A publisher of articles from websites RSS feeds to Twitter.
Table of Contents
This app currently perform two tasks:
- download RSS content from several sources listed in
- publish its titles and links to Twitter
This is an easy way to get your blog posts automatically tweeted.
Install Pip dependencies: make install
Create a Twitter app at https://apps.twitter.com/ and generate keys with read and write permissions.
Customize feeds.yml.skel
and save it as feeds.yml
cd publishfeed
cp feeds.yml.skel feeds.yml
For example, defining feeds for two different Twitter accounts, <twitter.com/simpleitrocks> and <twitter.com/reddit>, would look like:
simpleitrocks: #twitter handler
consumer_key: 'XXXXXX'
consumer_secret: 'XXXXXXX'
access_key: 'XXXXXX'
access_secret: 'XXXXXX'
- https://simpleit.rocks/feed
hashtags: '#TechTutorials'
consumer_key: 'XXXXXX'
consumer_secret: 'XXXXXXX'
access_key: 'XXXXXX'
access_secret: 'XXXXXX'
- http://www.reddit.com/.rss
- http://www.reddit.com/r/news/.rss
- http://www.reddit.com/user/marcanuy/.rss
hashtags: '#RedditFrontPage'
There are two commands available:
$ python main.py
usage: main.py [-h] [-g | -t] feed
Process and publish RSS Feeds articles
positional arguments:
feed Index from feeds.yml
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-g, --getfeeds Download and save new articles from the list of feeds
-t, --tweet Tweet unpublished articles from this list of feeds
python main.py <TwitterHandler> --getfeeds
Download all the pages from the URLs defined in
and save the new ones. E.g.: python main.py reddit --getfeeds -
python main.py <TwitterHandler> --tweet
Tweet the oldest unpublished page (previously downloaded with
). E.g.: python main.py reddit --tweet
Set up two cronjobs to publish new feed content automatically:
crontab -e
# hourly download new pages
0 * * * * workon publishfeed; cd publishfeed; python main.py reddit --getfeeds
# tweet every 15 minutes if there are unpublished pages
*/15 * * * * workon publishfeed; cd publishfeed; python main.py reddit --tweet
Make sure you configure the tweeter cronjob with at least 2 minutes between each job so your credentials won't be suspended
populates the FeedSet model, then for each url, new
content is created as RSSContent instances (using SQLAlchemy) and saved in
SQLite databases.
To tweet a new post, we get the oldest unpublished page from RSSContent, publish it and change its status.
Do you think there is something missing or that can be improved? Feel free to open issues and/or contributing!
MIT Licensed.