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+icon: fontawesome/solid/comments
+# Chat Features
+Messages that you and your party send, dice rolls, and uses of items, features, and spells are all tracked in the Chat Log. Let's take a deeper look at what you as a Player can use the chat to do.
+## Messages
+Foundry allows you to send messages, whispers, and in/out of character messages. By default normal messages and "in-character" messages will also appear over your Token's head but your Gamemaster may have disabled this.
+- **In Character:** To send a message "in character" preface it with `/ic`.
+- **Out of Character:** To send a message "out of character" preface it with `/ooc`. Messages sent this way will never appear above your Token.
+- **Emote:** To send a message as an "emote" preface it with `/emote` like `/emote dances`.
+- **Whisper:** To send a whisper to another player or your Gamemaster enter `/w PlayersName`. To send it to a group of users enter `/w [PlayersName, SecondPlayersName]`.
+## Rolling Dice
+Foundry has [basic](https://foundryvtt.com/article/dice/){ target=_blank } and [advanced](https://foundryvtt.com/article/dice-advanced/){ target=_blank } dice rolling. In most circumstances you can use your character sheet or an Item to roll but if you ever need to manually roll you can enter dice formula like `1d20 + 3 + 2d4` and press enter to roll. You can control who can see your rolls by setting the dropdown box above the chat box to: Public Roll, Private GM Roll, Blind GM Roll, or Self-Roll.
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+icon: material/sword-cross
+# The Combat Tracker
+Running combat varies from game system to game system but let's take a look at how the basics of the combat tracker works in Foundry VTT.
+## Entering Combat and Rolling Initiative
+Your GM may add you to the combat tracker themselves, but you can also toggle your combat state by clicking the sword and shield button from your [Token’s UI](token-features.md).
+Similarly, the DM can automatically roll initiative for everyone in the encounter but you can roll it yourself by right from the combat tracker by clicking the :material-sword-cross: icon in the right-hand sidebar and then clicking the D20 next to your character’s name to roll.
+??? foundry-tip "Pop Out the Combat Tracker"
+ Right click on the Combat Tracker's icon to pop it out of the right-hand sidebar. Then you can arrange it wherever you'd like and keep the sidebar on the Chat Log.
+## Making Attacks and Using Items
+Every Game System's character sheet works differently but you should be able to click on the icon for your item, feature, or spell to send it to the Chat Log.
+??? foundry-tip "Pop Out Chat Cards"
+ If there's an item, spell, or feature that you can use repeatedly like a Spiritual Weapon you can right click on the Chat Card and select :octicons-link-external-16: Pop Out Chat Card to continue to have access to its Attack, Saving Throw, and Damage buttons.
+### Area of Effect Templates
+Some abilities and spells impact an entire area. When you use one of these abilities Foundry will prompt you to place a measured template. These templates can be rotated by holding ++ctrl++ and scrolling up or down.
+### Applying Healing and Damage
+If an attack or healing spell applies to you, you can right click on it and apply its value as healing or damage to your Token. You can also apply healing or damage through your Token's Resource Bars by entering a value like "+15" or "-10".
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+# The Foundry VTT Player's Guide
+Let me guess: Your DM has been raving about this thing called Foundry VTT for a couple weeks now and they’ve decided to start a game online or switch your game from Roll20 or Fantasy Grounds over to it. Now **you** have to learn how to play online for the first time or at least how to do it in Foundry. I’m going to try and make that as easy as possible. These guides will walk you through the Foundry UI, using your character sheet and Tokens, combat, and chat and webcam settings.
+- :fontawesome-solid-display:{ .lg .middle } __The User Interface__
+ ---
+ Familiarize yourself with the Foundry VTT interface.
+ [:octicons-arrow-right-24: Getting Started](user-interface.md)
+- :fontawesome-solid-user:{ .lg .middle } __Using Your Token__
+ ---
+ Learn how to use your Token and navigate Scenes.
+ [:octicons-arrow-right-24: Using Your Token](token-features.md)
+- :material-sword-cross:{ .lg .middle } __The Combat Tracker__
+ ---
+ Join the battle, roll for initiative and make your attack.
