The following search services are available as part of the SDK bundled by default –
The Autosuggest API helps users to complete queries faster by adding intelligent search capabilities to your web or mobile app. This API returns a list of results as well as suggested queries as the user types in the search field.
MapplsAutoSuggest autoSuggest = MapplsAutoSuggest.builder()
//To call in Foreground Thread
MapplsAutosuggestManager.newInstance(autoSuggest).call(new OnResponseCallback<AutoSuggestAtlasResponse>() {
public void onSuccess(AutoSuggestAtlasResponse response) {
//handle response
public void onError(int code, String message) {
//handle Error
} });
//To call in Background Thread
ApiResponse<AutoSuggestAtlasResponse> responseApiResponse = MapplsAutosuggestManager.newInstance(autosuggest).executeCall();
val autoSuggest =MapplsAutoSuggest.builder()
//To call in Foreground Thread
MapplsAutosuggestManager.newInstance(autoSuggest).call(object : OnResponseCallback<AutoSuggestAtlasResponse> {
override fun onSuccess(response: AutoSuggestAtlasResponse) {
//handle response
override fun onError(code: Int, message: String) {
//handle Error
//To call in Background Thread
val responseApiResponse = MapplsAutosuggestManager.newInstance(autoSuggest).executeCall();
: e.g. Shoes, Coffee, Versace, Gucci, H&M, Adidas, Starbucks, B130 {POI, House Number, keyword, tag}.
setLocation(latitude, longitude)
: e.g. setLocation(28.454,77.435).zoom (double)
: takes the zoom level of the current scope of the map (min: 4, max: 18).tokenizeAddress(boolean)
: provides the different address attributes in a structured object.pod
(string) = it takes in the place type code which helps in restricting the results to certain chosen type.Below mentioned are the codes for the pod- AutoSuggestCriteria.POD_SUB_LOCALITY
- AutoSuggestCriteria.POD_LOCALITY
- AutoSuggestCriteria.POD_CITY
- AutoSuggestCriteria.POD_VILLAGE
- AutoSuggestCriteria.POD_SUB_DISTRICT
- AutoSuggestCriteria.POD_DISTRICT
- AutoSuggestCriteria.POD_STATE
- AutoSuggestCriteria.POD_SUB_SUB_LOCALITY
(string) = This parameter helps you restrict the result either by mentioning a bounded area or to certain mapplspin (6 digit code to any poi, locality, city, etc.) below mentioned are the various types:filter
= bounds: lat1, lng1; lat2, lng2 (latitude, longitude) {e.g. filter("bounds: 28.598882, 77.212407; 28.467375, 77.353513")filter
= cop: {mapplspin} (string) {e.g. filter("cop:YMCZ0J")
(Boolean): This parameter lets the search give results that are hyper-localized to the reference location passed in the location parameter. This means that nearby results are given a higher ranking than results far from the reference location. Highly prominent results will still appear in the search results, however they will be lower in the list of results. This parameter will work ONLY in conjunction with the location parameter.
- 200: To denote a successful API call.
- 204: To denote the API was a success but no results were found.
- 400: Bad Request, User made an error while creating a valid request.
- 401: Unauthorized, Developer’s key is not allowed to send a request with restricted parameters.
- 403: Forbidden, Developer’s key has hit its daily/hourly limit.
- 500: Internal Server Error, the request caused an error in our systems.
- 503: Service Unavailable, during our maintenance break or server downtimes.
- 200: Success.
- 204: No matches were found for the provided query.
- 400: Something’s just not right with the request.
- 401: Access Denied.
- 403: Services for this key has been suspended due to daily/hourly transactions limit.
- 500: Something went wrong.
- 503: Maintenance Break.
): A List of the suggested locationuserAddedLocations
): List of user added locationssuggestedSearches
): List of suggestion related to your search.
