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16 lines (16 loc) · 1.36 KB

File metadata and controls

16 lines (16 loc) · 1.36 KB

How To run

# Important Files
    * main py file is
    * run it with this Command : python
    * follow the errors, maybe some requirements needed to install with pip ( Package Installer of Python )
    * if you get conflict file names error. in cvs you should add a '+' character on duplications to program get run.( if more add two '++' and ...)
    * its 'Masoud Azizi's text proccessing algoritm for classify the disconnected call graphs. 
    * its needed for drawing call graph to find and see classes call graph relationships.
    * you corrently reading this file, its not importand to keep but maybe you need it.
# Important folders: 
    * CaseStudies( CVS files that Generated by 'Undestand' Softwere file dependency matrix with relative paths )
    * SoureCodes( SourceCode of Softwere that Inside of a folder With equal name of cvs file+ ".src", for example if cvs file name is: 'gfx.cvs' the source code folder name will be: 'gfx.src' )
    	* note that you shoud extract zip file to directory
* mojo ( folder that contains mojo and mojofm calculators,Dont touch them! )
    * result ( Results of the algorithm with txt file format, you can remove it cuz its auto generated folder )
    * undrestand ( we dont use it to run the algo but its contain important info )