Research notes for the implementation of this extension.
- Used in model sales/order_creditmemo in method sendUpdateEmail($notifyCustomer = true, $comment = '')
- Variables:
- 'order' => $order
- 'creditmemo' => $creditmemo
- 'comment' => $comment
- 'billing' => $order->getBillingAddress()
- Special:
- In method, customer email address is retrieved from order: $order->getCustomerEmail()
- Same as Credit Memo Update, method selects template depending on $order->getCustomerIsGuest()
- Template file: account_password_reset_confirmation.html
- Template type: html
- Method: Mage_Customer_Model_Customer::sendPasswordResetConfirmationEmail()
- Template params:
- customer (Mage_Customer_Model_Customer) Shouldn't be a problem, just provide the customer object.
- Used in model sales/order_invoice in method sendUpdateEmail($notifyCustomer = true, $comment = '')
- Variables:
- 'order' => $order
- 'invoice' => $invoice
- 'comment' => $comment
- 'billing' => $order->getBillingAddress()
- Special:
- In method, customer email address is retrieved from order: $order->getCustomerEmail()
- Same as Invoice update, the method checks whether customer is guest by $order->getCustomerIsGuest()
- Used in model sales/order_creditmemo in method sendEmail($notifyCustomer = true, $comment = '')
- Variables:
- 'order' => $order
- 'creditmemo' => $creditmemo
- 'comment' => $comment
- 'billing' => $order->getBillingAddress()
- 'payment_html' => $paymentBlockHtml
- Special:
- The payment block is generated in the method using the store emulation
- In method, customer email address is retrieved from order: $order->getCustomerEmail()
- Same as New Credit Memo, the method checks whether customer is guest by $order->getCustomerIsGuest()
- Used in model sales/order_invoice in method sendEmail($notifyCustomer = true, $comment = '')
- Variables:
- 'order' => $order
- 'invoice' => $invoice
- 'comment' => $comment
- 'billing' => $order->getBillingAddress()
- 'payment_html' => $paymentBlockHtml
- Special:
- The payment block is generated in the method using the store emulation
- In method, customer email address is retrieved from order: $order->getCustomerEmail()
- Same as New Invoice, the method checks whether customer is guest by $order->getCustomerIsGuest()
- Used in model sales/order in method sendNewOrderEmail()
- Variables:
- 'order' => $order,
- 'billing' => $order->getBillingAddress(),
- 'payment_html' => $paymentBlockHtml
- Special:
- The payment block is generated in the method using the store emulation
- In method, customer email address is retrieved from order: $order->getCustomerEmail()
- Same as New Order, the method checks whether customer is guest by $order->getCustomerIsGuest()
- Used in model sales/order_shipment in method sendEmail($notifyCustomer = true, $comment = '')
- Variables:
- 'order' => $order
- 'shipment' => $shipment
- 'comment' => $comment
- 'billing' => $order->getBillingAddress()
- 'payment_html' => $paymentBlockHtml
- Special:
- The payment block is generated in the method using the store emulation
- In method, customer email address is retrieved from order: $order->getCustomerEmail()
- Same as New Shipment, the method checks whether customer is guest by $order->getCustomerIsGuest()
- Template file: account_new.html
- Template type: html
- Method: Mage_Customer_Model_Customer::sendNewAccountEmail()
- Template params:
- customer (Mage_Customer_Model_Customer)
- backUrl (String, default '') Shouldn't be a problem, just provide the customer object.
- Template file: account_new_confirmation.html
- Template type: html
- Method: Mage_Customer_Model_Customer::sendNewAccountEmail()
- Template params:
- customer (Mage_Customer_Model_Customer)
- backUrl (String, default '') Shouldn't be a problem, just provide the customer object.
- Template file: account_new_confirmed.html
- Template type: html
- Method: Mage_Customer_Model_Customer::sendNewAccountEmail()
- Template params:
- customer (Mage_Customer_Model_Customer)
- backUrl (String, default '') Shouldn't be a problem, just provide the customer object.
- Template file: newsletter_subscr_confirm.html
- Template type: html
- Method: Mage_Newsletter_Model_Subscriber::sendConfirmationRequestEmail()
- Template params:
- subscriber (Mage_Newsletter_Model_Subscriber)
- Notes:
- inline translation disabled while sending mail
- does getProcessedTemplate() get called at all?
- Template file: newsletter_subscr_success.html
- Template type: html
- Method: Mage_Newsletter_Model_Subscriber::sendConfirmationSuccessEmail()
- Template params:
- subscriber (Mage_Newsletter_Model_Subscriber)
- Notes:
- inline translation disabled while sending mail
- does getProcessedTemplate() get called at all?
