Using the PivotTable created in the Daily Weather Conditions case study, answer the following:
How many days in 2016 were categorized as Clear vs. Rain vs. Snow? (use the Conditions field)
What was the average temperature on clear days vs. snowy days? What about the average max temperature?
Update your view to show the # of Days by Month (primary row labels) and Conditions (secondary row labels), and show the # of Days as the % of the month as a whole. What percent of September days are clear?
Remove the second instance of # of Days, move Conditions to the column labels, and update the Show Values As calculation to % of Row Total. How often did it snow in January 2016, as a percentage of the month?
Remove grand totals and visualize the data as a 100% Stacked Column chart. In how many months of 2016 did it not snow at all?