The study of many kinds of systems, control policies, matrices, and vector spaces (including functions) comprises control theory. This document is a free, community-driven growing dictionary of these terms, designed for quickly finding more information about them, rather than hunting down definitions online or in a textbook.
It is available in a few formats:
The PDF and HTML documents are automatically updated and published after every push to the master branch with GitHub Actions. A template for this action can be found here.
Contributions are not just welcome, they are necessary to keep this project going strong. If you find potential for this project to help someone else, please consider generously donating 15 minutes of your time to describe one term that might confuse someone else, refine an inaccurate/incorrect definition, or fix that one design issue that really bothers you. Little contributions like these add up to make a lasting impact on control theory studies.
There are a few ways to make these contributions:
- Submit an issue that describes your proposed changes.
- Fork this repo, modify the code as desired, and submit a pull request.
- Email me to gain access to the GitHub repo and/or its corresponding Overleaf project.