tags |
cage testing, respirometry, macmanes |
- Still, is there a diurnal pattern to measurements.
- Will conduct a 2 days recording to address
- Is the fact that we are re-baselining ever hour an issue.
- We will re-baseline after ever second cage now..
Testing started at 1043AM 5Feb20 after approx 60 minutes of machine warm up. I figured the machine was stable after oxygen stabalized at 20.963.
one thing to note is that Dani and Delaney are going to be ear-tagging new mice today, which might add noise to measurements.
- Dani was in mouse room from 2:00pm to 2:45pm on 05Feb20
- im guessing the other abberation is when the ARO staff was in the room on the next day
Quite encouraging. Tight SD, stable measurements.. no diurnal pattern Oxygen is noisier early on - not sure why. but I think when looking at the raw data, that absolute measured value was still increasing over the 1st few hours of recording, so maybe this is why? I'm not sure why it would take soooo long for oxygen to equilibrate, but..