(String): Mappls Pin of the location 6-char alphanumeric.placeAddress
(String): Address of the location.type
(String): type of location POI or Country or CityplaceName
(String): Name of the location.user
(String): Name of the user who add the placeindex
(Integer): the order where this result should be placeddistance
(Double): aerial distance in meters from reference locationaddressTokens
(String): house number of the location.houseName
(String): house name of the location.poi
(String): name of the POI (if applicable)street
(String): name of the street. (if applicable)subSubLocality
(String): the sub-sub-locality to which the location belongs. (if applicable)subLocality
(String): the sub-locality to which the location belongs. (if applicable)locality
(String): the locality to which the location belongs. (if applicable)village
(String): the village to which the location belongs. (if applicable)subDistrict
(String): the sub-district to which the location belongs. (if applicable)district
(String): the district to which the location belongs. (if applicable)city
(String): the city to which the location belongs. (if applicable)state
(String): the state to which the location belongs. (if applicable)pincode
(String): the PIN code to which the location belongs. (if applicable)
(string): what the user typed in.identifier
(string): what did the API use for it to qualify it as a suggested search requestlocation
(string): the name of the location to which the nearby will run in context to.hyperlink
(string): the ready-made link for the nearby API pre-initialized with all default parameters and location with code to search for.
Our Geocoding API converts real addresses into these geographic coordinates (latitude/longitude) to be placed on a map, be it for any street, area, postal code, POI or a house number etc.
MapplsGeoCoding geoCoding = MapplsGeoCoding.builder()
//To call in Foreground Thread
MapplsGeoCodingManager.newInstance(geoCoding).call(new OnResponseCallback<GeoCodeResponse>() {
public void onSuccess(GeoCodeResponse response) {
//handle response
public void onError(int code, String message) {
//handle Error
//To call in Background Thread
ApiResponse<GeoCodeResponse> response = MapplsGeoCodingManager.newInstance(mapplsGeoCoding).executeCall();
val geoCoding = MapplsGeoCoding.builder()
//To call in Foreground Thread
MapplsGeoCodingManager.newInstance(geoCoding).call(object : OnResponseCallback<GeoCodeResponse> {
override fun onSuccess(response: GeoCodeResponse) {
//handle response
override fun onError(code: Int, message: String) {
//handle Error
//To call in Background Thread
val response = MapplsGeoCodingManager.newInstance(mapplsGeoCoding).executeCall()
: address to be geocoded e.g. 237 Okhla industrial estate phase 3 new delhi, delhi 110020.
: parameter can be set to get maximum number of result items from the API (default: 1).podFilter(String)
This parameter can be used to set admin level restriction. The result will be either the given admin level or equivalent admin or higher in the hierarchy. Below mentioned are the codes for the pod:- GeoCodingCriteria.POD_HOUSE_NUMBER
- GeoCodingCriteria.POD_HOUSE_NAME
- GeoCodingCriteria.POD_STREET
- GeoCodingCriteria.POD_SUB_SUB_LOCALITY
- GeoCodingCriteria.POD_VILLAGE
- GeoCodingCriteria.POD_SUB_LOCALITY
- GeoCodingCriteria.POD_SUB_DISTRICT
- GeoCodingCriteria.POD_LOCALITY
- GeoCodingCriteria.POD_CITY
- GeoCodingCriteria.POD_DISTRICT
- GeoCodingCriteria.POD_PINCODE
- GeoCodingCriteria.POD_STATE
: This parameter can be used to set Urban or Rural bias. A positive value sets the Urban bias and a negative value sets Rural bias. Below mentioned are the codes for the bias:- GeoCodingCriteria.BIAS_DEFAULT (No bias)
- GeoCodingCriteria.BIAS_RURAL
- GeoCodingCriteria.BIAS_URBAN
: This parameter can be used to set admin boundary, which means geocoding will be done within the given admin. The allowed admin bounds are Sub-District, District, City, State and Pincode. The parameter accepts the admin eLoc as value.
Note: Please note that podFilter & bound parameters are mutually exclusive. They cannot be used together in an API call.
- 200: To denote a successful API call.
