
- public function canSeeElementInDOM($selector, array $attributes = []): void {
- $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\ConditionalAssertion('seeElementInDOM', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * Opposite of `seeElementInDOM`.
- *
- * @param string|array|WebDriverBy $selector
- * @see \Codeception\Module\WebDriver::dontSeeElementInDOM()
- */
- public function dontSeeElementInDOM($selector, array $attributes = []): void {
- $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\Action('dontSeeElementInDOM', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * [!] Conditional Assertion: Test won't be stopped on fail
- * Opposite of `seeElementInDOM`.
- *
- * @param string|array|WebDriverBy $selector
- * @see \Codeception\Module\WebDriver::dontSeeElementInDOM()
- */
- public function cantSeeElementInDOM($selector, array $attributes = []): void {
- $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\ConditionalAssertion('dontSeeElementInDOM', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * Checks that there are a certain number of elements matched by the given locator on the page.
- *
- * ``` php
- * seeNumberOfElements('tr', 10);
- * $I->seeNumberOfElements('tr', [0,10]); // between 0 and 10 elements
- * ```
- *
- * @param int|int[] $expected
- * @see \Codeception\Module\WebDriver::seeNumberOfElements()
- */
- public function seeNumberOfElements($selector, $expected): void {
- $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\Assertion('seeNumberOfElements', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * [!] Conditional Assertion: Test won't be stopped on fail
- * Checks that there are a certain number of elements matched by the given locator on the page.
- *
- * ``` php
- * seeNumberOfElements('tr', 10);
- * $I->seeNumberOfElements('tr', [0,10]); // between 0 and 10 elements
- * ```
- *
- * @param int|int[] $expected
- * @see \Codeception\Module\WebDriver::seeNumberOfElements()
- */
- public function canSeeNumberOfElements($selector, $expected): void {
- $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\ConditionalAssertion('seeNumberOfElements', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * @param string|array|WebDriverBy $selector
- * @param int|array $expected
- * @throws ModuleException
- * @see \Codeception\Module\WebDriver::seeNumberOfElementsInDOM()
- */
- public function seeNumberOfElementsInDOM($selector, $expected) {
- return $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\Assertion('seeNumberOfElementsInDOM', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * [!] Conditional Assertion: Test won't be stopped on fail
- * @param string|array|WebDriverBy $selector
- * @param int|array $expected
- * @throws ModuleException
- * @see \Codeception\Module\WebDriver::seeNumberOfElementsInDOM()
- */
- public function canSeeNumberOfElementsInDOM($selector, $expected) {
- return $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\ConditionalAssertion('seeNumberOfElementsInDOM', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * Checks that the given option is selected.
- *
- * ``` php
- * seeOptionIsSelected('#form input[name=payment]', 'Visa');
- * ```
- *
- * @return mixed|void
- * @see \Codeception\Module\WebDriver::seeOptionIsSelected()
- */
- public function seeOptionIsSelected($selector, $optionText): void {
- $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\Assertion('seeOptionIsSelected', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * [!] Conditional Assertion: Test won't be stopped on fail
- * Checks that the given option is selected.
- *
- * ``` php
- * seeOptionIsSelected('#form input[name=payment]', 'Visa');
- * ```
- *
- * @return mixed|void
- * @see \Codeception\Module\WebDriver::seeOptionIsSelected()
- */
- public function canSeeOptionIsSelected($selector, $optionText): void {
- $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\ConditionalAssertion('seeOptionIsSelected', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * Checks that the given option is not selected.
- *
- * ``` php
- * dontSeeOptionIsSelected('#form input[name=payment]', 'Visa');
- * ```
- *
- * @return mixed|void
- * @see \Codeception\Module\WebDriver::dontSeeOptionIsSelected()
- */
- public function dontSeeOptionIsSelected($selector, $optionText): void {
- $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\Action('dontSeeOptionIsSelected', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * [!] Conditional Assertion: Test won't be stopped on fail
- * Checks that the given option is not selected.
- *
- * ``` php
- * dontSeeOptionIsSelected('#form input[name=payment]', 'Visa');
- * ```
- *
- * @return mixed|void
- * @see \Codeception\Module\WebDriver::dontSeeOptionIsSelected()
- */
- public function cantSeeOptionIsSelected($selector, $optionText): void {
- $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\ConditionalAssertion('dontSeeOptionIsSelected', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * Checks that the page title contains the given string.
- *
- * ``` php
- * seeInTitle('Blog - Post #1');
- * ```
- *
- * @return mixed|void
- * @see \Codeception\Module\WebDriver::seeInTitle()
- */
- public function seeInTitle($title) {
- return $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\Assertion('seeInTitle', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * [!] Conditional Assertion: Test won't be stopped on fail
- * Checks that the page title contains the given string.