+ [:octicons-arrow-right-24: Join the Battle](combat-tracker.md)
+- :fontawesome-solid-comments:{ .lg .middle } __Chat with Friends__
+ ---
+ Send messages, whispers, and dice rolls to chat.
+ [:octicons-arrow-right-24: Chat with Friends](chat-features.md)
\ No newline at end of file
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@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+icon: fontawesome/solid/user
+# Using Your Token
+Your Token is how you'll interact with Foundry most of the time. If your Actor is your character sheet, you can think of your Token as your mini. Let's look at what you can do with it now.
+## The Token UI
+1. **Elevation:** Sets your characters elevation and is useful for tracking your position when using something like a Fly spell.
+2. **Move Up:** When multiple Tokens are present in the same square you can use this button to move your Token to the top of the stack.
+3. **Move Down:** When multiple Tokens are present in the same square you can use this button to move your Token to the bottom of the stack.
+4. **Status Effects:** When your character is impacted by a status effect like "Unconscious" you can set it using one of the effects in the Status Effects tray. Left click to add a small icon and right click to place a larger icon on your Token.
+5. **Target:** Target this Token.
+6. **Toggle Combat State:** Press this button to add or remove yourself from the combat tracker.
+7. **Resource Tracker:** Displays any resource from your character sheet like Armor Class or Hit Points.
+8. **Resource Tracker:** Displays any resource from your character sheet like Armor Class or Spell Slots.
+## Movement
+You can drag your token to a new place and it will go there right away. You can also move around using the ++w+a+s+d++ or the ++up+down+left+right++ keys.
+### Plan and Measure Your Movement with Waypoints
+1. Hold the ++ctrl++ key (++cmd++ on a Mac) and drag away from your Token.
+2. Left click to place a waypoint and keep adding more movement.
+3. Once you’re satisfied with your planned movement just hit ++space++ and your Token will move quickly along the path that you set.
+## Vision
+Foundry has a very powerful vision and lighting system which includes support for things like darkvision, tremorsense, true sight, and other magically enhanced sight. Your Gamemaster may use all of these features for dynamic line of sight or none of them and just reveal fog of war manually. Here's what impacts what your Token can see when using the light and vision system:
+- **Light:** If there's no light in a Scene you'll need darkvision or a torch to be able to see. There are also magical darknesses which can be placed in a Scene that you won't be able to see through even with darkvision.
+- **Walls:** Foundry has a lot of Wall types like basic walls, windows, doors, and more. Depending on the type of wall, it will block your vision. Players have the ability to open doors if they're unlocked and your line of sight will update automatically while you navigate the Scene.
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@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+icon: fontawesome/solid/display
+# The User Interface
+This part of the guide is going to focus on the basic user interface. Be sure to check out the rest of the Player’s Guide which focuses on your character sheet, combat, rolling dice, reading and writing journals, controlling your token, and controlling your audio and video if you’re using Foundry’s built in video chat. I’ll also cover some shortcuts and nice quality of life tips. This will all be done using core Foundry features so some things might be different if your DM has installed modules to change how Foundry works. Let’s get started!
+=== "1. Scene Tools"
+ The Scene Tools let you interact with things on the canvas. When there's no Scene open you can't use these tools. If you hover over one of the tools it will show you a quick example of how it works.
+ - :fontawesome-solid-user: Tokens: A Token is an Actor that has been placed in a Scene and the Token tools will let you interact with them.
+ - :fontawesome-solid-ruler-combined: Rulers: Rulers let you measure distance and place area of effect templates in a Scene.
+ - :fontawesome-solid-bookmark: Notes: See pages pinned to the Scene from Journal Entries in a Scene if your Gamemaster has given you access to them.
+ !!! foundry-tip "Hover to learn more about each tool."
+ Every tool in the sidebar has a helpful toolclip that you can see by hovering over it which will explain how you can use it. Once you're more familiar with how they work you can disable these toolclips in the Settings.
+=== "2. Players List"
+ The players list shows all of the logged in players. You can right click on your username in the list and click the :material-human-male: User Configuration option to set things like your:
+ - **Avatar:** The image used when you post a message in the chat log.
+ - **Player Color:** The color that represents you. Applies to borders on your chat messages, pings, targetting, and your mouse cursor indicator.
