Releases: man-group/dtale
Releases · man-group/dtale
D-Tale 1.6.8
Highlights include:
- additional information about how to use Correlations popup
- handling of all-nan data in charts popup
- styling issues on popups (especially Histogram)
- removed auto-filtering on correlation popup
- scatter point color change
- added chart icon to cell that has been selected in correlation popup
- responsiveness to scatter charts
- handling of links to 'main','iframe' & 'popup' missing data_id
- handling of 'inf' values when getting min/max & describe data
- added header to window popups (correlations, charts, ...) and a link back to the grid
- added egg building to cirleci script
- correlation timeseries chart hover line
D-Tale 1.6.9
Bugfix for:
- timezone issue around passing date filters to server for scatter charts in correlations popup
D-Tale 1.6.7
Highlights include:
- fixes for #50
D-Tale 1.6.6
Highlights include:
- #47: selection of multiple columns for y-axis
- updated histogram bin selection to be an input box for full customization
- better display of timestamps in axis ticks for charts
- sorting of bar charts by y-axis
- #48: scatter charts in chart builder
- "nunique" added to list of aggregations
- turned on "threaded=True" for to avoid hanging popups
- #45: rolling computations as aggregations
- Y-Axis editor
D-Tale 1.6.5
Highlights include:
- test whether filters entered will return no data and block the user from apply those
- allow for group values of type int or float to be displayed in charts popup
- timeseries correlation values which return 'nan' will be replaced by zero for chart purposes
- update 'distribution' to 'series' on charts so that missing dates will not show up as ticks
- added "fork on github" flag for demo version & links to github/docs on "About" popup
- limited lz4 to <= 2.2.1 in python 27-3 since latest version is no longer supported
D-Tale 1.6.4
Highlights include:
- testing of hostname returned by
, use 'localhost' if it fails - removal of flask dev server banner when running in production environments
- better handling of long strings in wordclouds
- #43: only show timeseries correlations if datetime columns exist with multiple values per date
D-Tale 1.6.3
updated versions of packages in yarn.lock due to issue with chart.js box & whisker plots
D-Tale 1.6.2
Highlights include:
- #40: loading initial chart as non-line in chart builder
- #41: double clicking cells in correlation grid for scatter will cause chart not to display
- "Open Popup" button for ipython iframes
- column width resizing on sorting
- additional int/float descriptors (sum, median, mode, var, sem, skew, kurt)
- wordcloud chart type
D-Tale 1.6.1
Highlights include:
- bugfix for url display when running from command-line
D-Tale 1.6.0
Highlights include:
- charts integration
- the ability to look at data in line, bar, stacked bar & pie charts
- the ability to group & aggregate data within the charts
- direct ipython iframes to correlations & charts pages with pre-selected inputs
- the ability to access instances from code by data id
- view all active data instances