- *
- * ``` php
- * seeInTitle('Blog - Post #1');
- * ```
- *
- * @return mixed|void
- * @see \Codeception\Module\WebDriver::seeInTitle()
- */
- public function canSeeInTitle($title) {
- return $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\ConditionalAssertion('seeInTitle', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * Checks that the page title does not contain the given string.
- *
- * @return mixed|void
- * @see \Codeception\Module\WebDriver::dontSeeInTitle()
- */
- public function dontSeeInTitle($title) {
- return $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\Action('dontSeeInTitle', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * [!] Conditional Assertion: Test won't be stopped on fail
- * Checks that the page title does not contain the given string.
- *
- * @return mixed|void
- * @see \Codeception\Module\WebDriver::dontSeeInTitle()
- */
- public function cantSeeInTitle($title) {
- return $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\ConditionalAssertion('dontSeeInTitle', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * Accepts the active JavaScript native popup window, as created by `window.alert`|`window.confirm`|`window.prompt`.
- * Don't confuse popups with modal windows,
- * as created by [various libraries](https://jster.net/category/windows-modals-popups).
- * @see \Codeception\Module\WebDriver::acceptPopup()
- */
- public function acceptPopup(): void {
- $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\Action('acceptPopup', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * Dismisses the active JavaScript popup, as created by `window.alert`, `window.confirm`, or `window.prompt`.
- * @see \Codeception\Module\WebDriver::cancelPopup()
- */
- public function cancelPopup(): void {
- $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\Action('cancelPopup', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * Checks that the active JavaScript popup,
- * as created by `window.alert`|`window.confirm`|`window.prompt`, contains the given string.
- *
- * @throws ModuleException
- * @see \Codeception\Module\WebDriver::seeInPopup()
- */
- public function seeInPopup(string $text): void {
- $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\Assertion('seeInPopup', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * [!] Conditional Assertion: Test won't be stopped on fail
- * Checks that the active JavaScript popup,
- * as created by `window.alert`|`window.confirm`|`window.prompt`, contains the given string.
- *
- * @throws ModuleException
- * @see \Codeception\Module\WebDriver::seeInPopup()
- */
- public function canSeeInPopup(string $text): void {
- $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\ConditionalAssertion('seeInPopup', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * Checks that the active JavaScript popup,
- * as created by `window.alert`|`window.confirm`|`window.prompt`, does NOT contain the given string.
- *
- * @throws ModuleException
- * @see \Codeception\Module\WebDriver::dontSeeInPopup()
- */
- public function dontSeeInPopup(string $text): void {
- $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\Action('dontSeeInPopup', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * [!] Conditional Assertion: Test won't be stopped on fail
- * Checks that the active JavaScript popup,
- * as created by `window.alert`|`window.confirm`|`window.prompt`, does NOT contain the given string.
- *
- * @throws ModuleException
- * @see \Codeception\Module\WebDriver::dontSeeInPopup()
- */
- public function cantSeeInPopup(string $text): void {
- $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\ConditionalAssertion('dontSeeInPopup', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * Enters text into a native JavaScript prompt popup, as created by `window.prompt`.
- *
- * @throws ModuleException
- * @see \Codeception\Module\WebDriver::typeInPopup()
- */
- public function typeInPopup(string $keys): void {
- $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\Action('typeInPopup', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * Reloads the current page.
- * @see \Codeception\Module\WebDriver::reloadPage()
- */
- public function reloadPage(): void {
- $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\Action('reloadPage', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * Moves back in history.
- * @see \Codeception\Module\WebDriver::moveBack()
- */
- public function moveBack(): void {
- $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\Action('moveBack', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * Moves forward in history.
- * @see \Codeception\Module\WebDriver::moveForward()
- */
- public function moveForward(): void {
- $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\Action('moveForward', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * Submits the given form on the page, optionally with the given form
- * values. Give the form fields values as an array. Note that hidden fields
- * can't be accessed.
- *
- * Skipped fields will be filled by their values from the page.
- * You don't need to click the 'Submit' button afterwards.
- * This command itself triggers the request to form's action.
- *
- * You can optionally specify what button's value to include
- * in the request with the last parameter as an alternative to
- * explicitly setting its value in the second parameter, as
- * button values are not otherwise included in the request.
