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This integration is for Apollo Server 4 and has been made to mirror the official Next.js integration.


Available through the npm registry, use your preferred package manager to install.

$ npm i -D apollo-server-integration-sveltekit

Getting Started

Create an ApolloServer instance and pass it to startServerAndCreateSvelteHandler. It will create a RequestHandler that you can export as a server route's GET and POST methods.

// src/routes/+server.js

import { ApolloServer } from "@apollo/server";
import { startServerAndCreateSvelteHandler } from "apollo-server-integration-sveltekit";
import { resolvers, typeDefs, context } from "...";

const server = new ApolloServer({ resolvers, typeDefs });

const handler = startServerAndCreateSvelteHandler(server, { context });

export { handler as GET, handler as POST };

Types are available and may be used to help create a context function.

// src/server/context.ts

import type { SvelteContextFunction } from "apollo-server-integration-sveltekit";

export type Context = { text: string; random: number };
export const context: SvelteContextFunction<Context> = async (event) => ({
	text: await event.request.text(),
	random: Math.random(),

Live Demo

This repository makes use of svelte-package. All code related to the published npm package is under src/lib/apollo.

The rest of the repository serves as an example website that is available here: