General questions on how to do something with the XlsxWriter module should be
asked on StackOverflow.
Add the xlsxwriter
tag to the question. This has a better chance of
getting several answers and also helps others who might have similar questions
in the future.
See below for information on adding a Bug Report or Feature Request.
Modify the following to suit.
Title: Issue with SOMETHING
I am using XlsxWriter to do SOMETHING but it appears to do SOMETHING ELSE.
I am using Python version X.Y.Z and XlsxWriter x.y.z and Excel version X.
Here is some code that demonstrates the problem:
import xlsxwriter
workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook('hello.xlsx')
worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet()
worksheet.write('A1', 'Hello world')
Ensure that the example code can be run to generate a file that demonstrates the issue.
Only include code that relates to the issue.
Remove non-relevant text from this template.
If you are seeing an issue in LibreOffice, OpenOffice or another third party application, also test the output with a version of Excel.
You can get the required version numbers as follows:
python --version python -c 'import xlsxwriter; print(xlsxwriter.__version__)'
Add Feature request:
to the title.
In the comment section describe the feature that you would like to be added.
If you are currently using a workaround you can show that workaround.