The Mappls Annotation Plugin simplifies the way to set and adjust the visual properties of annotations on a Mappls map.
This Plugin is uses to plot Symbol (marker), Line, Fill(Polygon) and circle on a Map.
Add below dependency in your app-level build.gradle
implementation 'com.mappls.sdk:annotation-plugin:1.0.1'
Add your API keys to the SDK (in your application's onCreate() or before using map)
MapplsAccountManager.getInstance().restAPIKey = getRestAPIKey()
MapplsAccountManager.getInstance().mapSDKKey = getMapSDKKey()
MapplsAccountManager.getInstance().atlasClientId = getAtlasClientId()
MapplsAccountManager.getInstance().atlasClientSecret = getAtlasClientSecret()
To initialise the plugin there are Four Manager classes:
symbolManager = new SymbolManager(mapView, mapplsMap, style); //For Marker
symbolManager = SymbolManager(mapView, mapplsMap, style); //For Marker
lineManager = new LineManager(mapView, mapplsMap, style); // For Polyline
lineManager = LineManager(mapView, mapplsMap, style); // For Polyline
fillManager = new FillManager(mapView, mapplsMap, style); // For Polygon
fillManager = FillManager(mapView, mapplsMap, style); // For Polygon
circleManager = new CircleManager(mapView, mapplsMap, style); //For Cirle
circleManager = CircleManager(mapView, mapplsMap, style); //For Cirle
Use SymbolOptions
to add the marker:
//Add Custom Image
style.addImage("map-marker-image", bitmap);
// Create a symbol at the specified location.
SymbolOptions symbolOptions = new SymbolOptions()
// Use the manager to draw the symbol.
symbol = symbolManager.create(symbolOptions);
//Add Custom Image
style.addImage("map-marker-image", bitmap);
// Create a symbol at the specified location.
val symbolOptions = SymbolOptions()
// Use the manager to draw the symbol.
symbol = symbolManager?.create(symbolOptions)
Use LineOptions
to add the Polyline
// Use options to color it red.
LineOptions lineOptions = new LineOptions()
// Use the manager to draw the annotation.
// Use options to color it red.
val lineOptions = LineOptions()
// Use the manager to draw the annotation.
Use FillOptions
to add the Polygon
// Use options to color it red.
FillOptions fillOptions = new FillOptions()
// Use the manager to draw the annotation.
// Use options to color it red.
val fillOptions = FillOptions()
Use CircleOptions
to add the Circle
// Use options to color it red.
CirlceOptions circleOptions = new CircleOptions()
// Use the manager to draw the annotation.
// Use options to color it red.
val circleOptions = CircleOptions()
For any queries and support, please contact:
Email us at apisupport@mappls.comSupport Need support? contact us!
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