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nnatter edited this page Sep 11, 2015 · 21 revisions


When it comes to styling, the husky datagrid follows an highly customizable decorator approach. In fact, there are two different decorator types which are used by the datagrid;

View-decorators are responsible for the data rendering, which means rendering the item-container and the items itself. Secondly there are pagination-decorators. These decorators handle the pagination of the datagrid.

Per default, the datagrid offers two view-decorators (table, thumbnail) and one pagination-decorator (dropdown). The view-decorator of an datagrid instance is set by the options.view-property of the datagrid. The pagination-property is set by the options.pagination-property.

Additionally view-decorators can be customized by the datagrid options.viewOptions-property. Analogous the options.paginationOptions-property is passed to pagination-decorator instances.

External decorators

Well, two view-decorators and one pagination-decorator aren't that highly customizable. But here's the point; the datagrid allows you to use your awesome non-default, self-programmed decorators.

As you might have suspected, your decorator file has to implement a few methods which are used by the datagrid. This is the recommended basic structure of an view-decorator file (methods which are used b< the datagrid are marked):

` /**

  • @class ExampleView (Datagrid Decorator)
  • @constructor
  • @param {Object} [viewOptions] Configuration object
  • @param {Boolean} [rendered] property used by the datagrid-main class
  • @param {Function} [initialize] function which gets called once at the start of the view
  • @param {Function} [render] function to render data
  • @param {Function} [addRecord] function to add a new record to the grid
  • @param {Function} [removeRecord] function to remove an existing record from the grid
  • @param {Function} [extendOptions] function to extend the decorator options
  • @param {Function} [selectRecord] function to select an existing record
  • @param {Function} [deselectRecord] function to deselct an existing record
  • @param {Function} [deselectAllRecords] function to deselect all existing records
  • @param {Function} [destroy] function to destroy the view and unbind events */

define(function() {

'use strict';

var defaults = {
        // define your default options here

    constants = {
        // define your constants (e.g. dom-selectors) here

    templates = {
        // define your underscore-templates here

     * Apply datagrid-content-filters on the given record column by column
     * datagrid-content-filters are used to format the raw database-values (e.g. size)
     * @param record
     * @returns {*}
    processContentFilters = function(record) {
        var item = this.sandbox.util.extend(false, {}, record);
        this.datagrid.matchings.forEach(function(matching) {
            var argument = (matching.type === this.datagrid.types.THUMBNAILS) ? this.options.imageFormat : '';
            item[matching.attribute] =
        return item;

return {

     * Initializes the view, gets called only once
     * @param {Object} context The context of the datagrid class
     * @param {Object} options The options used by the view
    initialize: function(context, options) {
        this.datagrid = context;
        this.sandbox = this.datagrid.sandbox;
        this.options = this.sandbox.util.extend(true, {}, defaults, options);
		this.rendered = false;

     * Method to render this view
     * @param data object containing the data which is rendered
     * @param $container dom-element of the datagrid
    render: function(data, $container) {
		this.$el = this.sandbox.dom.createElement('<div class="decorator-container"/>');
		this.sandbox.dom.append($container, this.$el);
        this.rendered = true;

     * Parses the data and passes it item by item to a render function
     * @param records {Array} array with records to render
    renderRecords: function(records) {
        this.sandbox.util.foreach(records, function(record) {
            var item =, record);
			// render the item to the dom

     * Takes an object with options and extends the current ones
     * @param options {Object} new options to merge to the current ones
    extendOptions: function(options) {
        this.options = this.sandbox.util.extend(true, {}, this.options, options);

     * Destroys the view
    destroy: function() {
        // unbind your events here

     * Adds a record to the view
     * @param record
    addRecord: function(record) {

     * Removes a data record from the view
     * @param recordId {Number|String} the records identifier
     * @returns {Boolean} true if deleted succesfully
    removeRecord: function(recordId) {
        if (/* record with recordId exists */) {
			// remove record from dom
  , recordId);
            return true;
        return false;

     * Selects an item with a given id
     * @param id {Number|String} the id of the item
    selectRecord: function(id) {
        // select record in dom, id);

     * Deselect an item with a given id
     * @param id {Number|String} the id of the item
    deselectRecord: function(id) {
        // deselect record in dom, id);

     * Deselect all items
    deselectAllRecords: function() {
        this.sandbox.util.each(this.$items, function(id) {

}); `

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