Console application developed to pull all channels and libraries from a Mirth Connect instance using Mirth Connect Web API.
Current commands availables:
PULLCHANNELS - pulls data from remote NextGen/Mirth server. Saves it to the provided path as xml.
--server = remote server name or IP
--username = valid mirth user
--password = user's password
--path = C:/backup/channels
EX: pullchannels --server https://mirthserver:8443/api --username user --password password --path C:/backup/channels
PULLLIB - pulls libraries and code templates.
--server = remote server name or IP
--username = valid mirth user
--password = user's password
--path = C:/backup/codetemplates
EX: pulllib --server https://mirthserver:8443/api --username user --password password --path C:/backup/channels
HELP - list available commands. EXIT - exit application.
Author: Eduardo Malipense