- Template file: newsletter_unsub_success.html
- Template type: html
- Method: Mage_Newsletter_Model_Subscriber::sendUnsubscriptionEmail()
- Template params:
- subscriber (Mage_Newsletter_Model_Subscriber)
- Notes:
- inline translation disabled while sending mail
- does getProcessedTemplate() get called at all?
- Used in model sales/order in method sendOrderUpdateEmail($notifyCustomer = true, $comment = '')
- Variables:
- 'order' => $order
- 'billing' => $order->getBillingAddress()
- 'payment_html' => $paymentBlockHtml
- Special:
- In method, customer email address is retrieved from order: $order->getCustomerEmail()
- Same as Order Update, the method checks whether customer is guest by $order->getCustomerIsGuest()
- Template file: product_price_alert.html
- Template type: html
- Method: Mage_ProductAlert_Model_Email::send()
- Template params:
- 'customerName' => $this->_customer->getName(),
- 'alertGrid' => $block
- Template file: product_stock_alert.html
- Template type: html
- Method: Mage_ProductAlert_Model_Email::send()
- Template params:
- 'customerName' => $this->_customer->getName(),
- 'alertGrid' => $block
- Template file: password_new.html
- Template type: html
- Method: Mage_Customer_Model_Customer::sendPasswordReminderEmail()
- Template params:
- customer (Mage_Customer_Model_Customer) Shouldn't be a problem, just provide the customer object.
- Used in model sendfriend/sendfriend in method send()
- Variables:
- 'name' => $name
- 'email' => $email
- 'product_name' => $this->getProduct()->getName()
- 'product_url' => $this->getProduct()->getUrlInStore()
- 'message' => $message
- 'sender_name' => $sender['name']
- 'sender_email' => $sender['email']
- 'product_image' => Mage::helper('catalog/image')->init($this->getProduct(), 'small_image')->resize(75)
- Template file: wishlist_share.html
- Template type: html
- Method: Mage_Wishlist_controllers_IndexController::sendAction()
- Template params:
- 'customer' => $customer,
- 'salable' => $wishlist->isSalable() ? 'yes' : '',
- 'items' => $wishlistBlock,
- 'addAllLink' => Mage::getUrl('*/shared/allcart', array('code' => $sharingCode)),
- 'viewOnSiteLink' => Mage::getUrl('*/shared/index', array('code' => $sharingCode)),
- 'message' => $message
- Used in model sales/order_shipment in method sendUpdateEmail($notifyCustomer = true, $comment = '')
- Variables:
- 'order' => $order
- 'shipment' => $shipment
- 'comment' => $comment
- 'billing' => $order->getBillingAddress()
- Special:
- In method, customer email address is retrieved from order: $order->getCustomerEmail()
- Same as Shipment Update, the method checks whether customer is guest by $order->getCustomerIsGuest()
- Template file: sitemap_generate_warning.html
- Template type: text
- Method: Mage_Sitemap_Model_Observer::scheduledGenerateSitemaps()
- Template params:
- 'warnings' => join("\n", $errors)
- Template file: token.html
- Template type: html
- Method: Mage_Oauth_Helper_Data::sendNotificationOnTokenStatusChange()
- Template params:
- 'name' => $userName // @var string
- 'userName' => $userName // @var string
- 'email' => $userEmail // @var string
- 'applicationName' => $applicationName // @var string
- 'status' => $status // @var string
- customerId
- test_product_price_alert_email_template
- test_product_stock_alert_email_template
- test_new_account_email_template
- test_new_account_confirmation_key_email_template
- test_new_account_confirmed_email_template
- test_forgot_password_email_template
- test_remind_password_email_template
- test_share_wishlist_email_template
- incrementId (Order)
- test_sales_order_creditmemo_email_template
- test_sales_order_creditmemo_update_email_template
- test_sales_order_invoice_email_template
- test_sales_order_invoice_update_email_template
- test_sales_order_email_template
- test_sales_order_update_email_template
- test_sales_order_shipment_email_template
- test_sales_order_shipment_update_email_template
- comment (optional)
- test_sales_order_creditmemo_email_template
- test_sales_order_creditmemo_update_email_template
- test_sales_order_invoice_email_template
- test_sales_order_invoice_update_email_template
- test_sales_order_email_template
- test_sales_order_update_email_template
- test_sales_order_shipment_email_template
- test_sales_order_shipment_update_email_template
- fromName
- test_sendfriend_email_template
- fromEmail
- test_sendfriend_email_template
- toName
- test_sendfriend_email_template
- toEmail
- test_sendfriend_email_template
- message
- test_sendfriend_email_template
- productSku
- test_sendfriend_email_template
- wishlistId
- test_share_wishlist_email_template
- (kein Parameter)
- test_newsleter_subscribe_email_template
- test_newsletter_subscribe_success_email_template
- test_newsletter_unsubscribe_success_email_templates
- test_sitemap_generate_warnings_email_template
- test_token_status_change_email_template