The quick action section contains the scene selector at the top which shows all available scenes configured in SwarmJS
and a direct link to the current scene.
The quick actions section contains the following buttons:
Toggle Configuration Panels: Enables / disables the configuration panels which display more options for rendering configuration, benchmarking, debugging, and more. Disabling these panels can lead to ~2x better performance while the simulation is running.
Toggle Rendering: Sets the number of simulation steps per rendered frame / disables rendering. Disabling the rendering can lead to 2x better performance while the simulation is running.
Start / Stop benchmarking and show the number of times the benchmark has finished a simulation run across all provided simulation scenarios.
The simulation renderer and a description of the current scene.
This section provides more options for configuring the simulation, including the following panels:
- Rendering:
- Render Skip: Fine tune the number of simulation steps per rendered frame.
- Rendering Options: Enables / disables rendering for specific elements in the simulations. These options are auto generated using the 'type' property in the renderable definition. More information about renderable definitions is available in the rendering reference.
- Configuration:
- Dynamic Configurations: changes configurations that immediately take effect such as adding robots or pucks while the simulation is running
- Static Configurations: changes static configurations that take effect when the scene is restarted, but offer more options such as changing environment size, robot radius, or puck radius.
- Full Scene Configuration: shows the full scene configurations (read only).
- Benchmark: allows starting and stopping benchmarking the current scene and automatically generates performance graphs according the benchmarking configuration and performance trackers. More information about benchmarking configurations is available in the Configuration Reference.
- Controller: allows dynamically writing and deploying robot controllers directly from the browser when supported by the scene. More information about writing controllers in the browser is available in the Basics Tutorial.