- *
- * Examples:
- *
- * ``` php
- * submitForm('#login', [
- * 'login' => 'davert',
- * 'password' => '123456'
- * ]);
- * // or
- * $I->submitForm('#login', [
- * 'login' => 'davert',
- * 'password' => '123456'
- * ], 'submitButtonName');
- *
- * ```
- *
- * For example, given this sample "Sign Up" form:
- *
- * ``` html
- *
- * ```
- *
- * You could write the following to submit it:
- *
- * ``` php
- * submitForm(
- * '#userForm',
- * [
- * 'user[login]' => 'Davert',
- * 'user[password]' => '123456',
- * 'user[agree]' => true
- * ],
- * 'submitButton'
- * );
- * ```
- * Note that "2" will be the submitted value for the "plan" field, as it is
- * the selected option.
- *
- * Also note that this differs from PhpBrowser, in that
- * ```'user' => [ 'login' => 'Davert' ]``` is not supported at the moment.
- * Named array keys *must* be included in the name as above.
- *
- * Pair this with seeInFormFields for quick testing magic.
- *
- * ``` php
- * 'value',
- * 'field2' => 'another value',
- * 'checkbox1' => true,
- * // ...
- * ];
- * $I->submitForm('//form[@id=my-form]', $form, 'submitButton');
- * // $I->amOnPage('/path/to/form-page') may be needed
- * $I->seeInFormFields('//form[@id=my-form]', $form);
- * ```
- *
- * Parameter values must be set to arrays for multiple input fields
- * of the same name, or multi-select combo boxes. For checkboxes,
- * either the string value can be used, or boolean values which will
- * be replaced by the checkbox's value in the DOM.
- *
- * ``` php
- * submitForm('#my-form', [
- * 'field1' => 'value',
- * 'checkbox' => [
- * 'value of first checkbox',
- * 'value of second checkbox',
- * ],
- * 'otherCheckboxes' => [
- * true,
- * false,
- * false,
- * ],
- * 'multiselect' => [
- * 'first option value',
- * 'second option value',
- * ]
- * ]);
- * ```
- *
- * Mixing string and boolean values for a checkbox's value is not supported
- * and may produce unexpected results.
- *
- * Field names ending in "[]" must be passed without the trailing square
- * bracket characters, and must contain an array for its value. This allows
- * submitting multiple values with the same name, consider:
- *
- * ```php
- * $I->submitForm('#my-form', [
- * 'field[]' => 'value',
- * 'field[]' => 'another value', // 'field[]' is already a defined key
- * ]);
- * ```
- *
- * The solution is to pass an array value:
- *
- * ```php
- * // this way both values are submitted
- * $I->submitForm('#my-form', [
- * 'field' => [
- * 'value',
- * 'another value',
- * ]
- * ]);
- * ```
- *
- * The `$button` parameter can be either a string, an array or an instance
- * of Facebook\WebDriver\WebDriverBy. When it is a string, the
- * button will be found by its "name" attribute. If $button is an
- * array then it will be treated as a strict selector and a WebDriverBy
- * will be used verbatim.
- *
- * For example, given the following HTML:
- *
- * ``` html
- *
- * ```
- *
- * `$button` could be any one of the following:
- * - 'submitButton'
- * - ['name' => 'submitButton']
- * - WebDriverBy::name('submitButton')
- *
- * @param string|array|WebDriverBy $selector
- * @param string|array|WebDriverBy|null $button
- * @see \Codeception\Module\WebDriver::submitForm()
- */
- public function submitForm($selector, array $params, $button = NULL): void {
- $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\Action('submitForm', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * Waits up to $timeout seconds for the given element to change.
- * Element "change" is determined by a callback function which is called repeatedly
- * until the return value evaluates to true.
- *
- * ``` php
- * waitForElementChange('#menu', function(WebDriverElement $el) {
- * return $el->isDisplayed();
- * }, 100);
- * ```
- *
- * @param string|array|WebDriverBy $element
- * @throws ElementNotFound
- * @see \Codeception\Module\WebDriver::waitForElementChange()
- */
- public function waitForElementChange($element, \Closure $callback, int $timeout = 30): void {
- $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\Action('waitForElementChange', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * Waits up to $timeout seconds for an element to appear on the page.
- * If the element doesn't appear, a timeout exception is thrown.
- *
- * ``` php
- * waitForElement('#agree_button', 30); // secs
- * $I->click('#agree_button');
- * ```
- *
- * @param string|array|WebDriverBy $element
- * @param int $timeout seconds
- * @throws Exception
- * @see \Codeception\Module\WebDriver::waitForElement()
- */
- public function waitForElement($element, int $timeout = 10): void {
- $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\Action('waitForElement', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * Waits up to $timeout seconds for the given element to be visible on the page.
