- Data type: float in range 0.0 to 1.0
- What is it for: Controling the influence of the diffuseTexture
- Use when: You want to mix the diffuse texture with the diffuse color
- Implemented in MakeSkin: yes
- Makes visible difference in blender: yes
- Makes visible difference in makehuman: no (unless you use the "toon" shader)
You can opt to not apply the diffuseTexture at 100% (1.0). If you, for example, want the diffuseColor to have a 50% influence on the resulting diffuse color, you can set diffuseIntensity to 0.5. This is ignored in almost all shaders in makehuman, where you either have a diffuseColor or a diffuseTexture.
If set to 1.0 (which is the default if not specified), this key will be excluded from the resulting MHMAT file when exporting from MakeSkin.
Mix diffuseColor and diffuseTexture equally:
diffuseIntensity 0.5
The diffuseIntensity setting is read from the Fac socket of the MixRGB node between the diffuse texture and the principled node: