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File metadata and controls

166 lines (145 loc) · 13.1 KB
Sender pytg.sender.Sender
Exceptions pytg.exceptions.*


Command group subsection
Getting a Sender instance
group chats
secret chats
own profile

Getting a Sender instance

The following tables assumes that sender is a instance of pytg.sender.Sender()
from pytg.sender import Sender
sender = Sender("localhost", 4458)  # or other address/port.


If the timeout in the command table below is set to None, the command waits the default timeout specified in Sender.default_answer_timeout, which is 1.0 seconds per default. You can change it in your sender instance:

sender = Sender( ... )
sender.default_answer_timeout = 2  # in seconds

You may change the timeout of any command with supplying result_timeout=<seconds> in the call. Also you can surround it with a try block, excepting a NoResponse if you like to ignore timeouts.

sending messages

Telgram command
(* means optional)
Expected return parser Timout
sender.msg(peer, text) success_fail 60.0 Sends text message to peer
sender.send_msg(peer, text) success_fail 60.0 Sends text message to peer (alias to msg)
sender.send_text(peer, text) success_fail 60.0 Sends text message to peer (alias to msg)
sender.send_audio(peer, file) success_fail 120.0 Sends audio message to peer
sender.send_typing(peer) success_fail None Shows everyone else "User is typing"
sender.send_typing_abort(peer) success_fail None Stop showing you are typing
sender.send_photo(peer, file, caption) success_fail 120.0 Send a photo to a peer
sender.send_video(peer, file, caption) success_fail 120.0 Send a video to a peer
sender.send_document(peer, file) success_fail 120.0 Send a document to a peer
sender.send_file(peer, file) success_fail 120.0 Send a file to a peer. The CLI tries to guess the filetype.
sender.send_location(peer, latitude, longitude) success_fail None Send a geo location to a peer (lat and long are floats)
sender.send_contact(peer, phone, first_name, last_name) something 60.0 Sends contact (not necessary telegram user) to a peer. phone, first_name, last_name are strings
sender.send_text_from_file(peer, file) success_fail 60.0 Reads a file and uses "send_text() (which is an alias to msg)" to send the text content to a peer
sender.fwd(peer, msg_id) success_fail None Forwards message to peer. Forward to secret chats is forbidden
sender.fwd_media(peer, msg_id) success_fail None Forwards message media to peer. Forward to secret chats is forbidden. Result slightly differs from fwd
sender.reply_text(msg_id, text) success_fail None Sends text reply to message
sender.reply_audio(msg_id, file) success_fail 120.0 Sends audio reply to peer
sender.reply_contact(msg_id, phone, first_name, last_name) success_fail 120.0 Sends contact reply (not necessary telegram user) to a peer
sender.reply_document(msg_id, file) success_fail None Sends document reply to peer
sender.reply_file(msg_id, file) success_fail 120.0 Sends file (same as document) reply to peer
sender.reply_location(msg_id, latitude, longitude) success_fail None Sends geo reply location
sender.reply_photo(msg_id, file, caption) success_fail 120.0 Sends photo reply to peer
sender.reply_video(msg_id, file, caption) success_fail 120.0 Sends video reply to peer
sender.broadcast_text(user, text) success_fail 60.0 Sends text to several users at once

message related

Telgram command
(* means optional)
Expected return parser Timout
sender.load_audio(msg_id) something 120.0 Downloads file to downloads dirs. Prints file name after download end
sender.load_chat_photo(chat) success_fail 120.0 Downloads file to downloads dirs. Prints file name after download end
sender.load_file(msg_id) something 120.0 Downloads file to downloads dirs. Prints file name after download end
sender.load_file_thumb(msg_id) something 120.0 Downloads file to downloads dirs. Prints file name after download end
sender.load_document(msg_id) something 120.0 Downloads file to downloads dirs. Prints file name after download end
sender.load_document_thumb(msg_id) something 120.0 Downloads file to downloads dirs. Prints file name after download end
sender.load_photo(msg_id) something 120.0 Downloads file to downloads dirs. Prints file name after download end
sender.load_video(msg_id) something 120.0 Downloads file to downloads dirs. Prints file name after download end
sender.load_video_thumb(msg_id) something 120.0 Downloads file to downloads dirs. Prints file name after download end