- * If element doesn't appear, a timeout exception is thrown.
- *
- * ``` php
- * waitForElementVisible('#agree_button', 30); // secs
- * $I->click('#agree_button');
- * ```
- *
- * @param string|array|WebDriverBy $element
- * @param int $timeout seconds
- * @throws Exception
- * @see \Codeception\Module\WebDriver::waitForElementVisible()
- */
- public function waitForElementVisible($element, int $timeout = 10): void {
- $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\Action('waitForElementVisible', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * Waits up to $timeout seconds for the given element to become invisible.
- * If element stays visible, a timeout exception is thrown.
- *
- * ``` php
- * waitForElementNotVisible('#agree_button', 30); // secs
- * ```
- *
- * @param string|array|WebDriverBy $element
- * @param int $timeout seconds
- * @throws Exception
- * @see \Codeception\Module\WebDriver::waitForElementNotVisible()
- */
- public function waitForElementNotVisible($element, int $timeout = 10): void {
- $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\Action('waitForElementNotVisible', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * Waits up to $timeout seconds for the given element to be clickable.
- * If element doesn't become clickable, a timeout exception is thrown.
- *
- * ``` php
- * waitForElementClickable('#agree_button', 30); // secs
- * $I->click('#agree_button');
- * ```
- *
- * @param string|array|WebDriverBy $element
- * @param int $timeout seconds
- * @throws Exception
- * @see \Codeception\Module\WebDriver::waitForElementClickable()
- */
- public function waitForElementClickable($element, int $timeout = 10): void {
- $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\Action('waitForElementClickable', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * Waits up to $timeout seconds for the given string to appear on the page.
- *
- * Can also be passed a selector to search in, be as specific as possible when using selectors.
- * waitForText() will only watch the first instance of the matching selector / text provided.
- * If the given text doesn't appear, a timeout exception is thrown.
- *
- * ``` php
- * waitForText('foo', 30); // secs
- * $I->waitForText('foo', 30, '.title'); // secs
- * ```
- *
- * @param int $timeout seconds
- * @param null|string|array|WebDriverBy $selector
- * @throws Exception
- * @see \Codeception\Module\WebDriver::waitForText()
- */
- public function waitForText(string $text, int $timeout = 10, $selector = NULL): void {
- $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\Action('waitForText', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * Wait for $timeout seconds.
- *
- * @param int|float $timeout secs
- * @throws TestRuntimeException
- * @see \Codeception\Module\WebDriver::wait()
- */
- public function wait($timeout): void {
- $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\Action('wait', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * Low-level API method.
- * If Codeception commands are not enough, this allows you to use Selenium WebDriver methods directly:
- *
- * ``` php
- * $I->executeInSelenium(function(\Facebook\WebDriver\Remote\RemoteWebDriver $webdriver) {
- * $webdriver->get('https://google.com');
- * });
- * ```
- *
- * This runs in the context of the
- * [RemoteWebDriver class](https://github.com/php-webdriver/php-webdriver/blob/master/lib/remote/RemoteWebDriver.php).
- * Try not to use this command on a regular basis.
- * If Codeception lacks a feature you need, please implement it and submit a patch.
- *
- * @param Closure $function
- * @return mixed
- * @see \Codeception\Module\WebDriver::executeInSelenium()
- */
- public function executeInSelenium(\Closure $function) {
- return $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\Action('executeInSelenium', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * Switch to another window identified by name.
- *
- * The window can only be identified by name. If the $name parameter is blank, the parent window will be used.
- *
- * Example:
- * ``` html
- *
- * ```
- *
- * ``` php
- * click("Open window");
- * # switch to another window
- * $I->switchToWindow("another_window");
- * # switch to parent window
- * $I->switchToWindow();
- * ```
- *
- * If the window has no name, match it by switching to next active tab using `switchToNextTab` method.
- *
- * Or use native Selenium functions to get access to all opened windows:
- *
- * ``` php
- * executeInSelenium(function (\Facebook\WebDriver\Remote\RemoteWebDriver $webdriver) {
- * $handles=$webdriver->getWindowHandles();
- * $last_window = end($handles);
- * $webdriver->switchTo()->window($last_window);
- * });
- * ```
- * @see \Codeception\Module\WebDriver::switchToWindow()
- */
- public function switchToWindow(?string $name = NULL): void {
- $this->getScenario()->runStep(new \Codeception\Step\Action('switchToWindow', func_get_args()));
- }
- /**
- * [!] Method is generated. Documentation taken from corresponding module.
- *
- * Switch to another iframe on the page.
- *
- * Example:
- * ``` html
- *