Welcom to the ML Ops community! I am glad you are reading this, we need everyone from the community to be engaged to help each other and ourselves.
Here are some important resources:
- MLOps About has details about who we are and what we are working on,
- MLOps lists the issues we are tracking for development,
- Project Board lists our current projects, and
- Bugs? Issues is where to report them.
This repository contains a plethora of examples, guidelines etc. We advise contributors of an example to include an action that will test your example when new changes are made to the code.
Open a pull request with your changes and an explanation of what is changed and why it is beneficial. When you send a pull request, the more information you provide, the faster it can be accepted and merged. Bonus points for tests and please work with an administrator if secrets are required to run the tests.
Always write a clear log message for your commits. One-line messages are fine for small changes, but bigger changes should look like this:
$ git commit -m "A brief summary of the commit
> A paragraph describing what changed and its impact."
Since we span a number of platforms and languages, please follow the guidelines for the individual language and platform.
Thanks, Machine Learning Apps.