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Cucumber Http

The steps in this module enable REST endpoints test using Cucumber


Java Configuration


Configuration File

The following properties can be configured in the file


Steps in this library

Please note that the list below is porvided as exemple and may not include all the steps available in the library.

Configure Http Client

Given the http request baseURI is "http URI here"
And the http request port is 8080
And the http request basePath is "/"

Prepare HTTP request

Add Authorization header

Given the http request has Authorization header "Authorization Here"

Add basic Authentication

Given the http request basic Authentication username is "mule" and password is "mule"

Add Oauth2 token

Given the http request OAuth2 Authentication token is "OAuth2 token here"

Set Content-Type

Given the http request Content-Type is "application/json"

Set Accept

Given the http request accept Content-Type "*/*"

Set Cookies

Given the http request Cookies are
   | MyCoockie | MyCoockieValue |   

Set Headers

Given the http request headers are
  | MyHeader | MyHeaderValue |

Set Query Params

Given the http request query params are
  | param | paramValue |

Set Body

  • In-Line
Given the http request body is
  "test": "test"
  • From File
Given the http request body is

Set Form Params

Given the http request form params are
   | param | paramValue |   

Execute HTTP request

Execute http request

Given the http request GET "/" is executed
Given the http request POST "/" is executed
Given the http request PUT "/" is executed
Given the http request PATCH "/" is executed
Given the http request HEAD "/" is executed
Given the http request TRACE "/" is executed
Given the http request OPTIONS "/" is executed    
Given the http request DELETE "/" is executed        

Execute http request and set the body

Given the http request POST "/withData" with following body is executed
  "test": "test"
Given the http request PUT "/withData" with following body is executed
test: "test"

Given the http request PATCH "/withData" with following body is executed

Execute HTTP request with multipart body from file

Given the http request POST "/withFile" with multipart body file "file" from "file.txt" is executed

Assert HTTP response

Assert http response status code

Then the http response status should be 200
Then the http response status should be "{{ status }}"

Assert http response body

  • Empty body
Then the http response body should be empty
Then the http response should contain an empty array
  • Full Body Content
Then the http response body should be
 "foo": "bar"
Then the http response body should be
 "foo": "{{ test }}"
  • Body json path
And the http response body should contain "[0].foo"
And the http response body should contain "[0].foo" with value "bar"
And the http response body should not contain "[0].foo" with value "wee"    
And the http response body entity "[2].foos" should be
  • Body Array
And the http response body should be an array with 3 elements
And the http response body should be an array with "{{ count }}" elements
And the http response body should be an array with at least 2 elements
And the http response body should be an array with at most 4 elements
And the http response body should be an array with more than 2 elements
And the http response body should be an array with less than 4 elements
And the http response body entity "[2].foos" should be an array with 2 elements
And the http response body entity "[2].foos" should be an array with at least 1 element
And the http response body entity "[2].foos" should be an array with at most 3 elements
And the http response body entity "[2].foos" should be an array with more than 1 elements
And the http response body entity "[2].foos" should be an array with less than 3 elements
And the http response body entity "[2].foos" should be an array with less than "{{ count }}" elements

Assert http response headers

And the http response headers should contain "MyHeader"
And the http response headers should not contain "foo"
And the http response headers should contain "MyHeader" with value "MyHeaderValue"
And the http response headers should not contain "MyHeader" with value "foo"
And the http response headers should contain "MultiHeader" with value "MultiHeaderValue1"
And the http response headers should not contain "MultiHeader" with value "foo"

Store and reuse response property using variable

Given the http request GET "/response" is executed
Then the http response status should be 200
And the http response entity "foo" is stored in variable "foo"
When the http request GET "/response/{{ foo }}" is executed
Then the http response status should be 200


Add dependency to your pom.xml


Create the test class with the package glue

import io.cucumber.junit.Cucumber;
import io.cucumber.junit.CucumberOptions;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;

@CucumberOptions(plugin = { "pretty", "html:target/cucumber",
    glue = {"com.mariocairone.cucumbersome.steps"},
    features = "classpath:features/rest",
    strict = true)
public class CucumbersomeHttpIT   {


Note: be sure to modify the features attribute to match your requirement