+ - **Pronouns:** Your pronoun preference.
+ - **Default Character:** The character that you will act as by default if none are selected.
+ !!! foundry-tip "You can see logged out players by clicking on the caret next to `Players`."
+=== "3. Macro Bar"
+ Foundry supports Macros for rolling dice and running custom scripts. You can click on an empty box to create a new Macro or drag an Item from your character sheet to the Macro bar for quick access to it. You can have multiple pages of Macros by clicking the up and down arrows to the right.
+ !!! foundry-tip "You can also run a Macro by pressing the number assigned to its square on your keyboard."
+=== "4. Sidebar"
+ !!! foundry-tip "Right click on any tab to pop it out. This allows you to rearrange the UI and access multiple tabs at once."
+ The sidebar is where you can find all of your World's useful data.
+ - :fontawesome-solid-comments: Chat: Chat messages, whispers, item/feature uses, and rolls will appear here. You can configure who can see your rolls by changing the dropdown to Public Roll, Private GM Roll, Blind GM Roll, or Self-Roll. Gamemaster users will be able to see every roll except self rolls.
+ - :material-sword-cross: Combat: When your Gamemaster starts an encounter you can track turns here.
+ - :fontawesome-solid-user: Actors: Your character and any other Actors you need for things like familiars, summons, etc. will appear here.
+ - :fontawesome-solid-suitcase: Items: Any items, spells, character abilities, and more that aren't on your character are visible here if you own them.
+ - :fontawesome-solid-book-open: Journal Entries: Journal entries for planning your adventures, tracking progress, and any other note taking are stored here.
+ - :fontawesome-solid-table-list: Roll Tables: Roll tables, which are tables of options that can be rolled on for a random result, are stored here.
+ - :material-cards: Cards: Decks/stacks of cards and hands are stored here.
+ - :fontawesome-solid-music: Music: Playlists and soundboards are stored here. Each player can also independently control their volume from this tab.
+ - :fontawesome-solid-book-atlas: Compendium Packs: Compendium Packs are long term storage for everything we just covered (except Encounters). You can think of it as cold storage for your data which will make the World load more quickly.
+ - :material-cogs: Settings: This tab contains a number of useful tools that let you: configure your settings, controls, explore Foundry's features with Tours, check out the official documentation, the community Wiki, and log out.
+=== "5. Canvas"
+ This is where Scenes will display and where you'll interact with your Token and the rest of the elements in your toolbar.
+ ??? question "What does `Game Paused` mean?"
+ When the game is paused you will not be able to move your Tokens or open doors. The Gamemaster can pause and unpause the game by pressing ++space++.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/index.md b/docs/index.md
index 072618b..6c7187d 100644
--- a/docs/index.md
+++ b/docs/index.md
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ This guide will walk you through setting up Foundry, creating a World, exploring
Install [Foundry VTT](https://foundryvtt.com/) on :material-microsoft-windows: Windows, :material-apple: Mac, or :material-linux: Linux.
- [:octicons-arrow-right-24: Getting Started](install-foundry-vtt.md)
+ [:octicons-arrow-right-24: Getting Started](foundry-basics/install-foundry-vtt.md)
- :fontawesome-solid-dice:{ .lg .middle } __Install a Game System__
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ This guide will walk you through setting up Foundry, creating a World, exploring
Featuring almost 300 community developed options.
- [:octicons-arrow-right-24: Install Game System](install-game-system.md)
+ [:octicons-arrow-right-24: Install Game System](foundry-basics/install-game-system.md)
- :fontawesome-solid-earth-asia:{ .lg .middle } __Create a World__
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ This guide will walk you through setting up Foundry, creating a World, exploring
Campaign prep and gameplay occurs in a World.
- [:octicons-arrow-right-24: Create a World](create-world.md)
+ [:octicons-arrow-right-24: Create a World](foundry-basics/create-world.md)
- :fontawesome-solid-display:{ .lg .middle } __Explore the UI__
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ This guide will walk you through setting up Foundry, creating a World, exploring
Familiarize yourself with the Foundry VTT interface.
