All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Updated bot to never respond to DMs.
- Changed "Doctrine ships stock low" -> "Doctrine ships contracts low".
- Fixed bug in the N historical prices checking, it is now correct.
- Prices of doctrines are now based on historical price, using MAX() of last N prices, where N is 2x required number to be stocked. This makes sure any stocked ships get sold for original price, while newly accepted cheaper or more expensive will eventually catch up to the buy price.
- Fixed bug in
from IssuerID 0.
can now be called with time-range to show custom leaderboards.- Added
!migrate FROM TO
command to easily change versions of doctrines. - Fixed bug when deleting unused doctrines left them there.
- Fixed bug with tracking prices when there is unknown doctrine present.
- Doctrine price will reset every 3 months.
- Add current month and year to the leaderboard title.
- Fix leaderboard ordering.
- Show only top 10 in leaderboard.
- Changed repository backend from JSON file to bbolt key value storage.
- Added the ability to track prices of hauled-in contracts if they start with * (asterisk).
- Added
!price fetch
command to force reloading from API to check for price-tracking contracts starting with * and saving the data. - Added
!price set
command to set doctrine price to a certain value. This does not make record in price_history, just sets the doctrine value to this, so it can be alerted. - Added alerting for doctrine contracts at lower price than it was bought for on
!report full
command. - Added
command which tracks top 10 haulers who made the most price-tracking contracts. - Fixed some token error propagation.
- Fixed issue with long messages not sending to Discord.
- Changed message formats to be consistent.
- Upgraded SSO to V2 and goesi.
- Added alert about problematic contracts to "!report full" command.
- Problematic contracts are:
- Expired
- Not Item Exchange (auction for example)
- Bad state
- Problematic contracts are:
- Version 1.0.0, many features added and polished while in use.
- First version of quartermaster bot, copied from eve-fuelbot.