- Data type: RGB floats
- What is it for: Controling the color of specular highligts in MakeHuman
- Use when: You want other other highlights than the default white
- Implemented in MakeSkin: partially (as a secondary effect of roughness)
- Makes visible difference in blender: no
- Makes visible difference in makehuman: yes
In makehuman you can control the color of the specular highligts on objects. As this has no corresponding setting in Principled BSDF, it will not have any visible effect in Blender.
MakeSkin will write this key automatically as the inverse of the roughness setting on the principled node. For example, if you have 0.2 as roughness, the specular color will be set to "0.8 0.8 0.8" (for red, green and blue).
This will cause specular highlights to be bright green in MakeHuman:
specularColor 0.5 1.0 0.5