All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
adheres to Semantic Versioning.
on dev
- #221 Support for Instagram Platform updates.
- #227 Add
for disabling error throw handling in swift. By @derek-chim
- #201 Fixed issue #194: New Permissions For Instagram. By @zzdjk6
- #203 Fixed issue with likes count By @mgarciam
- #211 Added support for
formatted custom redirect URLs. By @gugges - #215 Added support for AFNetworking 3.0 By @Beniamiiin
- More Unit tests.
- Complete Swift compatibility.
- #179 Add Nullability and Lightweight Generics for Xcode 7. By @Adlai-Holler
- Unit tests for Media and User methods in InstagramEngine. By @shyambhat
- #177 Fix issue with pagination. Avoid percent-encoding twice. By @snoonz
- #188
InstagramUser loadDetailsWithCompletion:
to fetch User details and update the same user object.
- Xcode 7 changes to Project file.
- Added
-getMediaAtLocation: count: maxId: withSuccess: failure:
changed to-getMediaAtLocation: count: maxId: distance: withSuccess: failure:
- #167 Typo fixed
. By @natan.
- #146 Checks for media URLs in initializing InstagramMedia objects.
- #148 Fix Token Get in Authorisation scopes. By @DanTakagaki.
- #164 InstagramModel copyWithZone updated to allocate correct type of object. By @urklc.
- #165 Parameter Count must be larger than zero. Fixes #150. By @shyambhat
Hotfix Version
- Typo fix #72
- Pull Request #145 by @trauzti
- Pull Request #144 by @abury
- Persisting access token using UICKeyChainStore. UICKeyChainStore is added as an optional sub-spec.
- Discontinued support for iOS 6, to comply with AFNetworking's compatible SDKs.
- Added
- authorizarionURL
helper method to InstagramEngine to generate Authorization URL with basic permissions.
- extractValidAccessTokenFromURL
renamed to- receivedValidAccessTokenFromURL
- getUserDetails: withSuccess: failure:
accepts a string value for userId to maintain consistency.
- Call super encode/decode on subclasses of InstagramModel to keep ID property persisted Implemented by @natan in #140