Telegram bot and backoffice for Direzione centrale lavoro, formazione, istruzione e famiglia, Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia
this project is being developed on Linux Debian 10
project requirements:
- python 3.7, postgresql
- Django 2.2
- psycopg-binary
- python-telegram-bot 12
There are two main applications:
Telegram bot (src/telegram_bot/
Django web application (i.e. start with 'python runserver' from directory django_project)
Before running the applications:
- create a database and a user in local postgresql instance
- create file src/gfvgbo/ containing:
DB_NAME="database name"
DB_USERNAME="database username"
DB_PWD="database password"
BOT_NAME = "Bot name"
MEDIA_ROOT = 'path on fs for storing media files'
NSS_HOST = 'hostname of nss server'
NSS_PORT = port number of nss server
SOLR_HOST = 'hostname of apache solr instance'
SOLR_PORT = 8983
SECRET_KEY = "django secret"
EMAIL_SENDER = "email address of sender"
SENTRY_SDK_CODE = "..." # SDK code, leave empty if not using it
- instruct Django to migrate applications and create superuser
- get a token for you Telegram bot and save it in file token.txt positioned in the root of the project (src directory)
- start Django web app and the Telegram bot