- 204: To denote the API was a success but no results were found.
- 400: Bad Request, User made an error while creating a valid request.
- 401: Unauthorized, Developer’s key is not allowed to send a request with restricted parameters.
- 403: Forbidden, Developer’s key has hit its daily/hourly limit.
- 500: Internal Server Error, the request caused an error in our systems.
- 503: Service Unavailable, during our maintenance break or server downtimes.
- 200: Success.
- 204: No matches were found for the provided query.
- 400: Something’s just not right with the request.
- 401: Access Denied.
- 403: Services for this key has been suspended due to daily/hourly transactions limit.
- 500: Something went wrong.
- 503: Maintenance Break.
): All the details regarding place.
(String): the houseNumber of the address/locationhouseName
(String): houseName of the address/locationpoi
(String): the point of interest or famous landmark nearby the locationstreet
(String): the street or road of the locationsubsubLocality
(String): the subSubLocality of the locationsubLocality
(String): the subLocality of the locationlocality
(String): the locality of the locationvillage
(String): the village of the locationsubDistrict
(String): the subDistrict of the locationdistrict
(String): the district of the locationcity
(String): the city of the locationstate
(String): the state of the locationpincode
(String): the pincode of the locationformattedAddress
(String): the general protocol following addressmapplsPin
(String): mappls pin of the particular locationgeocodeLevel
(String): the best matched address component.
- Census Information: (as per last census)
(String): State's census code.dstCenCd
(String): District's census code.sdbCenCd
(String): Subdistrict's census code.vlgCenCd
(String): Village's census code, if address is rural.twnCenCd
(String): Town's census code, if address is within any census town.
Note: Here town means a census town - an urban agglomeration defined by GoI during census; which is different from a city.twnName
(String): Town's name as per last census.
- Local Government Directory (LGD Information)
(String): State's LGD code.dstLgdCd
(String): District's LGD code.sdbLgdCd
(String): Subdistrict's LGD code.vlgLgdCd
(String): Village's LGD code, if address is rural.twnLgdCd
(String): Town's LGD code, if address is within any census town.
Reverse Geocoding is a process to give the closest matching address to a provided geographical coordinates (latitude/longitude). Mappls reverse geocoding API provides real addresses along with nearest popular landmark for any such geo-positions on the map.
MapplsReverseGeoCode reverseGeoCode = MapplsReverseGeoCode.builder()
//To call in foreground thread
MapplsReverseGeoCodeManager.newInstance(reverseGeoCode).call(new OnResponseCallback<PlaceResponse>() {
public void onSuccess(PlaceResponse response) {
//Handle Response
public void onError(int code, String message) {
//Handle Error
//To call in Background Thread
ApiResponse<PlaceResponse> response = MapplsReverseGeoCodeManager.newInstance(reverseGeoCode).executeCall();
val reverseGeoCode = MapplsReverseGeoCode.builder()
.setLocation(28.0, 77.0)
//To call in foreground thread
MapplsReverseGeoCodeManager.newInstance(reverseGeoCode).call(object : OnResponseCallback<PlaceResponse> {
override fun onSuccess(response: PlaceResponse) {
//handle response
override fun onError(code: Int, message: String) {
//handle Error
//To call in Background Thread
val response = MapplsReverseGeoCodeManager.newInstance(reverseGeoCode).executeCall()
setLocation(latitude, longitude)
: the latitude and longitude of the location for which the address is required.
: This parameter accepts the "hi" (ISO 639-1 Language Code for Hindi) as a value.
- 200: To denote a successful API call.
- 204: To denote the API was a success but no results were found.
- 400: Bad Request, User made an error while creating a valid request.
- 401: Unauthorized, Developer’s key is not allowed to send a request with restricted parameters.
- 403: Forbidden, Developer’s key has hit its daily/hourly limit.
- 500: Internal Server Error, the request caused an error in our systems.
- 503: Service Unavailable, during our maintenance break or server downtimes.
- 200: Success.
- 204: No matches were found for the provided query.