- [:octicons-arrow-right-24: UI Reference](foundry-interface.md)
+ [:octicons-arrow-right-24: UI Reference](foundry-basics/foundry-interface.md)
- :fontawesome-solid-map:{ .lg .middle } __Create a Scene__
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ This guide will walk you through setting up Foundry, creating a World, exploring
Run theater of the mind or tactical battlemaps.
- [:octicons-arrow-right-24: Create a Scene](create-scene.md)
+ [:octicons-arrow-right-24: Create a Scene](foundry-basics/create-scene.md)
- :fontawesome-solid-user:{ .lg .middle } __Create an Actor__
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ This guide will walk you through setting up Foundry, creating a World, exploring
Create Actors for your players, creatures, and NPCs.
- [:octicons-arrow-right-24: Create an Actor](create-actor.md)
+ [:octicons-arrow-right-24: Create an Actor](foundry-basics/create-actor.md)
- :fontawesome-solid-user:{ .lg .middle } __Place a Token__
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ This guide will walk you through setting up Foundry, creating a World, exploring
Place an Actor in a Scene to make a Token.
- [:octicons-arrow-right-24: Place a Token](tokens.md)
+ [:octicons-arrow-right-24: Place a Token](foundry-basics/tokens.md)
- :fontawesome-solid-users:{ .lg .middle } __Add Players__
@@ -79,9 +79,49 @@ This guide will walk you through setting up Foundry, creating a World, exploring
Create player accounts and invite them to your World.
- [:octicons-arrow-right-24: Invite Your Players](adding-players.md)
+ [:octicons-arrow-right-24: Invite Your Players](foundry-basics/adding-players.md)
+# The Foundry VTT Player's Guide
+Let me guess: Your DM has been raving about this thing called Foundry VTT for a couple weeks now and they’ve decided to start a game online or switch your game from Roll20 or Fantasy Grounds over to it. Now **you** have to learn how to play online for the first time or at least how to do it in Foundry. I’m going to try and make that as easy as possible. These guides will walk you through the Foundry UI, using your character sheet and Tokens, combat, and chat and webcam settings.
+- :fontawesome-solid-display:{ .lg .middle } __The User Interface__
+ ---
+ Familiarize yourself with the Foundry VTT interface.
+ [:octicons-arrow-right-24: Getting Started](foundry-players-guide/user-interface.md)
+- :fontawesome-solid-user:{ .lg .middle } __Using Your Token__
+ ---
+ Learn how to use your Token and navigate Scenes.
+ [:octicons-arrow-right-24: Using Your Token](foundry-players-guide/token-features.md)
+- :material-sword-cross:{ .lg .middle } __The Combat Tracker__
+ ---
+ Join the battle, roll for initiative and make your attack.
+ [:octicons-arrow-right-24: Join the Battle](foundry-players-guide/combat-tracker.md)
+- :fontawesome-solid-comments:{ .lg .middle } __Chat with Friends__
+ ---
+ Send messages, whispers, and dice rolls to chat.
+ [:octicons-arrow-right-24: Chat with Friends](foundry-players-guide/chat-features.md)
# The DungeonDraft Basics
@@ -94,7 +134,7 @@ This guide is broken into 8 distinct parts and will take you step-by-step throug
Create your first battlemap.
- [:octicons-arrow-right-24: Getting Started](creating-maps.md)
+ [:octicons-arrow-right-24: Getting Started](dungeondraft-basics/creating-maps.md)
- :fontawesome-solid-shapes:{ .lg .middle } __The Design Tools__
@@ -102,7 +142,7 @@ This guide is broken into 8 distinct parts and will take you step-by-step throug
Create buildings, walls, doors, and caves.
- [:octicons-arrow-right-24: Build Your Map](design-tools.md)
+ [:octicons-arrow-right-24: Build Your Map](dungeondraft-basics/design-tools.md)
- :material-terrain:{ .lg .middle } __The Terrain Tools__
@@ -110,7 +150,7 @@ This guide is broken into 8 distinct parts and will take you step-by-step throug
Change the terrain, place paths, and add water features.
