- Challenge 1: Spirally traversing a matrix
- Challenge 2: Largest subset whose all elements are Fibonacci numbers
- Challenge 3: Pair with sum = k
- Challenge 4: Inplace rotate square matrix by 90 degrees
- Challenge 5: Product of every position
- Challenge 6: Serialize/Deserialize binary tree
- Challenge 7: First missing positive integer
- Challenge 8: Rearrange a string in sorted order followed by the integer sum
- Challenge 9: Find square with max sum
- Challenge 10: Find year with max population alive
- Challenge 11: Convert ternary expression to a binary tree
- Challenge 12: Count possible decodings of a given digit sequence
- Challenge 13: Find K smallest elements in an array
- Challenge 14: Implement an autocomplete system
- Challenge 15: Unique ways to climb a staircase
- Challenge 16: Add two numbers as a linked list
- Challenge 17: Longest substring without repeating characters
- Challenge 18: Longest palindromic substring
- Challenge 19: First and last indices of an element in a sorted array
- Challenge 20: Reverse a linked list
- Challenge 21: Sorting a list with 3 unique numbers
- Challenge 22: Two-Sum
- Challenge 23: Invert a binary tree
- Challenge 24: Move zeros
- Challenge 25: Falling Dominoes
- Challenge 26: Course Pre-requisites
- Challenge 27: Witness of The Tall People
- Challenge 28: Validate BST
- Challenge 29: Flood fill
- Challenge 30: Merge sort
- Challenge 31: Find cycle in indirected graph
- Challenge 32: Shortest path in a indirected acyclic graph
- Challenge 33: Merge Overlapping Intervals
- Challenge 34: Subset sum problem
- Challenge 35: Count rectangles
- Challenge 36: Maximum Profit From Stocks
- Challenge 37: Active time
- Challenge 38: Remove k-th Last Element From Linked List
- Challenge 39: Remove Consecutive Nodes that Sum to 0
- Challenge 40: Queue Using Two Stacks
- Challenge 41: Maximum sequence of consecutive numbers
- Challenge 42: Depth of a stringified binary tree
- Challenge 43: Contiguous Subarray with Maximum Sum
- Challenge 44: Find the k-th Largest Element in a List
- Challenge 45: Occurrences of a number in a sorted array
- Challenge 46: Sudoku solver
- Challenge 47: Closest coin
- Challenge 48: Median of window
- Challenge 49: Buddy strings
- Challenge 50: Create a balanced binary search tree
- Challenge 51: Subsequences of string
- Challenge 52: Deepest Node in a Binary Tree
- Challenge 53: Thousand missing numbers
- Challenge 54: Find the number of islands
- Challenge 55: Merge list of number into ranges
- Challenge 56: Find largest BST
- Challenge 57: Arithmetic Binary Tree
- Challenge 58: Get all Values at a Certain Height in a Binary Tree
- Challenge 59: Sort Colors
- Challenge 60: Group anagrams
- Challenge 61: Full Binary Tree
- Challenge 62: Palindrome with maximum "k" deletions
- Challenge 63: Jump to the end
- Challenge 64: Look and Say
- Challenge 65: Free slots in calendar
- Challenge 66: Level Order Traversal of Binary Tree