- 400: Something’s just not right with the request.
- 401: Access Denied.
- 403: Services for this key has been suspended due to daily/hourly transactions limit.
- 500: Something went wrong.
- 503: Maintenance Break.
(Long): Response codes of the api.version
(String): Version of the Api.places
): All the details regarding place.
(String): the houseNumber of the address/locationhouseName
(String): houseName of the address/locationpoi
(String): the point of interest or famous landmark nearby the locationpoiDist
(String): distance from nearest POI in metres.street
(String): the street or road of the locationstreetDist
(String): distance from nearest Street in metres.subsubLocality
(String): the subSubLocality of the locationsubLocality
(String): the subLocality of the locationlocality
(String): the locality of the locationvillage
(String): the village of the locationsubDistrict
(String): the subDistrict of the locationdistrict
(String): the district of the locationcity
(String): the city of the locationstate
(String): the state of the locationpincode
(String): the pincode of the locationformatted
Address(String): the general protocol following addressarea
(String): the area of the location.
- Census Information: (as per last census)
(String): State's census code.dstCenCd
(String): District's census code.sdbCenCd
(String): Subdistrict's census code.vlgCenCd
(String): Village's census code, if address is rural.twnCenCd
(String): Town's census code, if address is within any census town.
Note: Here town means a census town - an urban agglomeration defined by GoI during census; which is different from a city.twnName
(String): Town's name as per last census.
- Local Government Directory (LGD Information)
(String): State's LGD code.dstLgdCd
(String): District's LGD code.sdbLgdCd
(String): Subdistrict's LGD code.vlgLgdCd
(String): Village's LGD code, if address is rural.twnLgdCd
(String): Town's LGD code, if address is within any census town.
Nearby Places API, enables you to add discovery and search of nearby POIs by searching for a generic keyword used to describe a category of places or via the unique code assigned to that category.
MapplsNearby nearby = MapplsNearby.builder()
//To call in Foreground Thread
MapplsNearbyManager.newInstance(nearby).call(new OnResponseCallback<NearbyAtlasResponse>() {
public void onSuccess(NearbyAtlasResponse response) {
//Handle Response
public void onError(int code, String message) {
//Handle Error
//To call in Background Thread
ApiResponse<NearbyAtlasResponse> response = MapplsNearbyManager.newInstance(nearby).executeCall();;
val nearby = MapplsNearby.builder()
.setLocation(28.0, 77.0)
//To call in Foreground Thread
MapplsNearbyManager.newInstance(nearby).call(object : OnResponseCallback<NearbyAtlasResponse> {
override fun onSuccess(response: NearbyAtlasResponse) {
//handle response
override fun onError(code: Int, message: String) {
//handle Error
//To call in Background Thread
val response = MapplsNearbyManager.newInstance(nearby).executeCall()
: performs search on the basis of provided keyword For eg: coffee, EV Charging Station etcsetLocation(latitude, longitude)
:Provide the location around which the search will be performed- setLocation also support mappls pin e.g.,
- setLocation also support mappls pin e.g.,
: provides configured sorting operations for the client on cloud.Below are the available sorts:-
NearbyCriteria.DISTANCE_DESCENDING will sort the data on distance basis.
NearbyCriteria.NAME_DESCENDING will sort the data on alphabetically basis.
page (integer)
: provides number of the page to provide results from. -
: provides the range of distance to search over(default: 1000, min: 500, max: 10000) -
: Allows the developer to send in map bounds to provide a nearby search within the bounds. {e.g. (bounds("28.56812,77.240519;28.532790,77.290854")) -
: Use to set the user name -
: rich data related to poi -
pod (string)
: it takes in the place type code which helps in restricting the results to certain chosen type. Access to this parameter is controlled from the backend. This parameter if provided will override any values provided inkeywords
request param. Below mentioned are the codes for the pod- NearbyCriteria.POD_SUB_LOCALITY
- NearbyCriteria.POD_LOCALITY
- NearbyCriteria.POD_CITY
- NearbyCriteria.POD_VILLAGE
: This parameter helps you get a specific type of EV charging Stationfilter
= model:(string);brandId:(string);plugType:(string)
- 200: To denote a successful API call.