- [:octicons-arrow-right-24: Lay Your Terrain](terrain-tools.md)
+ [:octicons-arrow-right-24: Lay Your Terrain](dungeondraft-basics/terrain-tools.md)
- :fontawesome-solid-object-group:{ .lg .middle } __The Objects Tools__
@@ -118,7 +158,7 @@ This guide is broken into 8 distinct parts and will take you step-by-step throug
Place objects like furniture, books, rugs, and more.
- [:octicons-arrow-right-24: Decorate Your Map](object-tools.md)
+ [:octicons-arrow-right-24: Decorate Your Map](dungeondraft-basics/object-tools.md)
- :fontawesome-solid-lightbulb:{ .lg .middle } __The Lighting and Text Tools__
@@ -126,7 +166,7 @@ This guide is broken into 8 distinct parts and will take you step-by-step throug
Enhance your map with dramatic lighting effects.
- [:octicons-arrow-right-24: Light Up Your Map](lighting-text-tools.md)
+ [:octicons-arrow-right-24: Light Up Your Map](dungeondraft-basics/lighting-text-tools.md)
- :fontawesome-solid-stairs:{ .lg .middle } __Making Multi-Level Maps__
@@ -134,7 +174,7 @@ This guide is broken into 8 distinct parts and will take you step-by-step throug
Add dimensionality and higher floors to your maps.
- [:octicons-arrow-right-24: Go to the Next Level](multi-level-maps.md)
+ [:octicons-arrow-right-24: Go to the Next Level](dungeondraft-basics/multi-level-maps.md)
- :material-tools:{ .lg .middle } __Making Prefabs__
@@ -142,7 +182,7 @@ This guide is broken into 8 distinct parts and will take you step-by-step throug
Speed up map creation with prefabs.
- [:octicons-arrow-right-24: Reuse Your Favorite Objects](making-prefabs-select-tool.md)
+ [:octicons-arrow-right-24: Reuse Your Favorite Objects](dungeondraft-basics/making-prefabs-select-tool.md)
- :fontawesome-solid-gears:{ .lg .middle } __Map Settings, Image Tracing, and Exporting__
@@ -150,5 +190,5 @@ This guide is broken into 8 distinct parts and will take you step-by-step throug
Trace an existing image and export your battlemap.
- [:octicons-arrow-right-24: Export Your Battlemap](settings-tracing-exporting.md)
+ [:octicons-arrow-right-24: Export Your Battlemap](dungeondraft-basics/settings-tracing-exporting.md)
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diff --git a/docs/samples.md b/docs/samples.md
index 9abc66a..3fe56d9 100644
--- a/docs/samples.md
+++ b/docs/samples.md
@@ -8,6 +8,12 @@ Standard:
nulla. Curabitur feugiat, tortor non consequat finibus, justo purus auctor
massa, nec semper lorem quam in massa.
+??? foundry-tip "The title of the collapsible"
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla et euismod
+ nulla. Curabitur feugiat, tortor non consequat finibus, justo purus auctor
+ massa, nec semper lorem quam in massa.
??? note inline end "The title of the collapsible"
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla et euismod
@@ -15,6 +21,22 @@ Standard:
massa, nec semper lorem quam in massa.
Inline with some other text. The following type qualifiers can be used in placed of `note`: `abstract`, `info`, `tip`, `success`, `question`, `warning`, `failure` `danger`, `bug`, `example`, `quote`. Create custom admonitions as described [here](https://squidfunk.github.io/mkdocs-material/reference/admonitions/#custom-admonitions).
+## Image
+## Video
## Content Tabs
=== "Tab 1"
diff --git a/mkdocs.yml b/mkdocs.yml
index d732db8..b0d2dda 100644
--- a/mkdocs.yml
+++ b/mkdocs.yml
@@ -20,6 +20,12 @@ nav:
- foundry-basics/create-actor.md
- foundry-basics/tokens.md
- foundry-basics/adding-players.md
+ - Foundry Player's Guide:
+ - foundry-players-guide/index.md
+ - foundry-players-guide/user-interface.md
+ - foundry-players-guide/token-features.md
+ - foundry-players-guide/combat-tracker.md
+ - foundry-players-guide/chat-features.md
- DungeonDraft Basics:
- dungeondraft-basics/index.md
- dungeondraft-basics/creating-maps.md