Kubernetes resources leveraged and illustrated by this blog article I wrote: Kubernetes Network Policies, how to secure the communications between your pods
To summarize, here are the bash commands you need to run:
# Get you AKS cluster with Calico enabled
az aks create... \
--network-policy calico
# Since we would like to allow DNS resolution from WEB and API to respectively call API and DB we need to create a Label on the kube-system Namespace
kubectl label ns kube-system name=kube-system
# Create a Namespace to deploy K8S resources into it
kubectl create ns $ns
kubectl config set-context \
--current \
--namespace $ns
# Deploy WEB, API and DB Pods/Services
kubectl apply \
-f db-api-web-deployments.yaml
# Apply the first NetworkPolicy: deny all Ingress/Egress
kubectl apply \
-f deny-all-netpol.yaml
# Apply the NetworkPolicy definition related to DB
kubectl apply \
-f db-netpol.yaml
# Apply the NetworkPolicy definition related to API
kubectl apply \
-f api-netpol.yaml
# Apply the NetworkPolicy definition related to WEB
kubectl apply \
-f web-netpol.yaml