- 204: To denote the API was a success but no results were found.
- 400: Bad Request, User made an error while creating a valid request.
- 401: Unauthorized, Developer’s key is not allowed to send a request with restricted parameters.
- 403: Forbidden, Developer’s key has hit its daily/hourly limit.
- 500: Internal Server Error, the request caused an error in our systems.
- 503: Service Unavailable, during our maintenance break or server downtimes.
- 200: Success.
- 204: No matches were found for the provided query.
- 400: Something’s just not right with the request.
- 401: Access Denied.
- 403: Services for this key has been suspended due to daily/hourly transactions limit.
- 500: Something went wrong.
- 503: Maintenance Break.
): List of nearby places
(integer): provides the distance from the provided location bias in meters.eLoc
(string): Place Id of the location 6-char
(string): Email for contact.keywords
( [ string ] ): provides an array of matched keywords or codes.landlineNo
(string): Email for contact.mobileNo
: Phone number for contact.orderIndex
(integer): the order where this result should be placedplaceAddress
(string): Address of the location.placeName
(string): Name of the
(string): City of the locationstate
(string): State of the locationpincode
(string): Pincode of the locationrichInfo
(Map): To show advance information of locationtype
(string): Type of location POI or Country or City.hourOfOperation
(string): The hours of operation of the POI in a day.addressTokens
(String): house number of the location.houseName
(String): house name of the location.poi
(String): name of the POI (if applicable)street
(String): name of the street. (if applicable)subSubLocality
(String): the sub-sub-locality to which the location belongs. (if applicable)subLocality
(String): the sub-locality to which the location belongs. (if applicable)locality
(String): the locality to which the location belongs. (if applicable)village
(String): the village to which the location belongs. (if applicable)subDistrict
(String): the sub-district to which the location belongs. (if applicable)district
(String): the district to which the location belongs. (if applicable)city
(String): the city to which the location belongs. (if applicable)state
(String): the state to which the location belongs. (if applicable)pincode
(String): the PIN code to which the location belongs. (if applicable)
(integer): The number of pages with results.totalHits
(integer): Total number of places in the results.totalPages
(integer): Total number of pages as per page size and no of results.pageSize
(integer): The number of results per page.
Mappls Place Details is a simple, standardized and precise pan-India digital address system. Every location has been assigned a unique digital address or an eLoc. The eLoc API can be used to extract the details of a place with the help of its eLoc i.e. a 6 digit code or a place_id.
MapplsPlaceDetail placeDetail = MapplsPlaceDetail.builder()
//To call in Foreground Thread
MapplsPlaceDetailManager.newInstance(placeDetail).call(new OnResponseCallback<PlaceDetailResponse>() {
public void onSuccess(PlaceDetailResponse response) {
//Handle Response
public void onError(int code, String message) {
//Handle Error
//To call in Background Thread
ApiResponse<PlaceDetailResponse> response = MapplsPlaceDetailManager.newInstance(placeDetail).executeCall();
val placeDetail = MapplsPlaceDetail.builder()
//To call in Foreground Thread
MapplsPlaceDetailManager.newInstance(placeDetail).call(object : OnResponseCallback<PlaceDetailResponse> {
override fun onSuccess(response: PlaceDetailResponse) {
//handle response
override fun onError(code: Int, message: String) {
//handle Error
//To call in Background Thread
val response = MapplsPlaceDetailManager.newInstance(placeDetail).executeCall()
: the id or eLoc of the place whose details are required. The 6-digit alphanumeric
code for any location. (e.g. mmi000).
- 200: To denote a successful API call.
- 204: To denote the API was a success but no results were found.
- 400: Bad Request, User made an error while creating a valid request.
- 401: Unauthorized, Developer’s key is not allowed to send a request with restricted parameters.
