- Azure Linux Docker Machine
- Azure Linux VM (Ubuntu) with the Docker extension
- Azure Windows Server VM with Containers
- Azure Container Registry (ACR) Build
- Resources
#The following variables will be used within the scope of the commands illustrated below:
#Create the resource group for the services for your Docker machine
az group create \
--name $RG \
--location $LOC
#Create the Docker machine on Linux VM
docker-machine create \
--driver azure \
--azure-subscription-id <your-subscription-id> \
--azure-image "Canonical:UbuntuServer:16.04.5-LTS:latest" \
--azure-size "Standard_DS2_v2" \
--azure-resource-group $RG \
--azure-location $LOC \
#To connect to your Docker host in Azure, define the appropriate connection settings
eval $(docker-machine env $VM --shell bash)
#If you need to deallocate/stop this VM to save some money when you don't need it
#/!\ Important remark: when you will start back this VM, its IP address will be regenerated (unless you have static IP address for your VM). Furthermore, you will need to run the "docker-machine regenerate-certs" command, see below.
az vm deallocate \
--name $VM \
--resource-group $RG
#If you need to start this VM previously stopped
az vm start \
--name $VM \
--resource-group $RG
#If you need to regenerate your docker-machine certs.
#/!\ Important remark: be advised that this will trigger a Docker daemon restart which might stop running containers.
docker-machine regenerate-certs $VM
#Create the UbuntuLTS VM
az vm create \
-n $VM \
-g $RG \
--image UbuntuLTS \
--size Standard_D2_v2
#Install Docker
az vm extension set \
--vm-name $NAME \
-g $RG \
--name DockerExtension \
--publisher Microsoft.Azure.Extensions \
--version 1.2.2
#Open ports (if needed)
az vm open-port \
--name $NAME \
-g $RG \
--port 25575
#SSH into machine and run docker command
ssh <your-username>:<machine-ip>
#Create the WindowsServer with Containers VM
az vm create \
-n $NAME \
-g $RG \
--image MicrosoftWindowsServer:WindowsServer:2016-Datacenter-with-Containers:latest
#Open ports (if needed)
az vm open-port \
--name $NAME \
-g $RG \
--port 25575
# + do RDP
If you don't want to setup a Docker machine like illustrated above, you could leverage the ACR Build feature explained in the associated section here.