A ready to use UI Widget to create/edit GeoFence in an Android application.
Add below dependency in app level build.gradle file
implementation 'com.mappls.sdk:geofence-ui:1.0.0'
You can add GeoFence view in two ways
- Using XML
- Using Java
android:layout_height="match_parent" />
We can set the following properties:
mappls_geoFence_circleButtonDrawable: To change the circle Button Drawable
mappls_geoFence_polygonButtonDrawable: To change the polygon selector button drawable
mappls_geoFence_circleFillColor: To change Circle Fill colors
mappls_geoFence_circleFillOutlineColor: To change circle Outline color
mappls_geoFence_circleCenterDrawable: To change the image of the center of circle
mappls_geoFence_handToolDrawable: To change action button icon which is visible when polygon is selected
mappls_geoFence_polygonMidPointDrawable: To change midpoint icon of the polygon boundaries
mappls_geoFence_polygonEdgeDrawable: To change polygon corners icon
mappls_geoFence_polygonIntersectionDrawable: To change polygon intersection point icon of polygon
mappls_geoFence_polygonFillColor: To change fill color of polygon
mappls_geoFence_polygonFillOutlineColor: To change outline color of polygon
mappls_geoFence_seekBarThumbDrawable: To change seekbar thumb icon
mappls_geoFence_seekBarProgressPrimaryColor: To change seekbar Progress bar primary color
mappls_geoFence_seekBarProgressSecondaryColor: To change seekbar Progress bar secondary color
mappls_geoFence_seekBarProgressRadius: To change seekbar corner radius
mappls_geoFence_deleteButtonDrawable: To change drawable of Delete button icon
mappls_geoFence_showSeekbar: If its value is false than it hides the seekbar and if its true than it show seekbar
mappls_geoFence_showToolView: If its value is false than it hides the geofence shape toggle buttons and if its true than it show geofence shape toggle buttons
mappls_geoFence_showActionButton: If its value is false than it hides the polygon draw enable/disable button and if its true than it show polygon draw enable/disable button
mappls_geoFence_showUI: If its value is false than it hide all control buttons and if its true than it show all control buttons
mappls_geoFence_showDeleteButton: If its value is false than it hides polygon delete button.
mappls_geoFence_polygonDrawingBackgroundColor: To change the color of Polygon drawing board color.
mappls_geoFence_showPolygonMidPointIcon: To hide polygon mid points icon
mappls_geoFence_polygonOutlineWidth: To set the polygon outline width
mappls_geoFence_circleOutlineWidth: To change the circle outline width
mappls_geoFence_polygonDrawingLineColor: To set the polygon sketch drawing line.
mappls_geoFence_draggingLineColor: To change the dragging line of Polygon edges and circle radius changing line.
mappls_geoFence_minRadius: To set minimum radius of circle.
mappls_geoFence_maxRadius: To set maximum radius of circle
mappls_geoFence_radiusInterval: To set the step size of radius changing
mappls_geoFence_showPolygonCentreIcon: To show/hide centre point of the Polygon
mappls_geoFence_polygonCentreDrawable: To set the drawable for centre point of the Polygon
//To create with default ui and styles
geoFenceView = GeoFenceView(this)
//Or If you want to change the properties of view
geoFenceView = GeoFenceView(this, GeoFenceOptions.builder().showUI(false).build())
GeoFenceOptions has following methods to change the Properties:
cicleButtonDrawable(int): To change the circle Button drawable
polygonButtonDrawable(int): To change the polygon selector button drawable
circleFillColor(int): To change Circle Fill colors
circleFillOutlineColor(int): To change circle Outline color
circleCentreDrawable(int): To change the image of the center of circle
actionButtonDrawable(int): To change action button icon which is visible when polygon is selected
polygonMidPointDrawable(int): To change midpoint icon of the polygon boundaries
polygonEdgeDrawable(int): To change polygon corners icon
polygonIntersectionDrawable(int): To change polygon intersection point icon of polygon
polygonFillColor(int): To change fill color of polygon
polygonFillOutlineColor(int): To change outline color of polygon
seekbarThumbDrawable(int): To change seekbar thumb icon
seekbarPrimaryColor(int): To change seekbar Progress bar primary color
seekbarSecondaryColor(int): To change seekbar Progress bar secondary color
seekbarCornerRadius(int): To change seekbar corner radius
deleteButtonDrawable(int): To change drawable of Delete button icon
showSeekBar(boolean): If its value is false than it hides the seekbar and if its true than it show seekbar
showToolsButton(boolean): If its value is false than it hides the geofence shape toggle buttons and if its true than it show geofence shape toggle buttons
showActionButton(boolean): If its value is false than it hides the polygon draw enable/disable button and if its true than it show polygon draw enable/disable button
showUI(boolean): If its value is false than it hide all control buttons and if its true than it show all control buttons
showDeleteButton(boolean): If its value is false than it hides polygon delete button.
polygonDrawingBackgroundColor(int): To change the color of Polygon drawing board color.
showPolygonMidPointIcon(boolean): To hide polygon mid points icon
polygonOutlineWidth(Float): To set the polygon outline width
circleOutlineWidth(Float): To change the circle outline width
polygonDrawingLineColor(int): To set the polygon sketch drawing line.
draggingLineColor(int): To change the dragging line of Polygon edges and circle radius changing line.
minRadius(int): To set minimum radius of circle.
maxRadius(int): To set maximum radius of circle
radiusInterval(int): To set the step size of radius changing
showPolygonCentreIcon(boolean): To show/hide centre point of the Polygon
polygonCentreDrawable(int): To set the drawable for centre point of the Polygon
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
geoFenceView = findViewById<GeoFenceView>(R.id.geo_fence_view)
val geoFence = GeoFence()
geoFence.geoFenceType = GeoFenceType.CIRCLE
geoFence.circleCenter = LatLng(25.4358, 81.8463)
geoFence.circleRadius = 200
geoFenceView.geoFence = geoFence
override fun onResume() {
override fun onStop() {
override fun onStart() {
override fun onLowMemory() {
override fun onDestroy() {
override fun onSaveInstanceState(outState: Bundle) {
Implement from GeoFenceViewCallback interface
- void onGeoFenceReady(MapplsMap mapplsMap): When map is loaded successfully
- void geoFenceType(GeoFenceType geofenceType): When toggle between geofence type
- void onCircleRadiusChanging(int radius): When radius of the circle changes
- void onUpdateGeoFence(GeoFence geoFence): On update geofence data
- void hasIntersectionPoints(): When Polygon is intersecting
On circle radius changing:
On circle radius change finish
To draw circle Geofence
To draw polygon Geofence
To draw Rectangle Geofence
geoFenceView.setOnPolygonReachedMaxPointListener(new OnPolygonReachedMaxPointListener() {
public void onReachedMaxPoint() {
//show a message to the user
geoFenceView.setCameraPadding(left, top, right, bottom);
For any queries and support, please contact:
Email us at apisupport@mappls.comSupport Need support? contact us!