- 403: Forbidden, Developer’s key has hit its daily/hourly limit.
- 500: Internal Server Error, the request caused an error in our systems.
- 503: Service Unavailable, during our maintenance break or server downtimes.
- 200: Success.
- 204: No matches were found for the provided query.
- 400: Something’s just not right with the request.
- 401: Access Denied.
- 403: Services for this key has been suspended due to daily/hourly transactions limit.
- 500: Something went wrong.
- 503: Maintenance Break.
(string) : 6 characters alphanumeric unique identifierlatitude
(double): The latitude of the location.longitude
(double): The longitude of the location.
Note: Not all response parameters are available by default. These parameters are restricted and available as per the discussed use case. For details, please contact Mappls API support.
With POI Along the Route API user will be able to get the details of POIs of a particular category along his set route. The main focus of this API is to provide convenience to the user and help him in locating the place of his interest on his set route.
MapplsPOIAlongRoute poiAlongRoute = MapplsPOIAlongRoute.builder()
//To call in Foreground Thread
MapplsPOIAlongRouteManager.newInstance(poiAlongRoute).call(new OnResponseCallback<POIAlongRouteResponse>() {
public void onSuccess(POIAlongRouteResponse response) {
//Handle Response
public void onError(int code, String message) {
//Handle Error
//To call in Background Thread
ApiResponse<POIAlongRouteResponse> response = MapplsPOIAlongRouteManager.newInstance(poiAlongRoute).executeCall();
val poiAlongRoute = MapplsPOIAlongRoute.builder()
//To call in Foreground Thread
MapplsPOIAlongRouteManager.newInstance(poiAlongRoute).call(object : OnResponseCallback<POIAlongRouteResponse> {
override fun onSuccess(response: POIAlongRouteResponse) {
//handle response
override fun onError(code: Int, message: String) {
//handle Error
//To call in Background Thread
val response = MapplsPOIAlongRouteManager.newInstance(poiAlongRoute).executeCall()
: The POI category code to be searched. Only one category input supported.path(String)
: This parameter takes the encoded route along which POIs to be searched.
: Buffer of the road. Minimum value is25
, maximum is1000
and default is25
: Type of geometry encoding.Below are the available geometries:- POICriteria.GEOMETRY_POLYLINE5
- POICriteria.GEOMETRY_POLYLINE6 (Default)
: Used for pagination. By default, a request returns maximum10
results and to get the next10
or so on pass the page value accordingly. Default is 1.sort(Boolean)
: Gets the sorted POIs along route.
- 200: To denote a successful API call.
- 204: To denote the API was a success but no results were found.
- 400: Bad Request, User made an error while creating a valid request.
- 401: Unauthorized, Developer’s key is not allowed to send a request with restricted parameters.
- 403: Forbidden, Developer’s key has hit its daily/hourly limit. Server-Side Issues:
- 500: Internal Server Error, the request caused an error in our systems.
- 503: Service Unavailable, during our maintenance break or server down-times.
- 200: Success.
- 204: No matches we’re found for the provided query.
- 400: Something’s just not right with the request.
- 401: Access Denied.
- 403: Services for this key has been suspended due to daily/hourly transactions limit.
- 500: Something went wrong.
- 503: Maintenance Break.
(List <SuggestedPOI
>): List of Suggested POI location
(Integer): distance of the POI.mapplsPin
(String): mapplsPin of the POI.poi
(String): Name of the POI.subSubLocality
(String): Sub sub locality of the POI.subLocality
(String): Sub locality of the POI.locality
(String): Locality of the
(String): City of the POI.subDistrict
(String): Sub district of the POI.district
(String): District of the POI.state
(String): State of the POI.popularName
(String): Popular name of the POI.address
(String): Address of the POI.telNo
(String): Telephone number of the
(String): Email of the
(String): Website of the POI.brandCode
(String): Brand id of the POI.
For any queries and support, please contact:
Email us at apisupport@mappls.comSupport Need support? contact us!