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File metadata and controls

158 lines (133 loc) · 12.5 KB


NLog Syslog target takes advantage of the .NET Task Parallel Library to work in an asynchronous and concurrent way, therefore the NLog AsyncWrapper should not be used.

The standard NLog layout directive is used to modify the log message body: Syslog packet elements are not affected.

Default configuration values for all settings are provided and can be overridden by means of XML/programmatic configuration.

There are three configuration sections:

  • enforcement
  • message creation
  • message send

Sample configuration

Below is a sample NLog.config file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<nlog xmlns=""
    <add assembly="NLog.Targets.Syslog"/>
    <target xsi:type="Syslog" name="cee-udp">
      <sl:layout xsi:type="SimpleLayout" text="@cee: {&quot;message&quot;: &quot;${message}&quot;}" />
          <sl:hostname xsi:type="SimpleLayout" text="${machinename}" />
          <sl:appName xsi:type="SimpleLayout" text="DAEMON.MyAppName" />
          <sl:procId xsi:type="SimpleLayout" text="${processid}" />
          <sl:msgId xsi:type="SimpleLayout" text="${threadid}" />
    <logger name="*" minlevel="Debug" writeTo="cee-udp" />

A more detailed example is included in the test application.

Enforcement settings

  • throttling - settings related to message throttling:
    • limit - the number of log entries, waiting to be processed, that triggers throttling (default: 65536; 0 means no limit)
    • strategy - None / DiscardOnFixedTimeout / DiscardOnPercentageTimeout / Discard / DeferForFixedTime / DeferForPercentageTime / Block (default: Discard)
    • delay - the milliseconds/percentage delay for a DiscardOnFixedTimeout / DiscardOnPercentageTimeout / Defer throttling strategy (default: 0)
  • messageProcessors - the amount of parallel message processors (default: 1; 0 means Environment.ProcessorCount)
  • splitOnNewLine - whether or not to split each log entry by newlines and send each line separately (default: false)
  • transliterate - false or true to transliterate strings from Unicode to ASCII when the RFC allows only ASCII characters for a field (default: false)
  • replaceInvalidCharacters - false or true to replace invalid values usually with a question mark (default: false)
  • truncateFieldsToMaxLength - false or true to truncate fields to the length specified in the RFC (default: false)
  • truncateMessageTo - a number specifying the max length allowed for the whole message (default: 0 i.e. do not truncate)

The maximum length of a message is detailed in many RFCs that can be summarized as follow:

MUST be supported SHOULD be supported MUST NOT exceed
RFC 3164 (UDP) 1024 B 1024 B 1024 B
RFC 6587 (TCP) 1024 B 1024 B 1024 B
RFC 5424 (TCP/UDP) 480 B 2048 B -
RFC 5426 (UDP/IPv4) 480 B 2048 B 65535 - 60 - 8 B 1
RFC 5426 (UDP/IPv6) 1180 B 2048 B 65535 - 40 - 8 B 1
RFC 5426 (UDP/IPv6) 1180 B 2048 B (2^32 - 1) - 40 - 8 B 1 2
RFC 5425 (TLS/IPv4) 2048 B 8192 B 65535 - 60 - 60 B 1
RFC 5425 (TLS/IPv6) 2048 B 8192 B 65535 - 40 - 60 B 1
RFC 5425 (TLS/IPv6) 2048 B 8192 B (2^32 - 1) - 40 - 60 B 1 2

