This project is built with React and Firebase Chat App.
Chat app is a real-time chat application where user can do group chatting. User can send messages to each other, share images, documents, and audio file as well upto 5MB. App supported facebook and google authentication that means user and signin with facebook or google as per user's preferences. User can see other user's information such as profile and last online status. User can create his own chat room or he can join any chat room that are available and do group chatting. So go to Chat App and enjoy chatting with people.
- JavaScript
React (v18.2.0)
React router (v5.2.0)
Firebase (v9.14.0)
Rsuite (v5.22.1)
Sass (v1.56.1)
React mic (v12.4.6)
Timeage react (v3.0.5)
Use context selector (v1.4.1)
For storing messages I have used firebase storage and firebase real-time database
Deployed on firebase hoisting
- Fully responsive app
- User authentication with Facebook/Google (Signin with Facebook/Google)
- Manage user profile (edit username, upload avatar)
- Create chat room
- Update chat room information
- Realtime chat message
- Send chat, like chat and delete own chat
- Send file (images, documents, audio) upto 5mb
- Oraganized chat date wise
- Display chat send time
- View user status (like if user is online or offlinne and last online time)
- View user information
If you liked my project feel free give it a star
Thank you
Manish Tiwari