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NSO Setup

NSO is available for free download for non-production use. This introduction is how to setup a small NETCONF/YANG environment with NSO to exercise xRAN's YANG based management plane interface.

Download NSO

NSO is available from

Unpack the installer

This aassumes a macOS installation using NSO4.7...

$ sh nso-4.7.darwin.x86_64.signed.bin

Copy installer, e.g., to home directory and install nso and install nso

$ sh nso-4.7.darwin.x86_64.installer.bin /Users/admin/nso-4.7

set environmental valriables

$ source ~/ncs4.7/ncsrc
$ source ~/ncs4.7/netsim/confd/confdrc

Setup NSO and verify

$ ncs-setup --dest /Users/admin/ncs-run
$ cd ~/ncs-run
$ ncs
$ ncs --status | grep status
$ ncs --version

Download xRAN YANG models,

And store in directory, e.g., ~/yang/V1_1_0

If you are downloading the "common models" from the xRAN private repository, then DO NOT include the ietf-yang-library.yang in the above directory.

As per the warning in the xran-usermgmt.yang model, we need to address the of the constraint that one user account needs to be always enabled on the RU, as this will not be the case when we initially start the simulated RU.

container xran-users {
  must "user/enabled='true'" {
    error-message "At least one account needs to be enabled.";
  //TAKE NOTE - any configuration with zero enabled users is invalid.
  //This will typically be the case when using a simulated NETCONF Server
  //and so this constraint should be removed when operating in those scenarios

so these need to be commented out when working with simulated RUs

container xran-users {
//  must "user/enabled='true'" {
//    error-message "At least one account needs to be enabled.";
//  }
  //TAKE NOTE - any configuration with zero enabled users is invalid.
  //This will typically be the case when using a simulated NETCONF Server
  //and so this constraint should be removed when operating in those scenarios

Build Network Element Driver

Now the simulator constraints have been addressed, we can build the NED

$ ~/ncs4.7/bin/ncs-make-package --netconf-ned ~/yang/V1_1_0 xran110 --dest ~/ncs-run/packages/xran110 --vendor xran --build --no-java

Create simulated xRAN Radio Unit

Obvioulsy if you have a real RU, that is great, but for this demo we will be using "simulated RUs" that implement the xRAN M-Plane. These are created using the following commands:

$ cd ~/ncs-run/packages
$ ncs-netsim create-network ./xran110 1 rusim --dir ../netsim

and start

$ cd ~/ncs-run
$ ncs-netsim start

Load simulated xRAN Radio Units into NSO

$ cd ~/ncs-run/
$ ncs-setup --netsim-dir ./netsim --dest ./ncs-run
$ ncs-netsim ncs-xml-init > devices.xml
$ ncs_load -l -m devices.xml

Load xRAN package


$ ncs_cli -C -u admin

Now use the NSO CLI to perform a package reload

admin@ncs#packages reload
reload-result {
 package xran110
 result true

Load the Radio Unit's configuration from xml

Add in system to the default group

admin@ncs# config
Entering configuration mode terminal
admin@ncs(config)# devices authgroups group default
admin@ncs(config-group-default)# umap system remote-name admin remote-password admin
admin@ncs(config-umap-system)# commit
Commit complete.
admin@ncs(config-umap-system)# end
admin@ncs# exit

Now load the RU's configuration data from the xml file

$ ncs_load -l -m nso-config.xml

Sync the configuration to the Radio Unit

$ ncs_cli -C -u admin
admin@ncs# devices device rusim0 sync-to
result true
admin@ncs# exit

Load the operational state into RU

Get the IPC port for the NETSIM RU

$ ncs-netsim list
ncs-netsim list for ~/ncs-run/netsim
name=rusim0 netconf=12022 snmp=11022 ipc=5010 cli=10022 dir=~/ncs-run/netsim/rusim/rusim

Load the RU's operational data from the xml file using the identified IPC port, in this case 5010

$ env CONFD_IPC_PORT=5010 confd_load -lC confd-<name>.xml

Success!! You know have a NETCONF client, supporting the xRAN YANG models, and a simulated Radio Unit.

You can check the live status of your RU from the NCS CLI

$ ncs_cli -C -u admin
admin@ncs# show devices device rusim0 live-status
live-status hardware component netsim-ru-module
xran-name netsim-ru-module
live-status hardware component netsim-ru-port0
class  port
xran-name netsim-ru-port0
live-status hardware component netsim-ru-port1
class  port
xran-name netsim-ru-port1

(an example of the complete live status is included in livestatus.txt )