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File metadata and controls

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Django Dance Starter Template

Based on django-admin startproject template, but with some basic configurations.

How To Start?

  1. Clone this repo
  2. Rename djDancer to your project name
  3. Search '!!!' in the code and replace with yours
  4. modify .envrc.example to your .envrc
  5. Run direnv allow

How To Build?

Cloud Native Build Packs Installation

Suggested Paketo Builder

# Mac OSX Examle

# install pack cli
brew install buildpacks/tap/pack

# build image
pack build --builder paketobuildpacks/builder-jammy-full djDancer:latest

0. Catalog

  1. Structure
  2. Settingup
  3. Screenshots
  4. Contributing
  5. Support
  6. Sponsors

1. Structure

# tree -L 1 .
├── Makefile
├── Procfile          # CNB build config
├── apps              # django apps
├── configs           # config files
├── djDancer           # project name, Must be Changed
├──  # gunicorn config
├── .cursorrules      # cursor editor prompt
└── requirements.txt

2. Setting up

1. Dev Container(Suggestted)

  1. Install Docker in Local Machine
  2. Install Dev Container Extension in VSCode

2. Local Development

2.1. create virtualenv

REF: pyenv installation guide

# install python interpreter
pyenv install 3.10.13

# create virtual env
pyenv virtualenv 3.10.13 djDancer

# activate virtual env
pyenv local djDancer

2.2. install dependencies

pip install -r requirements.txt

2.3. local env

REF: direnv installation

# create env file
echo "export RUN_ENV=DEVELOP" > .envrc
echo "export SECRET_KEY=xxxxx" >> .envrc

# apply env
direnv allow

2.4. run server

make migrations
python migrate
python createsuperuser --username admin --email --phone 18888888888
python runserver

3. Screenshots

1. Admin Page

2. Swagger API Page

4. Contributing

5. Support

6. Sponsors