1 IP payload - max IP header - max protocol header

2 Using jumbograms (limited by Int32.MaxValue = 2147483647, i.e. the maximum size for an array)

Message creation settings

  • facility - facility name (default: Local1)
  • perLogLevelSeverity - the severity to be used for each log level:
    • fatal - Emergency / Alert / Critical / Error / Warning / Notice / Informational / Debug (default: Emergency)
    • error - Emergency / Alert / Critical / Error / Warning / Notice / Informational / Debug (default: Error)
    • warn - Emergency / Alert / Critical / Error / Warning / Notice / Informational / Debug (default: Warning)
    • info - Emergency / Alert / Critical / Error / Warning / Notice / Informational / Debug (default: Informational)
    • debug - Emergency / Alert / Critical / Error / Warning / Notice / Informational / Debug (default: Debug)
    • trace - Emergency / Alert / Critical / Error / Warning / Notice / Informational / Debug (default: Notice)
  • rfc - rfc3164 or rfc5424 (default: rfc5424)
  • rfc3164 - settings related to RFC 3164:
    • outputPri - true or false to output or not the PRI part (default: true, used for custom messages)
    • outputHeader - true or false to output or not the HEADER part (default: true, used for custom messages)
    • outputSpaceBeforeMsg - true or false to output or not the space before the MSG part (default: true, used for custom messages)
    • hostname (Layout) - the HOSTNAME field of the HEADER part (default: the hostname of the computer that is creating the message)
    • tag (Layout) - the TAG field of the MSG part (default: the name of the assembly that is creating the message)
  • rfc5424 - settings related to RFC 5424:
    • timestampFractionalDigits - the number of fractional digits for the TIMESTAMP field of the HEADER part (default: 6, max: 16 as per ISO 8601 but since .NET is limited to 7 the other digits will be zeroed)
    • hostname (Layout) - the HOSTNAME field of the HEADER part (default: the hostname of the computer that is creating the message)
    • appName (Layout) - the APPNAME field of the HEADER part (default: the name of the assembly that is creating the message)
    • procId (Layout) - the PROCID field of the HEADER part (default: -)
    • msgId (Layout) - the MSGID field of the HEADER part (default: -)
    • structuredData - the STRUCTURED-DATA part containing the SD-ELEMENTs each composed by an SD-ID (Layout) and optional SD-PARAM fields, i.e. the PARAM-NAME (Layout) and PARAM-VALUE (Layout) fields (default: -).
      The fromEventProperties attribute allows to use log event properties data enabling different STRUCTURED-DATA for each log message
    • disableBom - true or false to handle RSyslog issue 284 (default: false)

Message send settings

  • retry - settings related to transmission retry:
    • max - the maximum number of retries to perform after the first attempt failed (default: -1 i.e. infinite)
    • backoff - the backoff approach, Constant / Linear / Exponential / AwsJitteredExponential / PollyJitteredExponential, used to wait before performing a retry (default: Constant)
    • constantBackoff - settings related to constant backoff (formula):
      • firstDelayZero - whether the first retry should be performed immediately (default: false)
      • baseDelay - the number of milliseconds used as the base to compute the interval after which a retry is performed (default: 500)
    • linearBackoff - settings related to linear backoff (formula):
      • firstDelayZero - whether the first retry should be performed immediately (default: false)
      • baseDelay - the number of milliseconds used as the base to compute the interval after which a retry is performed (default: 500)
      • scaleFactor - the scale factor used to compute the interval after which a retry is performed (default: 1)
    • exponentialBackoff - settings related to exponential backoff (formula):
      • firstDelayZero - whether the first retry should be performed immediately (default: false)
      • baseDelay - the number of milliseconds used as the base to compute the interval after which a retry is performed (default: 500)
      • scaleFactor - the scale factor used to compute the interval after which a retry is performed (default: 2)
    • awsJitteredExponentialBackoff - settings related to the AWS jittered exponential backoff (formula):
      • firstDelayZero - whether the first retry should be performed immediately (default: false)
      • baseDelay - the number of milliseconds used as the base to compute the interval after which a retry is performed (default: 500)
      • maxDelay - the maximum number of milliseconds used to compute the interval after which a retry is performed (default: 1500)
    • pollyJitteredExponentialBackoff - settings related to the Polly jittered exponential backoff (formula):
      • firstDelayZero - whether the first retry should be performed immediately (default: false)
      • baseDelay - the number of milliseconds used as the base to compute the interval after which a retry is performed (default: 500)
      • maxDelay - the maximum number of milliseconds used to compute the interval after which a retry is performed (default: 60000)
  • protocol - udp or tcp (default: udp)
  • udp - settings related to UDP:
    • server - IP or hostname of the Syslog server (default:
    • port - port the Syslog server is listening on (default: 514)
  • tcp - settings related to TCP:
    • server - IP or hostname of the Syslog server (default:
    • port - port the Syslog server is listening on (default: 514)
    • keepAlive - settings related to keep-alive:
      • enabled - whether to use keep-alive or not (default: true)
      • retryCount - the number of unacknowledged keep-alive probes to send before considering the connection dead and terminating it (default: 10)
      • time - the number of seconds a connection will remain idle before the first keep-alive probe is sent (default: 5)
      • interval - the number of seconds a connection will wait for a keep-alive acknowledgement before sending another keepalive probe (default: 1)
    • tls - settings related to TLS:
      • enabled - whether to use TLS or not (TLS 1.2 only) (default false)
      • useClientCertificates - whether to use client certificates or not (default false)
      • certificateStoreLocation - the X.509 certificate store location (default CurrentUser)
      • certificateStoreName - the X.509 certificate store name (default My)
      • certificateFilterType - the type of filter to apply to the certificate collection (default FindBySubjectName)
      • certificateFilterValue - the value against which to filter the certificate collection
    • framing - nonTransparent or octectCounting (default: octectCounting)