peer related

Telgram command
(* means optional)
Expected return parser Timout
sender.mark_read(peer) success_fail None Marks messages with peer as read
sender.history(user, limit*, offset*) something None Prints messages with this peer (most recent message lower). Also marks messages as read

user related

Telgram command
(* means optional)
Expected return parser Timout
sender.user_info(user) something None
sender.load_user_photo(user) something 120.0 Downloads file to downloads dirs. Prints file name after download end

contact related

Telgram command
(* means optional)
Expected return parser Timout
sender.contact_add(phone, first_name, last_name) something None Tries to add user to contact list
sender.contact_add_by_card(card) success_fail None Gets user by card and prints it name. You can then send messages to him as usual #todo: add args type
sender.contact_rename(user, first_name, last_name) something None Renames contact #returns the new name
sender.contact_delete(user) success_fail None Deletes contact from contact list
sender.contacts_list() success_fail None Prints contact list
sender.contacts_search(user_name, limit*) success_fail None Searches contacts by username

group chat related

Telgram command
(* means optional)
Expected return parser Timout
sender.chat_info(chat) something None Prints info about chat (id, members, admin, etc.)
sender.chat_set_photo(chat, file) success_fail 120.0 Sets chat photo. Photo will be cropped to square
sender.chat_add_user(chat, user, msgs_to_forward*) something 60.0 Adds user to chat. Sends him last msgs-to-forward message from this chat. Default 100
sender.chat_del_user(chat, user) success_fail None Deletes user from chat
sender.chat_rename(chat, new_name) success_fail None Renames chat
sender.create_group_chat(name, user) success_fail None Creates group chat with users
sender.import_chat_link(hash) success_fail None Joins to chat by link
sender.export_chat_link(chat) success_fail None Prints chat link that can be used to join to chat

secret chat related

Telgram command
(* means optional)
Expected return parser Timout
sender.create_secret_chat(user) success_fail None Starts creation of secret chat
sender.accept_secret_chat(secret_chat) success_fail None Accept a secret chat
sender.set_ttl(secret_chat) success_fail None Sets secret chat ttl. Client itself ignores ttl
sender.visualize_key(secret_chat) success_fail None Prints visualization of encryption key (first 16 bytes sha1 of it in fact)

own profile related

Telgram command
(* means optional)
Expected return parser Timout
sender.set_profile_name(first_name, last_name) something 60.0 Sets profile name.
sender.set_username(name) success_fail None Sets username.
sender.set_profile_photo(file) something 120.0 Sets profile photo. Photo will be cropped to square
sender.status_online() success_fail None Sets status as online
sender.status_offline() success_fail None Sets status as offline
sender.export_card() success_fail None Prints card that can be imported by another user with import_card method

system related

Telgram command
(* means optional)
Expected return parser Timout
sender.quit() response_fails None Quits immediately
sender.safe_quit() response_fails None Waits for all queries to end, then quits
sender.main_session() success_fail None Sends updates to this connection (or terminal). Useful only with listening socket
sender.dialog_list(limit* default: 100, offset* default: 100) List() None List of last conversations
sender.set_password(hint* default: "empty") success_fail None Sets password


Telgram command
(* means optional)
Expected return parser Timout
sender.raw(command) raw 120.0 just send custom shit to the cli. Use, if there are no fitting functions, because I didn't update
sender.cli_help() raw None Prints the help. (Needed for pytg itself!)


They are at pytg.exceptions


This Exception means the CLI didn't send any response to that command in time. Most commonly that happens with the status_online command, but still only occasionally. You may change the timeout of any command with supplying result_timeout=<seconds> in the call.

    sender.status_online(result_timeout=5)  # wait up to 5 seconds
except NoResponse:  # from pytg.exceptions import NoResponse
    print("CLI did not responded in time")