The half diminished C compiler tutorial.
- Lex - based tokenizer
- RPN calculator
- Recursive descent expression calculator
- Yacc - based expression calculator
- x86 assembly overview
- Code generation for a stack machine
- global int 32 variables
- loops
- if then else
- Functions call convention
+------------------+ +------------------+
| | -------> | |
| Editor | | Source code __/
| | <------- | __/
+------------------+ \____________/
+------------------+ +------------------+
| | <------- | |
| Assembly code __/ | Compiler |
| __/ | |
\____________/ +------------------+
+------------------+ +------------------+
| | | |
| Assembler | -------> | Object file __/
| | | __/
+------------------+ \____________/
+------------------+ +------------------+
| | | |
| Executable | <------- | Linker |
| | | |
+------------------+ +------------------+
+------------------+ +------------------+
| | -------> | |
| Source code __/ | Lexical Analyzer |
| __/ | |
\____________/ +------------------+
+------------------+ +------------------+
| Syntactic | | |
| analyser / Code | <------- | Tokens __/
| generator | | __/
+------------------+ \____________/
| |
| Assembly code __/
| __/
+------------------+ +------------------+
| | -------> | |
| Source code __/ | Lexical Analyzer |
| __/ | |
\____________/ +------------------+
+------------------+ +------------------+
| Syntactic | | |
| analyser | <------- | Tokens __/
| | | __/
+------------------+ \____________/
+------------------+ +------------------+
| | -------> | |
| Parse tree __/ <------- | Code generator |
| __/ | |
\____________/ +------------------+
| |
| Assembly code __/
| __/
A String tokenizer is the part of a compiler that performs lexical analysis.
- Match regular expressions in a text.
- Return text content associated with the regexp.
git checkout tokenizer
cat tokenizer.l
git checkout tokenizer
git clean -f
echo "123 * + 456 -" | ./tokenizer
The parser outputs an error for the first non-recognised character.
echo "123 hello" | ./tokenizer
RPN, or postfix notation, is a mathematical notation where the operator follows its operands.
- Can be evaluated without parenthesis as long as arity is fixed.
- Well fitted for stack-based machines.
Infix notation:
(123 - 5 * 4 - 3) / 4
Postfix rpn equivalent:
123 5 4 * - 3 - 4 /
git checkout simple_rpn
cat rpn.c
git checkout rpn
git clean -f
echo "123 5 4 * - 3 - 4 /" | ./rpn
Semantic errors may cause a stack underflow.
- Read input from left to right
- Leftmost derivation
git checkout simple_expression_parser_recursive
cat recursive.c
Example expression:
a + b + c
Parse tree:
/ \
a +
/ \
b c
git checkout recursive
git clean -f
echo "(123 - 5 * 4 - 3) / 4" | ./recursive
Explicit parenthesis are needed to get a correct interpretation.
echo "((123 - 5 * 4) - 3) / 4" | ./recursive
Supporting left recursion with a recursive parser is possible by building a parse tree and re-parenting the nodes.
- Read input from left to right
- Rightmost derivation
git checkout simple_expression_parser
cat parser.y
Example expression:
a + b + c
Parse tree:
/ \
+ a
/ \
b c
git checkout interpreter
git clean -f
echo "(123 - 5 * 4 - 3) / 4" | ./parser
git checkout yydebug
git clean -f
cat y.output
echo "2 * 3" | ./parser
A one pass compiler generates assembly "on the fly" code during the syntax analysis phase.
<----------- EAX ------------->
<----- AX ---->
| | AH | AL |
31 15 7 0
- All purpose: EAX, EBX, ECX, EDX, ESI, EDI
- Stack base: EBP, pointer: ESP
Assembly code to dump 32 bit register in hex mode.
Like for a RPN machine, the generated code pops the second operand, then the first operand, does the operation and pushes the result. The second operand is stored in register ebx. The first operand and the operation result are computed in eax then pushed on the stack.
Example expression:
5 - 3
Generated assembly code:
push 5
push 3
pop ebx
pop eax
sub eax, ebx
push eax
^ +-----+
| / \
| / \
| | Condition |-- false --+
| \ / |
| \ / |
| +-----+ |
| | |
| | true |
| v |
| +-----------+ |
| | | |
| | Bloc | |
| | | |
| +-----------+ |
| | |
+---------+ |
End: <----------------+
/ \
/ \
| Condition |-- false --+
\ / |
\ / |
+-----+ |
| |
| true |
v |
+-----------+ |
| | |
| Bloc | |
| | |
+-----------+ |
| |
+---------+ |
| |
| End: +-----------------+
| |
| v
| +-----------+
| | |
| | Bloc |
| | |
| +-----------+
| |
v v
| variable 2 | <--- EBP - 8
| variable 1 | <--- EBP - 4
| saved EBP | <--- EBP
| return address |
| argument 1 | <--- EBP + 8
| argument 2 | <--- EBP + 12
| argument 3 | <--- EBP + 16