Releases: luyadev/luya-module-admin
Releases · luyadev/luya-module-admin
1.2.0 (17. May 2018)
This release contains new migrations and requires to run the migrate
command after updating. Check the UPGRADE Document.
- #122 Change base file system signature in order to support external file systems like amazon S3.
- #121 Reduce the xhr response content for admin images and files in order to speedup admin usage.
- #118 Updated outline-config default styles; Added btn--active class to force hover status
- #33 Updated textarea min-height from 46 to 86px
- #93 Unparseable cruft is enabled by default and uses the angular js built in json encoding mechanism to remove the prepend string.
- #90 Minification and Uglification of angularjs files requires strict di.
- #69 Remove deprecated
methods. - #123 Improved storage filter chain model.
- #113 Add option to configure ngrest attribute conditions when to display/hide a given field based on another field.
- #64 Add option to configure the file delivery (download or display in browser).
- #27 Filemanager file detail option to rename the original download file name.
- #64 Whether file should be download or display in browser.
- #100 Option to configure the max idle time of an user until logout.
- #86 When a user changes the email, a token will be sent to the old email which has to be entered in order to change the email.
- #85 Added option to limit login attempts from session and for when the email is detected correctly. This reduce the possibility to brute force any login credentials. The 2FA security token lifetime can be configured. When the login password is false, the login fields are cleared out.
- #119 Fixed bug with falsely commited migration file in version
- #111 Fixed scroll-behavior for file detail view (filemanager).
- #102 Fixed bug with empty attributes_json in NgRest logger for delete actions.
- #80 Added roboto Latin (+Extended), Cyrillic (+Extended), Greek (+Extended), Vietnamese.
1.1.1 (11. April 2018)
- #89 Added module property
to enable strong passwords for admin users. Each password must have lower, upper, digit, number and a special char with a min length of 8 chars.
- #91 Remove spellcheck for filemanager upload button.
- #92 Add option to bind values while storage querys in order to fix imageArray captions in ngrest plugin.
- #88 Clean up change password fields after validation error or success.
- #87 Fixed bug when change the password.
- #83 Provide after assign event for ngrest plugins.
- #77 Ensure if user has edit permissions in order to trigger the interactive toggleStatus plugin.
- #76 Create random access token when creating new user in order to prevent unique column exception.
1.1.0 (26. March 2018)
This release contains new migrations and requires to run the migrate
command after updating.
- #64 Added migration for content disposition.
- #66 Provide option to whitelist mimetypes for admin file upload.
- #58 New api user level to make system api calls. Provide basic endpoint overview and tester.
- #59 NgRest log events are now tracked by the log behavior.
- #56 User summary active window with diff view, sessions and user infos.
- #68 Fixed caching problem with Yii verison 2.0.14.
- #67 Fixed issue where crud loader (relation button) can not edit items.
- #1571 If Active Window label/icon from config is given ues this instead of object defaultLabel and defaultIcon.
- #69 Fixed i18n helper naming, mark old methods as deprecated, add language option.