Consists of the following
- header
- bitmap
- primary
- secondary
- data elements
- it is network specific
[Visa, Mastercard]
, and shows Institution Identification Codes (IICs) - example of a header is 0158 which depicts the content of the message (mti+bitmap+data elements) is 158 bytes
- message type indicator includes which version of ISO 8583 [1987, 1993, and 2003] is being used, as well as the message class, the message function and the message origin
- applications use the Message Type Indicator to determine whether the message requires a response and the format of the response
- 4 digits
- Digit 1 indicates the version of ISO 8583
- Digit 2 indicates the class of the message
- Digit 3 indicates the function of the message
- Digit 4 indicates who initiated the communication
- example 0110
- 0xxx → version of ISO 8583 (0 = 1987 version)
- x1xx → class of the message (1 = authorization message)
- xx1x → function of the message (1 = response)
- xxx0 → who began the communication (0 = acquirer)
- This means that MTI 0110 is an authorization response message stating that the actual financial transaction was originated by the acquirer.
- indicates whether there are other data elements or data element sub-fields somewhere else in the message
- primary bitmap specifies whether fields 1 – 64 are present
- secondary bitmap in the message, it indicates whether fields 65 – 128 exist
- example
- given bitmap 70 10 00 11 02 C0 48 04
70 (hex) to binay is -> 0111 0000
- 0111 0000 has 8 fiels [field 1 to field 8]
- counting from left:
- field 1 is not present because value is 0
- fields 2,3,4 are present because value is 1
10 (hex) to binay is -> 0001 0000
- 0001 0000 again has 8 fields [field 9 to 16]
- counting from left:
- fields 9,10,11 are 0 meaning they are not present
- this message shows field 12 is present
00 -> binary = 0000 0000
- means no fields are present in fields 17 - 24
11 -> binary = 0001 0001
- has 8 fields [field 25 to 32]
- this part means fields 28 and 32 are present
02 -> binary = 0000 0010
- has fields [ field 33 to 40]
- this part means field 39 is present
C0 -> binary = 1100 0000
- fields 41 - 48
- means fields 41 and 42 are present
48 -> binary = 0100 1000
- fields 49 - 56
- means 50 and 53 are present
04 -> binary = 0000 0100
- fields 57 - 64
- means field 62 is present
- given bitmap 70 10 00 11 02 C0 48 04
- Message data elements are defined by the ISO 8583 protocol, and each individual data element contains the information for that specific transaction and each has a specified meaning
- The data elements and code values relating to the transaction, includes amounts, times, dates, and country codes
- example
- Bit value 2 is assigned to primary account number, Bit 3 is assigned to processing code, Bit 4 is for transaction amount, etc
- x + n Numeric (amount) values, where the first byte is either 'C' to indicate a positive or credit value, or 'D' to indicate a negative or Debit value, followed by the numeric value (using n digits)
- Binary Data
- In data structures, packed binary data usually signifies that there are more bit combinations used to encode the message
- unpacked signifies that some bit combinations remain unused
- ISO 8583 defines two different encoding methods
- Packed - or 8 bytes of data
- Unpacked - or 16 bytes as hexadecimal characters
The following is a table specifying the message type and processing code for each transaction type
Transaction | Message Type | Processing Code |
Authorization | 0100 | 00 a0 0x |
Balance Enquiry | 0110 | 31 a0 0x |
Sale | 0200 | 00 a0 0x |
Cash | 0200 | 01 a0 0x |
Credit Voucher | 0200 | 20 a0 0x |
Void | 0200 | 02 a0 0x |
Mobile topup | 57 a0 0x |
The Point Of Service (POS) entry mode value has 2 parts
- PAN entry mode value - the first 2 digits
- PIN entry capability - the third digit
An authorization request on a credit card can be denied for a variety of reasons, often with a different financial request issuer response on each occasion.
The following table shows response codes and their meanings for ISO 8583-1987, later versions uses 3 and 4 digit response codes.
ISO 8583 financial messages consist of a request/response message which is sent between two parties to process the financial transaction. A TCP or other connection type such as:
- X.25
- or another custom connection is opened between the two partie